
  1. 固定收益证券投资风险及套期保值研究

    Study on the Risk of Fixed-Income Securities and Hedge

  2. 去年明显偏向固定收益证券投资的私人银行客户,如今对股票的兴趣日益浓厚,这是一个令人鼓舞的信号。

    One hopeful sign is the increasing interest in equities from private banking clients , who were heavily biased towards fixed income last year .

  3. 固定收益证券组合投资与风险管理研究

    The Studies on the Portfolio Investment and the Risk Management of Fixed - Income Securities

  4. 挑战之一:新兴市场本地投资者倾向于将钱存入银行账户及购买固定收益证券,而不投资股票市场。

    One challenge : local investors in emerging markets tend to put most of their money in bank accounts and fixed-income securities rather than in the stock market .