
  1. 两种会话方式与高低语境文化

    Two conversational styles and high and low context cultures

  2. 高低语境文化影响广告交际的明示和推理过程。

    So HC and LC cultures will influence the process of an ostensive-inferential communication .

  3. 从高低语境文化交际理论看中美交际模式差异

    Analysis On the Differences between Chinese and American Verbal Communication Patterns from the Perspective of High-context and Low-context Culture

  4. 美国人类学家霍尔在其著作《超越文化》(1976)首次提出高低语境文化的概念。

    T. Hall , an American anthropologist , proposed the notion of high and low context culture firstly in his book Beyond Culture ( 1976 ) .

  5. 本文通过对高低语境文化理论和例子的研究,以期让读者对其有一个简要的认识。

    The theory and examples of high and low-context culture are introduced in the article so as to make the reader have a general understanding of it .

  6. 中美高、低语境文化的历史成因及其特征从高低语境文化交际理论看中美交际模式差异

    The Historical Cause and Characteristics of HC and LC of China and America Analysis On the Differences between Chinese and American Verbal Communication Patterns from the Perspective of High-context and Low-context Culture

  7. 然后,作者指出了高低语境文化形成的影响因素,包括社会历史因素,宗教哲学因素以及人的内在认知过程。

    Then the author points out the influencing factors in the development of the contextual differences , including social and historical factors , religious and philosophical factors and the influencing of internal cognitive process .

  8. 为了加强读者对高低语境文化差异的理解,作者在第四章对中美跨文化交际中的失败案例进行了详细分析。

    In Chapter 4 , in order to deepen readers ' understanding of the divergences between high-context and low - context cultures , the author gives a detailed case study on miscommunication in the Sino-U.S. intercultural communication .