
  • 网络foodstuff
  1. 选用富脂肉制品香肠和粮油食品月饼为应用研究对象,考察不同体系中复方槐米抗氧化剂的抗氧化保鲜性能。

    Selected lipid-rich meat products sausage and cereal-oil foodstuff moon cake as application object , and the antioxidant and preservative properties of compound Flos Sophorae Immaturus antioxidant in different systems were studied .

  2. 粮油食品机械设计中凸轮轮廓CAD的探讨

    Probe into cam outline CAD in the design of grain and oil food machine

  3. ELISA法和HPLC法检测粮油食品中黄曲霉毒素B1含量的比较研究

    Comparison of ELISA with HPLC in detection of aflatoxin B_1 in corn and vegetable oil foods

  4. 玉米赤霉烯酮(zearaleonoe,ZEN)是污染粮油食品的主要真菌毒素毒素之一,包括中国在内的多个国家制定了严格的限量标准。

    Zearalenone ( ZEN ) is one of the main fungal toxin that contaminate grains and edible oil , of which has been established strict limitation standards by multiple countries including China .

  5. 转基因粮油食品的安全性与质量控制

    Safety and Quality Control of Genetically Modified Grain and Oil Foods

  6. 粮油食品仓厂害虫防治

    Pest control in storage or processing plants of grain oil and food

  7. 中国粮油食品进出口集团中国石油天然气集团公司

    China Cereals , Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Group

  8. 对粮油食品工程专业课程教学改革的探讨与实践

    Exploration and practice of education reform in courses of food engineering speciality

  9. 粮油食品中呕吐毒素危害及风险分析

    Risk analysis of deoxynivalenol ( DON ) in cereal & oil foods

  10. 试论脱氧剂在粮油食品中的应用

    Application of Deoxidant in the Fields of Cereal , Oil and Food

  11. 粮油食品开发技术

    Development Technologies of the Grain and Oil - Food

  12. 论粮油食品的连锁经营

    Chain Management of the Grain and Oil Food

  13. 粮油食品工业是人们日常生活所不可缺少的。

    Grain , oil and food industry is indispensable in the daily life of people .

  14. 粮油食品配送中心定位的计算机决策支持选址研究

    Orientation of Grain and Oil Marshalling Sending Center by Computer Decision-making Supporting Site Selection System

  15. 中国粮油食品进出口有限公司在7月份购买了澳大利亚糖业公司塔利糖业的99%的股份。

    COFCO in July bought a99 percent stake of the Australian sugar company Tully Sugar .

  16. 论粮油食品理化检测中的质量保证与控制

    Quality assurance and control in physical and chemical test of cereal , oil and food

  17. 关于粮油食品厂多种产品统筹安排的生产与储存费用的计算

    Calculation of Manufacture and Storage Expenses in Grain , Oil and Food Mill of Some Products

  18. 除氧剂、干燥剂、保鲜剂制售;粮油食品销售。

    Chuyang agents , desiccant , preservation of manufacturing and selling agent ; With food sales .

  19. 谷物与大豆食品是主要的粮油食品,其安全性直接关系到人们的身体健康。

    Grist and soybean food are main cereals and oils , and its safety influences body health directly .

  20. 粮油食品综合实验楼箱基地下室的防水施工及问题探讨

    A Discussion on Waterproof Construction and Some Relevant Problems of the Cased-Foundation Basement of Grain-oil-Foodstuff Comprehensive Lab Building

  21. 以上表明甲壳质适宜作为食用合成色素新型载体用于粮油食品。

    Thus , chitin is suitable as a new carrier for synthetic food dyes in cereal and oil foods .

  22. 下面是中国粮油食品进出口公司售货合同。

    The following is a sale contract of the China national cereal , oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation .

  23. 这种方法已广泛应用于粮油食品、化学化工等方面的工艺配方设计及加工工艺条件的优化。

    This method has been used to design technology formula and to seek optimal technology in food industry , chemistry and chemical engineering industry .

  24. 粮贸中心试行股份制的问题与思考&武汉粮油食品贸易中心的调查


  25. 本公司主要以自营,代理粮油食品,农副产品,土特产品等商品的进出口业务。

    The company business covers cereal and oil food , agricultural byproducts , and native products both in marketing own products and as an agent .

  26. 该文介绍微波加热技术原理、特点及其在粮油食品工业中应用。

    The principle and characteristic of microwave technology , and the application of microwave technology in cereal and oil food industry were introduced in this paper .

  27. 概述了黑米、黑大豆、黑芝麻、黑玉米、黑小麦、黑荞麦等黑色粮油食品资源的营养特点、保健功能及其产品开发途径。

    The nutritional features , health-care function of black cereal and oil food resources and the ways to develop new functional products were described in this paper .

  28. 中粮集团有限公司紧急组织粮油食品,支援受灾严重的彭州通济镇和龙门山。

    China National Cereals , Oils & Foodstuffs Corp. ( COFCO ) sent grain , oil , and food to the heavily-hit Tongji town of Pengzhou and Longmenshan .

  29. 论文的主要工作如下:1、介绍中粮集团及其全产业链粮油食品企业战略的基本情况和特征。

    Introduction of Whole Industry Chain of Grain & Oil and Foodstuffs in COFCO ( Holdings ) Limited , both the situation of strategies and characteristics . 2 .

  30. 湖北省粮油食品进出口(集团)公司脱胎于传统的计划经济体制,是湖北省粮食行业的龙头企业。

    The Hubei cereal and oil import and export corporation is born of the traditional planned economy system and is the leading cereal and oil corporation in Hubei .