
  • 网络Fixed assets management;fixed assets
  1. RFID和条形码在固定资产管理中的应用研究

    Application of RFID and Bar Code in Fixed Assets Management

  2. 基于条形码和RFID技术的高校固定资产管理系统设计

    The Design for University Fixed Assets Management Systems Based on Bar Code and RFID Technology

  3. 巧用Access进行固定资产管理与共享

    Management and Share of Fixed Assets by Access

  4. 运用VISUALFOXPRO开发固定资产管理系统

    Developing System of Fixing Asset by Using Visual Foxpro Database

  5. 基于Struts的城市电视固定资产管理系统

    Fixed Asset Management System for City TV Based on Struts Frame

  6. 论文重点阐述了分别利用ASP技术和J2EE技术设计开发的基于Web的固定资产管理系统的ASP解决方案和J2EE解决方案。

    The thesis emphatically discusses the ASP solution and J2EE solution to the Fixed Assets Management System Based on Web with ASP technology and J2EE technology in different solutions .

  7. 提出了基于Web技术的固定资产管理系统的解换方案,进行了系统分析,详述了系统的功能,并对关键技术的实现方法进行了论述。

    This paper discusses the system design scheme of fixed assets management system based on WEB and gives the analysis of system . It also describes the function of system and discusses the implementation of the key technique .

  8. 结合财政系统单位的企业信息化建设,设计并开发了一个基于ssh架构的固定资产管理系统。

    A combination of financial system units in the enterprise information construction , the design and development of a SSH based on the fixed assets management system .

  9. 同时对于百海教育培训学校固定资产管理系统中涉及到的数据库进行了设计,包括数据表基本关联,数据库连接,核心数据表E-R图,以及数据库的表结构描述。

    Hundred Sea Education Center fixed asset management system related to the database design , including basic data table associated database connection , core data tables E-R diagrams , as well as the database table schema .

  10. 高校多校区固定资产管理模式探索

    Probe on Fixed Assets Management Model in Multi-campus Colleges and Universities

  11. 浅谈高校合并后的固定资产管理

    On the Capital Assets Management of Colleges or Universities after Mergence

  12. 高校图书资料固定资产管理的突出问题与解决方案

    Problems and Solutions of Literature Fixed Assets Management of University Libraries

  13. 加强固定资产管理规范固定资产核算

    Strengthen Management of Fixed Assets and Standardize Accounting of Fixed assets

  14. 公路施工企业固定资产管理与内部会计控制

    Fixed Assets Regulation and Internal Accounting Control of Highway Construction Enterprises

  15. 浅议加强高校固定资产管理

    A Brief Discussion on Strengthening the Fixed Assets Management in Universities

  16. 加强档案事业单位固定资产管理之对策

    Countermeasures of Strengthening the Management of Fixed Assets of Archive Institutions

  17. 科研事业单位固定资产管理存在问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures about Fixed Asset Management in Scientific Research Institutions

  18. 对企业来说,固定资产管理是非常重要的。

    As for an enterprise , capital assets management is very important .

  19. 电网企业固定资产管理研究

    Research on Management of Fixed Assets of Power Network Enterprise

  20. 城市电视固定资产管理系统应用安全功能的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Security for City TV Fixed Assets Management System

  21. 医院固定资产管理现状分析与改良措施

    Status analysis and improvement measures of hospital fixed assets management

  22. 高职院校固定资产管理的思考及对策

    Ideas and Counter-measures for Fixed Assets in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 浅谈高等学校固定资产管理

    On the Management of Fixed Assets in Colleges and Universities

  24. 对加强行政事业单位固定资产管理的几点思考

    Reflection on the Fixed Assets Management of Administrative Units and Public Institutions

  25. 基于工作流的高校固定资产管理系统研究

    Research of the Fixed Assets Management System of College Based on Workflow

  26. 论网络对高校固定资产管理的影响

    The influence of Internet on the Management of High School Fixed Assets

  27. 科研单位固定资产管理及其计算机系统

    Management of fixed assets for scientific research unit and its computer software

  28. 浅谈如何加强科研单位固定资产管理

    How to Strengthen Fixed Assets Management of Scientific Research Institute

  29. 工商银行小额固定资产管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Small Fixed Assets Management System for ICBC

  30. 立足清产核资加强高校固定资产管理

    To Stand for the Assets , Strengthen the Management of Fixed Assets