
ɡāo kē jì chǎn pǐn
  • high-tech product
  1. GPS车载控制系统是一项利用GPS技术来实现远程定位车辆和远程控制车辆的高科技产品,它是GPS技术在车辆领域的主要应用之一。

    GPS vehicle control system is a high-tech product of remote positioning and remote control automobile with using the GPS technology . It is one of the chief GPS technology application in the automobile industry .

  2. 高科技产品的营销推广研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of High-tech Product

  3. “电动开罐器问题”指一些老式的、技术含量低的产品反而优于那些意欲取代它们的新生代高科技产品的状况。

    Electric-can-opener question refers to the recognition that some older , low-tech products are superior to the newer , high-tech1 products that are supposed to replace them .

  4. “男士椅”,有时也称为“老公椅”,指女伴长时间购物时男士歇脚的椅子,几乎所有卖衣服和鞋子的商店都有这样的椅子,有些地方还会为等候的男士提供报纸或高科技产品展示。

    A man chair , also known of time . They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store , some even provide waiting men with newspapers or hi-tech products diaplay .

  5. 近年来,LED显示屏作为一种高科技产品广泛应用于诸多领域,日益引起人们的重视。

    As a high technology production , LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) display screen attracts more and more people in recent years .

  6. 而且中国在这方面也有自己的苦要诉从“购买美国货(buyamerica)”政策,到从美国进口高科技产品受到限制。

    And China has its own complaints in this area , from " Buy America " policies to restrictions on high-tech imports from the US .

  7. 没想到小朋友想要的礼物都是些昂贵的高科技产品,如MP3播放器、手机和视频游戏等,让总统先生颇为惊讶。

    He looked surprised by their pricey high-tech wishes , from MP3 players to cell phones and video games .

  8. CMT公司最大的一个特征便是它是一个高科技产品制造业中的市场领导者。

    The most especial is that CMT is the market leader of a high technical industry .

  9. 在一些除了手机和DVD外没有其他什么高科技产品的地区,英语电影的流行让英语成为一种时尚。

    The prevalence of English movies in regions where there is not much technology other than cell phones and DVDs makes English an aspirational language .

  10. CRT曝光式数码彩扩设备是近几年发展起来的光机电算一体化的高科技产品。

    CRT digital color printer is a high-technique product developed in recent years , which deals with optics , mechanics , electronics and computer technology .

  11. 应用GERT的高科技产品开发项目计划方法

    GERT-Based Project Planning Method for Hi-Tech Product Development

  12. 世界贸易组织(WTO)一专家委员会维持了有关中国限制稀土出口违反贸易规则的裁决。稀土用于高科技产品,包括混合动力汽车、手机、风力发电机和节能灯。

    A World Trade Organisation panel has upheld a ruling that China broke trade rules by restricting exports of rare earths , minerals used in high-tech products , including hybrid cars , mobile phones , wind turbines and energy-efficient lighting .

  13. 越来越多的行业机构考虑借助PDA这种高科技产品来改善工作流程,进而降低成本,提升服务响应效率和质量。

    More and more industrial organizations consider to improving the flow of work by PDA , and it is effect on depressing the cost , advancing the efficiency and quality of service response .

  14. 不过,至少iPhone的发售仪式对中国的高科技产品爱好者是一种娱乐。目前网上正在流传一幅搞笑图像,对比iPhone与石块的功能。

    But at least the launch is a source of entertainment for China 's technology-savvy . A mocking graphic comparing the iPhone 's functions with those of a piece of rock is currently circling cyberspace .

  15. 上述批准来自中国国家发改委(NDRC),标志着复杂的高科技产品生产转移到中国的一个里程碑。

    The approval , from the National Development & Reform Commission , represents a milestone in the transfer of complex , high-tech production to China .

  16. 值得关注的是,现在玩具和娃娃已逐渐被iPad和智能手机之类的电子产品所替代,但是孩子们并没有成长到可以接触此类高科技产品的阶段。

    There are concerns that toys and dummies are being replaced by the likes of iPads and smartphones , but children are not at a level of maturity to deal with such advanced technology .

  17. 评语中指出:iPod跳脱大家对于高科技产品冰冷的印象,透过伟大的创新与出色的设计,带来产品新的亲切感与热情。

    Reviews that : iPod escape from all high-tech products for the cold impression , through the great innovation and excellent design , bringing a new sense of intimacy and passion products .

  18. 过去10年,中国制造业在世人眼中的形象发生了翻天覆地的变化,那个日工资按美分计算的血汗工厂,现在是唯一有能力生产数百万台iPad的高科技产品制造基地。

    Over the last decade China 's manufacturing industry has undergone a huge shift in popular perception , from the home of sweatshops and wages measured in cents per day to the only high-tech powerhouse capable of producing iPads by the million .

  19. 一旦执行之后,新版ITA将大幅降低关税,使得逾250个种类的高科技产品从无线耳麦到新型半导体和医疗设备能够自由贸易。

    Once implemented the ITA update will substantially lower tariffs and liberalise the trade in more than 250 categories of high-tech products ranging from wireless headsets to new semiconductors and medical devices .

  20. 其次,还研究了高科技产品开发过程中的控制和风险分析问题,提出了基于GERT的高科技产品开发项目控制模型,并对高科技产品开发过程中的各种风险进行了详细分析。

    The problems in controlling and risk analysis in hi-tech product development are studied and a project controlling model based on GERT is put forward . And all kinds of risks in hi-tech product development are analyzed .

  21. 易逝性高科技产品收益管理定价的随机模型研究

    Stochastic Models for Pricing Perishable High Technology Products with Revenue Management

  22. 高科技产品市场化中的营销策略研究

    Study on the Marketing Strategy for the Commercialization of Hi-tech Products

  23. 易逝性高科技产品更新过程的模型及其管理

    Products The model and management of the renewing period of PHTP

  24. 你是哪类高科技产品消费者?

    Consumer pioneer or radioactive user : which one are you ?

  25. 高科技产品的研发管理战略

    The Strategic Management of R & D for Highly Technological Product

  26. 非洲不仅是高科技产品增长的市场,

    Africa is not only a growing market for hi-tech products ,

  27. 部分因为高科技产品的快速增长

    Due in part to the rapid growth of high technology products

  28. 你认为你学习使用高科技产品有困难吗?

    Do you think you have problem with high technological product ?

  29. 高科技产品的三阶段细分营销电子商务模型

    E-commerce Model of Hi-tech Products Three - period Marketing Segmentation

  30. 高科技产品市场多产品完全垄断研究

    Analysis of Multi-product Monopoly in the Market of High-tech Products