
ɡù tǐ yǐn liào
  • solid drinks
  1. 石墨炉原子吸收法悬乳浊液直接进样测定固体饮料中的镉

    Direct Determination of Cadmium in Solid Drinks by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption with Levitation

  2. 对固体饮料和辽河水中Fe(Ⅲ)进行测定,回收率分别在97.3104.0%和97.7102.0%。

    Ml-1.common ion do not interfere with the determination of iron and repetition rete of the results are satisfactory . The recovery of Fe (ⅲ) in solid drink and water samples was 97.3-104.0 % and 97.7 - 102.0 % .

  3. 基因营养素&核酸在固体饮料中的强化探讨

    Study on Enrichment of Nucleic Acid Gene Nutrient in Powder Drinks

  4. 南瓜玉米粉泡腾片固体饮料的研制

    Research and Production of Pumpkin Corn Flour Effervescent Slice Solid Beverage

  5. 鲜桃奶固体饮料的研制

    Study on the development of the powder drink of fresh peach milk

  6. 鲜罗汉果海带复合固体饮料的研制

    The Preparation of solid beverage of fructus momordicae and kelp

  7. 苦荞麦苗提取物微胶囊化固体饮料的研制

    Solid Drink Extracted from Tartary Buckwheat with Microencapsulation Techniques

  8. 马铃薯固体饮料开发及工艺研究

    Study on Processing Technology of Solid Beverage from Potato

  9. 山茱萸复合晶固体饮料的研制

    Research on the solid beverage of the cornus complex

  10. 探索了富硒牡蛎蛋白固体饮料的加工工艺。

    Processing craft about the solid beverage of selenium-enriched oyster protein is investigated .

  11. 生产含高糖成分固体饮料的新工艺

    New Prccess of Producing Solid Beverage Containing High Sugar

  12. 出口固体饮料的卫生质量控制

    Sanitary quality control of the export beverage powder

  13. 喷雾干燥荔枝固体饮料制备工艺及配方研究

    Study on the Spray-dry Technology and Formula of a New Type Lichi Solid Beverage

  14. 枸杞固体饮料的研制

    The development of solid drink from Chinese wolfberry

  15. 红枣固体饮料的研制

    Study on solid beverage of jujube

  16. 乳清蛋白与碱性电解质应用于运动保健固体饮料的研究

    Study on the application of whey protein and alkaline electrolyte to powdered sport and health drinks

  17. 产气固体饮料的开发研制

    Development of sparkling drink powder

  18. 传统的固体饮料是分别经过混合、挤压制粒、干燥等多道工序制成的。

    The traditional solid drink powder manufacturing method needs processing of mixing , granulating and drying respectively .

  19. 研制一种新剂型固体饮料&普洱茶(熟茶)泡腾片。

    The study aimed to prepare a new type of solid beverage-effervescent tablets of Puer ripe tea .

  20. 本机适用于制药、食品、化工、固体饮料等行业的制粒。

    The machine is suitable for pharmaceutical , foodstuff , chemical , solid drink and so on industries .

  21. 对制作紫背天葵固体饮料的原料的提取及整个工艺过程作了介绍。

    The article introduces the extraction of raw materials in making BFH solid drink and the whole technological process .

  22. 本文研究了以胡萝卜、大豆为主要原料,采用喷雾干燥法生产冲溶性良好的固体饮料。

    This experiment uses carrot and soybean as the main raw material , adopt spray-dried method to produce solid drink .

  23. 以番木瓜全肉、蔗糖和麦芽糊精为主要原辅料,加工制作成速溶固体饮料。

    The processing technology of papaya solid beverage was introduced from such ingredients as whole papaya flesh , sugar and maltodextrin in this paper .

  24. 目的:针对保健型固体饮料的特殊用途,制订《保健型固体饮料质量标准》。

    Objective : Based on the particular use of healthing solid beverage , the " Quality Control Standard of Healthing Solid Beverage " has been made out .

  25. 论文主要利用喷雾干燥技术在热敏性物质和营养食品方面的优势,研究低胆固醇蛋黄粉和野木瓜保健固体饮料的生产工艺。

    In this paper , spray drying technology was used in thermosensitive materials and nutritious foods such as low-cholesterol egg yolk powder and Starntonia Chinensis health solid beverage .

  26. 本文介绍了采用集混合制粒干燥于一体的一步法制粒生产红枣固体饮料的新技术。

    This paper introduces a kind of new technology to produce date solid drink powder , called " One step granulating method to produce date solid drink powder " .

  27. 速溶紫背天葵是以紫背天葵、砂糖等为主要原料采用真空干燥法精制而成的新型纯天然固体饮料。

    The instant Begonia Fimbristipula Hance crystal is a new pure natural solid drink which is made from BFH , cane sugar and other materials and refined by vacuum drying .

  28. 方法:选取2种20批次产品,参照GB7101-94《固体饮料卫生标准》,分别采用直接干燥法测定水分含量和食品中蔗糖的测定方法测定蔗糖含量。

    Methods : Select two kinds twenty batches of solid beverages to determine the content of water and sugar with different methods on drying directly and sugar determination methods of food .

  29. 速溶茶是一种以成品茶、茶叶副产品或鲜叶为原料,经过一系列加工工序制成的易溶于水的固体饮料。

    Instant tea is a kind of solid beverage produced by tea , tea by-product or fresh tea leaves through a series of processing technology , it is soluble in water .

  30. 以麦麸膳食纤维为主要原料,添加悬浮剂和风味剂,制得口味温和、麦麸膳食纤维含量高的固体饮料。

    Select wheat bran dietary fiber as the main material , adding SC and flavor agent , the solide drinks are made with moderate tastes and higher content of wheat bran dietary fiber .