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  • 网络cereals;cereal grains
  1. 高效液相色谱法测定粮谷中黄曲霉毒素B1的研究

    Determination of aflatoxin B_1 in cereals by RP-HPLC

  2. 应用微量化学法和固相萃取技术,建立了粮谷中恶草酮残留量的气相色谱质谱(GCMS)测定方法。

    An efficient method with microchemical method and solid phase extraction ( SPE ) technique for the determination of oxadiazon residues in cereals by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS ) has been established .

  3. 免疫亲和柱净化-液相色谱质谱法对粮谷中T-2与HT-2毒素的测定

    Determination of T-2 and HT-2 Toxins in Cereals by HPLC-MS with Immunoaffinity Column

  4. 高效液相色谱法检测出入境粮谷中的T-2毒素该机能对各种粮食谷物进行去石、除尘等清理。

    Determination of T-2 by immunoaffinity column clean up precolumn derivatization and high-performance liquid chromatography ; the machine can remove detritus and dust from grain .

  5. 两种方法在0.01-0.5mg/Kg四个水平的粮谷空白添加回收率和相对标准偏差均令人满意,同时方法的最低定量限达0.01mg/Kg。

    Average recoveries and the relative standard deviations of samples fortified at 0.01-0.5mg/Kg levels were satisfying . The limits of quantitation of the methods were 0.01mg/Kg .

  6. 用两种方法进行粮谷试样的分析,测定结果的RSD值依次为2.3%-4.7%和3.5%-6.7%。

    In the analysis of several grain samples by the above mentioned methods , values of RSD in the range of 2 . 3 % - 4 . 7 % were obtained for GC-ECD , and of 3 . 5 % - 6 . 7 % for GC-MS / MS.

  7. 粮谷中痕量金属元素光度分析及前处理

    The Spectrophotometric Analysis and Pretreatment of Trace Metal Elements in Grains

  8. 粮谷尘对大鼠肺病理及血浆纤维联结蛋白的影响

    The effects of grain dust on rat lung , plasma FN

  9. 用气相色谱法测定粮谷和油籽中氯苯胺灵残留量

    Gas Chromatographic Determination of Chlorpropham Residue in Grains and Oil Seeds

  10. 气相色谱串联质谱法测定粮谷中16种有机磷农药残留量

    Determination of Multiple Organophosphor Residues in Grains by GC-MS / MS Method

  11. 粮谷中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇净化检测技术研究进展

    Research progress in purifying and determination of deoxynivalenol in cereals

  12. 粮谷尘致肺损害的实验研究

    Experimental study on lung injury induced by grain dust

  13. 粮谷中抑霉唑残留的气相色谱法测定

    Determination of Imazalil Residue in Grain by Gas Chromatography

  14. 工业铣床,用于粮谷、谷类或干豆类植物

    Industrial milling machine for bread , grains , cereals or dried leguminous vegtables

  15. 气相色谱-质谱法测定粮谷中丁草胺的残留量

    Determination of Butachlor Residue in Grains by GC-MS Method

  16. 在煤炭和粮谷海运需求的带动下,巴拿马型散货船运输市场已有逐渐回升的趋势。

    Panamax bulk carrier shipping market drivened by coal and grain has gradually rebounded .

  17. 粮谷中痕量锰、镍、铜、锌的同时分光光度测定

    Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Manganese , Nickel , Copper and Zinc in Grain

  18. 冷却塔,粮谷碾磨业用

    Column , cooling , for the bread-grain-milling industry

  19. 就粮谷(大米、小米、玉米)中农药残留量的检测方法,进行了改进性实验。

    An improved experiment - was engaged for test method of pesticide residue in grain .

  20. 气相色谱法快速检测粮谷中的有机磷类、有机氮类和氨基甲酸酯类农药残留

    Determination of Multi-Residues of Organophosphorous , Organonitrogen and Carbamate Pesticides in grain by Gas Chromatography

  21. 由于引进高产变种,使用杀虫农药以及改良经营技术,而使食用粮谷获得大量增产。

    The introduction of pesticides and high-yield grains and better management which greatly increased agricultural productivity .

  22. 粮谷搅拌机,工业用

    Industrial mixing machine for bread grains

  23. 巴尔的摩粮谷泊位租船合同

    Baltime Berth Grain Charter Party

  24. 浅谈粮谷的除氧包装

    Deoxidation Packaging for Grains

  25. 水活性和渗透压理论在粮谷及各类食品运输中的应用

    The Application of the Theory of Water Activity and Osmotic Pressure in the Transportation of Grain and Food

  26. 稀土光度分析及粮谷中痕量稀土元素测定的进展

    The Spectrophotometric Analysis of Rare Earths and The Progress of The Spectrophotometry of Tract Rare Earths in Grains

  27. 粮谷和油籽中丰索磷残留量的气相色谱及气相色谱/质谱分析

    Analysis of Fensulfothion Residues in cereals and Oil Seeds by Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  28. 对于掌握粮谷农残状况、控制农药使用方面,将发挥重要作用。

    It will play a key role to mastering pesticide residue condition and controlling the application amount of pesticides .

  29. 粮谷是人类生存最基本的物质资源,也是一种非常重要的经济资源。

    The grain is the human survival most basic physical resources , is also one very important economic resource .

  30. 蔬菜、粮谷及豆类对钙的贡献率分别为195%,145%和109%。

    The contribution of vegetables , cereals and legumes was 19.5 % , 14.5 % , and 10.9 % , respectively .