
  • 【医】fixed air
  1. 水生微藻固定空气中CO2的研究进展

    Progress on Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Aquatic-Microalgae

  2. 好氧、最适生长pH为7,最适生长温度为30℃;能固定空气中的氮素,供菇类菌丝利用;

    864 strain is aerobic , its optimum pH is 7 and optimum growing temperature is 30 ℃ It can fix nitrogen from atmosphere and the fixed nitrogen can be further utilized by mushroom mycelia .

  3. 同时培养料疏松,富有弹性。2.能固定空气中氮素,达到瓶小时0.43毫微克分子乙烯。

    It can fix nitrogen from air , N-fix in g activity reaches 0 . 43 nmol C2H4 / vial .

  4. 鱼腥蓝细菌PCC7120是一种丝状的固氮蓝细菌,在环境中缺乏化合态氮源的时候能够分化异形胞来固定空气中的氮气。

    Anabaena PCC 7120 is a nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterium . When the combined-nitrogen source is limited in the environment , heterocysts are produced to fix nitrogen from the air .

  5. 二级固定式空气压缩机指定的优先级无效。

    Two-stage stationary air compressor The specified priority is invalid .

  6. 地下气化煤种固定床空气和纯氧气化试验研究

    Study of Different Coal Samples of Underground Coal Gasification Experiments in Fixed-bed Gasifier

  7. 二次压缩机入口管线振动的分析与处理二级固定式空气压缩机

    An Approach to Inlet Pipe-line Vibration in a Secondary Compressor ; two-stage stationary air compressor

  8. 二级固定式空气压缩机工作台可调式压力机

    Two-stage stationary air compressor adjustable bed press

  9. 介绍HOWDENVNT型固定密封空气预热器的设计特点,如固定式密封系统、双重密封、驱动系统和轴承等。

    The design features of HOWDEN VNT type stationary sealed air preheater , such as stationary seal system , double seals , driven system and bearings etc. are described .

  10. 模拟结果表明,无论过剩空气系数固定还是空气流量固定,随燃磷量的增大,最高燃烧温度、烟气出口温度、壁面平均热流和最大热流都呈上升趋势。

    The predicted results showed that maximum combustion temperature , smog exit temperature , maximum wall heat flux and averaged wall heat flux would increase with increasing phosphorus mass flow rate when excess-air coefficient or air flow rate was constant .

  11. 为更好地研究空气式静电放电,利用新型ESD模拟测试系统研究了固定间隙的空气式静电放电特性。

    Using a new electrostatic discharge ( ESD ) simulation and testing set-up , we investigated the characteristics of air ESD at a fixed gap distance .

  12. 混合无烟煤固定床常压空气气化特性

    Characteristics of Atmospheric Fixed - bed Gasification of Mixed Anthracite with Air

  13. 分析装有固定节流阀空气弹簧对正弦激扰的减振性能。

    The damping behavior of air spring equipped with fixed throttle to sine excitation is analyzed .

  14. 热固定是将空气中乾燥的抹片快速地在本生灯火焰上通过二或三回。

    Heat fixation is performed by the rapid passage of the air-dried smear two or three times over the flame of the Bunsen burner .

  15. 尤其是针对不同的场合,对空气处理要求不同,固定形式的空气处理末端如风机盘管加新风系统已经无法满足要求。

    Especially on different occasions , people have different needs on air handling . Air processing end with the fixed form such as fan coil and fresh air system can no longer meet the need .

  16. 前项固定污染源空气污染物年排放量之计算、申报内容、程序与方式、查核及其它应遵行事项之办法,由中央主管机关定之。

    The central competent authority shall determine regulations for the calculation , reporting content , procedures and methods , checking , and other binding matters for the annual air pollutant emissions quantities of stationary pollution sources in the foregoing paragraph .

  17. 气化参数对固定床煤高温空气气化的影响

    Impact of Gasification Parameters on Coal Gasification in Fixed Bed with High-Temperature Air

  18. 将固定卡子连接到空气导管上。

    Connect the retaining clip to the air guide .

  19. GB/T13279-1991一般用固定式往复活塞空气压缩机技术条件

    Stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use-Specifications

  20. 利用热重分析仪对煤的热解过程进行实验研究,并使热解后煤中的固定碳在模拟空气状态下充分燃烧。

    The coal pyrolysis process is studied with the Thermogravimetric Analyzer , and Fixed Carbon in coal is burned in the simulated air state .

  21. 固定污染源及其空气污染物收集设施、防制设施或监测设施之规格、设置、操作、检查、保养、纪录及其它应遵行事项之管理办法,由中央主管机关定之。

    The central competent authority shall determine management regulations for the specifications , installation , operation , inspection , service , recordkeeping and other binding matters for stationary pollution sources and their air pollutant collection facilities , control facilities and monitoring facilities .

  22. 联机排字系统:键盘和输出机器固定的连接主机的排字系统。固定式空气压缩机;固定式空压机;固定式压缩空气机

    On-line typesetting system : Typesetting system in which the keyboard and output unit are attached at all times on-line to the main system . stationary air compressor