
Marketsin Paris such as Les Halles , la M é gisserie , those found along RueMouffetard , and similar smaller versions in other cities were veryimportant to the distribution of food .
In 123 B.C. , however , a tribune by the name of Gaius Gracchus introduced Lex Frumentaria .
Increasing agricultural production , reducing post harvest losses , and improving food distribution channels in the developing world have always been major challenges .
The grain controlled by government mainly supplied to the imperial household food , rice as salary for officials , working food and relief requirement and the army requirement .
Protecting the most vulnerable in rural and urban areas would require targeted direct food distribution , food subsidies and cash transfers as well as nutritional programmes including school feeding .
Analysis of Foodstuff Allotment of the Northwest Garrison System in Han Dynasty & Taking the Wood Tablets and Bamboo Slips as center ; This grain would not be subject to nationwide distribution but put to special use in pig-raising in several selected centres .
We think that the key factor of the unsafe of food in microscopic is the unfair food distribution of farmers which caused by the feudal society .
Handing over the land to peasants could quickly solve the twin problems of food shortages and distribution .
As they grow stronger they move on to World Food Programme rations and fresh vegetables grown in the centre gardens from seeds provided by FAO .
A " multifaceted and linked " strategy is needed to produce more food and ensure its fair distribution , say the authors .
And , with political will , determination and persistence , more food can be sustainably produced and adequately distributed .
Constrained by income , low-income group can only cover grain expenditure for basic life , and the distribution of grain and grain welfare is unfavorable for them .
The world 's total food reserves are probably large enough to cover us for four or five weeks of quarantine , but the food would have to be evenly parceled out beforehand .