
Speeding Fixed Assets Depreciation Increasing Enterprise Cash Flow
Along with the exaltation of the productivity and the increment of the fixed assets , the spare part consumption and the stock also increased sharply .
Conclusion : Residents ' medical service , especially the increase of hospitalization medical demand , the increase of fixed asset input , unreasonable growth of drug expenses , the adjustment of medical service price are the main factors that influence the growth of medical expenses .
Every 1 % growth of investment in fixed assets is accompanied by 1.8 % increase in its GDP . The contribution made by investment in fixed assets is two fold of consumption to the economic growth of Heilongjiang Province .
The paper concludes that both in the long term and short term , the economics influencing factors of FDI in Jiang-xi province are rapid economic growth , increasing ex-import , increasing social fixed assets , and comparative advantage of labor cost .
In recent years , as the investment of capital asserts is widely increasing in the word , the Chinese Cement Engineering Construct Enterprises ( CCECE ) meet a very good opportunity for development .
Economics of China is developing rapidly now , to a large extent , the development of the economy dependent on an increase in investment in fixed assets , Which account for a large proportion of government investment projects .
With the cause of the rapid development of quality supervision , quality supervision department of the number of fixed assets , a substantial increase in management requirements continue to improve , increasing difficult to manage , how to manage the fixed assets has become increasingly important .
GDP , fixed assets investment and the industrial added value can be good indicators and predictions for fluctuations of monetary structure .
The fixed assets investment , industrial added value and total retail sales of consumer goods in central and western China are growing at a markedly higher pace than the national average .