
  • 网络fixed income;Fixed Income Instruments;fixed income product
  1. 以往QDII额度只可用来投资海外固定收益产品。

    Previously , the QDII quota was designated for overseas fixed income investments only .

  2. 然而,由于金融危机后监管机构收紧了资本金要求并提出了更高的风险标准,银行纷纷不再支持固定收益产品市场,使得复苏单一名称CDS的挑战看来十分巨大。

    The challenge of reviving single-name CDS appears substantial , however , given how banks have pulled away from supporting fixed income markets due to tougher capital and risk standards demanded by regulators since the crisis .

  3. 特别是,允许个人购买b股,以及通过合格境内机构投资者计划(qdii),对海外股市、固定收益产品及其它被认可的金融工具进行金融投资。

    In particular , individuals will be allowed to purchase B shares and make financial investments involving overseas shares , fixed income products and other approved financial instruments through the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme .

  4. 根据qdii制度,12家中资金融机构和8家境外金融机构获准接受人民币存款,将其转换成外汇,并投资于境外的固定收益产品。

    Under the QDII scheme 12 Chinese and eight international financial institutions have been given the right to take deposits in Renminbi , convert them to foreign currencies and invest in offshore fixed income products .

  5. 在两年前最初的欣喜过后,投资者基本拒绝了银行推出的QDII产品,因为这些产品最初仅限于海外固定收益产品。鉴于人民币兑美元的稳步升值以及内地股市的重新复苏,这些产品显得没有吸引力。

    After an initial euphoric reception two years ago investors largely shunned the QDII products on offer from banks as they were originally limited to offshore fixed income products , which were unattractive given the steady appreciation of the renminbi versus the dollar and the newly resurgent domestic stock market .

  6. 它们开始时投资于固定收益产品,然后转向股票。

    They started with fixed income then moved into equities .

  7. 该公司固定收益产品交易业务业绩强劲,抵消了债券承销收入大幅下降的负面影响。

    Strong fixed-income trading results offset a sharp drop in debt-underwriting revenue .

  8. 由于有更多固定收益产品发行人出现亏损,投资者也变得越来越审慎。

    Investors are also growing vigilant as more fixed-income issuers are reporting losses .

  9. 在过去数十年间,固定收益产品市场经历了飞速发展。

    Since the last decades , fixed income market has experienced fast growth .

  10. 短期利率上升将令人担心,渴望收益率的投资者会把资金从股市转向固定收益产品。

    This could pique worries that yield-hungry investors will shift money away from stocks into fixed-income products .

  11. 中国国内银行界人士在埋怨这样一个事实:根据有关部门的要求,他们只能提供收益率相对较低的外汇固定收益产品。

    Local bankers blame the fact that they are required to offer only comparatively low-yielding foreign fixed-income products .

  12. 此类产品一般的定义为固定收益产品与衍生合约的组合。

    In essence , a structured investment product is a combination of a fixed-income product and derivative contract .

  13. 首先,人民币计价债券等固定收益产品很容易被市场接受。

    First , fixed income products such as renminbi - denominated bonds are easily accepted by the market .

  14. 那么大宗商品最终会像股票与固定收益产品一样,成为养老基金的主要资产类别吗?

    So will commodities ever become a mainstream asset class for pension funds , like equities and fixed interest ?

  15. 在印度,野村目前提供固定收益产品、交易当地股票,还具备投行及资产管理能力。

    In India , Nomura offers fixed income products , trades local equities and has investment banking and asset management capabilities .

  16. 各国央行、主权财富基金、保险公司和养老基金等重量级机构,都在其投资组合中纳入相当大权重的固定收益产品。

    Heavyweights such as central banks , sovereign wealth funds , insurers and pension funds have portfolios weighted towards fixed income .

  17. 由于市政债是免税的,因此其投资回报的含金量比其他固定收益产品多得多。

    And since the bonds are tax-free , the returns are that much more valuable than those of other fixed-income products .

  18. 一般而言,合资公司只能发售投资于中国股票、固定收益产品以及货币市场基金的基金产品。

    As a rule , JVs can only offer funds investing in Chinese shares , fixed income and money market funds .

  19. 由于债券属于固定收益产品,预期收入不变,因此债券的价格主要受市场利率变化的影响。

    The bonds are fixed-income products , expected revenue unchanged , the prices of the major bond change with market interest rates .

  20. 韦伯不投资固定收益产品,也很少买海外股票,因为他相信,全球各个市场都是高度相关的。

    He doesn 't invest in fixed-income products and rarely buys shares overseas because he believes global markets are highly correlated . '

  21. 除了外汇和一个大幅缩小的利率和信贷交易部门,几乎所有固定收益产品业务都将被关闭。

    Apart from foreign exchange and a decimated unit for rates and credit trading , almost all fixed income businesses will be shut down .

  22. 投资者一直热衷持有人民币存款或固定收益产品,希望从广泛预期的人民币对美元的升值中获益。

    Investors have been keen to hold Renminbi deposits or fixed-income products to gain from the widely-expected appreciation of the Chinese currency against the dollar .

  23. 剔除债务重估的影响,固定收益产品交易收入下降了14%,相比第二季度则下降了34%。

    Excluding the impact of debt revaluations , revenue in fixed income trading fell 14 per cent , and 34 per cent from the second quarter .

  24. 该公司管理下的第三方资产分布在固定收益产品、另类资产、房地产与上市公司股票之间,而股票所占比例约为四分之一。

    Third-party assets under management are spread between fixed income , alternatives , real estate and listed equities , with the latter representing around a quarter .

  25. 第四,银行保险产品以寿险产品为主,且主要是分红和固定收益产品。

    At last , the products of bank insurance in China are mainly life insurance products , especially life insurance with dividend and fixed earn products .

  26. 无论对于经济和金融理论,还是对于固定收益产品的定价,利率期限结构都是一个核心概念。

    Interest rate term structure is a core concept , not only in the economics and finance theories , but also in the pricing of fixed-income products .

  27. 对国际金融市场特别是固定收益产品创新及监管最新发展进行跟踪研究;

    Tracing and studying the latest innovation in the global financial market and the relevant supervision , especially the innovation connected with fixed income products ; 2 .

  28. 由于结构性产品本质上是固定收益产品和期权等金融衍生品的组合,那么其定价主要也是针对这两部分所进行。

    Due to the nature of structured products is a combination of fixed income products and financial derivatives , its pricing is mainly conducted by these two parts .

  29. 多年来,债券交易员拿的奖金一直最多,因为固定收益产品市场处于长期牛市,相比之下股市和并购市场则显得黯然失色。

    For years , bond traders commanded the biggest bonuses , helped by a long bull market in fixed-income products that eclipsed stagnant returns in equities and lackluster takeover activity .

  30. 但固定收益产品的交易仍具有挑战性,其背后的原因是,随着资本金规则收紧,各银行纷纷退出其作为债券和信贷衍生品交易中介的传统角色。

    But fixed income trading remains challenging , driven by banks retreating from their customary role as middle men in bond and credit derivative transactions , due to tougher capital rules .