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wéi zi
  • curtain;circle;defensive wall;stockade surrounding a village;defensive wall or dockage surrounding a village
围子 [wéi zǐ]
  • (1) [defensive wall or dockade surrounding a village]

  • (2) 用土木、荆棘等做成的围在村庄四周的障碍物

  • (3) 低洼地区防水护田的堤岸

  • (4) [curtain]∶围起来做遮挡用的布

  • (5) [circle]∶圆圈;圈子

围子[wéi zi]
  1. 鲁西地区中元古代四堡期辉绿岩基本特征&以蒙阴野店及费县高家围子地区为例

    Basic Characteristics of Diabase in Meso-proterozoic Sibao Period in West of Shandong Province

  2. 由花器附属组织包围子房形成的子房下位花,于十一月上旬左右绽放。

    The epigynous flower was composed of ovarian tissue , hypanthium and appendicular tissues .

  3. 偏关长城裸露成了土墙,城堡变成土围子。

    Pian Guan Great Wall bare became wall , the castle into soil castles .

  4. 离保安四五十里的地方有个地主豪绅的土围子。

    Forty to fifty li away , there was a fortified village held by a landlord despot .

  5. 接着对系统的接口功能和系统与外围子系统的连接做了详细的设计说明。

    Then made a detailed design description of the connection tc the system interface functions and systems and peripheral subsystems .

  6. 机器人控制器采用双层体系结构,由处于底层的外围子功能模块和处于顶层中央控制模块两类模块构成。

    The controller is double layered system ; sub-function modules are at the bottom and central controlling module is on the top .

  7. 以航磁资料为主结合钻井、地震资料预测了徐家围子三套火山岩的平面分布。

    According to the aeromagnetic anomalies in combination with drilling and seismic data the plan distribution of three volcanic formations is predicted .

  8. 这种土围子是佃户集市贸易的场所,他们完全受地主及其狗腿子的摆布。

    Such castles acted as a trading center for tenants who were completely at the mercy of the landlord or his bailiffs .

  9. 卫深5井是大庆油田2002年重点探井,钻探目的是评价松辽盆地东南断陷区徐家围子断陷带火山岩及砂砾岩含气情况。

    Well WS-5 was an important exploratory well of Daqing Oilfield in2002 , and it was drilled to investigate the gas reservoir in the southeast fault of Songliao Basin .

  10. 运用构造解析的方法,结合地质背景和应力环境分析,对徐家围子断陷的构造格局及其成因进行探讨。

    It is suggested that the applied stress environments and the types of crust ( tectonic environments ) are the principal factors for the formation and evolution of basins .

  11. 他相信,资产阶级的土围子最终会被无产阶级的铁扫帚一个一个地消灭。

    He hoped , however , that the fortified villages held by the bourgeoisie would be swept away , one by one , by the iron broom of the proletariat .

  12. 裂缝性油气藏是大庆油田古龙-徐家围子地区主要的油气藏类型之一,营城组是该区深层找气的主要目的层。

    Fractured reservoir is one of the main oil and gas reservoirs in Gulong-Xujiaweizi area of Daqing oilfield , and Yingcheng Fm is the main deep gas target in this area .