
gù róng chǔ lǐ
  • solution treatment
固溶处理[gù róng chǔ lǐ]
  1. T6固溶处理对圆柱形铝合金铸件尺寸效应的影响

    Influence of Solution Treatment T6 on Mass Effect of Cylindrical Aluminum Alloy Casting

  2. 固溶处理对T-250马氏体时效钢的组织及力学性能的影响

    Effect of Solution Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of T-250 Maraging Steel

  3. 奥氏体不锈钢U形换热管局部固溶处理

    Solution Treatment of the Part of Austenitic Stainless Steel U-pipe

  4. 介绍了一种新型铁基高温合金C286,经过不同的固溶处理及时效工艺,获得了细小弥散的球形γ′相;

    Fine and disperse γ′ phase in iron_base high temperature alloy C_286 is formed through different solution treatment and aging processes .

  5. 固溶处理后的冷却速度对Ti(44)Ni(47)Nb9合金Ms点的影响

    Effect of Cooling Rate after Solution Treatment on M s of Ti 44 Ni 47 Nb 9 Alloy

  6. Cu含量对Al-Mg-Si合金固溶处理行为的影响

    Effect of Cu Content on the Behavior of Solid Solution Treated Al-Mg-Si Alloy

  7. 而且稀土元素Gd,Y在固溶处理过程中也同时参与了氧化过程。

    In addition , during solution , Gd and Y were also oxidized .

  8. 复合材料固溶处理后部分锌被氧化生成ZnO,存在于晶界或枝晶边界富锌区。

    After solid solution treatment , zinc at the zinc-rich grain boundaries of the composite is partly oxidized into ZnO .

  9. 分析了快速凝固与常规固溶处理后,Cu-0.8Cr合金导电性的差异及时效处理对合金导电性的影响。

    The differences of electrical conductivity in rapidly solidified and conventional solid solution treated Cu Cr alloy have been analysed in this article .

  10. Nb含量及固溶处理温度对TiAl基合金组织的影响

    Effect of Nb Content and Temperature of Solution Treatment on Structure of TiAl Based Alloy

  11. 喷射沉积含Sc超高强铝合金固溶处理组织与性能分析

    Study on microstructures and properties of the spray-deposition ultrahigh strength aluminum alloy containing Sc during solid-solution treatment

  12. 该钢经1150℃2h水冷固溶处理后,具有优良的耐腐蚀性能。

    The steel heat-treated at 1150 ℃ for 2 h water cooling has high anti-corrosion properties .

  13. 经固溶处理及时效后,中间相以细小颗粒状分布在整个Mg基体中,明显提高了合金的室温综合力学性能及高温抗蠕变性能。

    After solution treatment and ageing , the intermediate phases distribute in dispersion , and this makes the room temperature mechanical properties and high temperature creep strength be enhanced greatly .

  14. 疲劳保载时间与固溶处理对PMRené95合金高温裂纹扩展速率的影响

    Effects of fatigue dwell time and solid solu - tion on crack growth rate of PM ren é 95 superalloy at high temperature

  15. 三级固溶处理对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系铝合金组织和剥落腐蚀性能的影响

    Effect of triple-solution on microstructure and exfoliation corrosion properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy

  16. 合金固溶处理淬火后的晶粒尺寸和形态不随Mg含量而改变,但随Mn含量增加而显著细化。

    Grain sizes and morphology of alloys after solution heat treatment don 't change by Mg contents , but with increment of Mn contents , grain structures are significantly refined .

  17. 试样在固溶处理后水冷甚至冰盐水冷却时都观察到奥氏体晶界有碳硼化物Fe(23)(C,B)6析出,快速冷却时沿晶界析出的化合物呈薄板状,易溶于酸。

    It was found that the carbon-boride Fe_ ( 23 )( C , B ) _6 precipitates out along the austenitic grain boundary of solid solution treatment specimen after water cooled even in iced salt water .

  18. 采用力学性能实验、金相分析以及正交设计实验,研究了单级和多级固溶处理条件对高强AlZnMgCu合金薄板力学性能的影响。

    The influences of single-step and multi-step solution treatment on the mechanical properties of high strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy sheet have been investigated by mechanical properties testing , microstructural analysis and orthogonal design testing .

  19. 对合金进行固溶处理,发现残余应变会大幅度降低合金的CTE,但是会增加热膨胀系数变化的不稳定性。

    Do the solid solution to the alloy , the residual strain reduce the CTE sharply .

  20. 新型耐热铝合金Al-Cu-Mg-Ag棒材固溶处理温度的研究

    Study on solution heat treatment temperature of new Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy

  21. 研究了固溶处理复合人工时效热处理对所设计的高锌镁合金力学性能的影响,并采用光镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析等研究手段对合金试样进行分析。

    The influences of solid solution treatment accompanied by artificial aging heat treatment on mechanical properties of high Zn-Mg alloy were studied , and the treated alloy was investigated by optical microscope , SEM and XRD .

  22. 一种Al-Mg-Si铝合金板材固溶处理及人工时效工艺研究

    The research of solution treatment and artificial aging techniques on a kind of Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloy plate

  23. 借助力学性能测试及光学金相(OM)和透射电镜(TEM)的观察和分析,研究了Sc含量的变化对Al-2%Cu合金固溶处理行为和力学性能的影响。

    Influence of the Sc content on the behavior of solid solution treated Al-2 % Cu alloy was studied by mechanical property test and OM , TEM .

  24. 固溶处理对喷射沉积含镍高强Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金组织和性能的影响

    Effects of solid-solution on microstructure and property of high strength spray deposited Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy modified by Ni

  25. 采用X射线极密度测定方法,研究了18%Ni马氏体时效钢不同冷轧量(50%、70%,90%)及其冷轧后再经固溶处理或时效处理织构的变化。

    The texture changes with deformation in 18 % Ni maraging steel after cold-rolling ( 50 , 70 , 90 % in reduction ) followed by solution or aging treatment have been investigated using X-ray pole density measurement .

  26. 通过拉伸试验、金相观察、X射线衍射以及TEM观察,研究了7055铝合金固溶处理后,经不同程度冷变形和时效后的力学性能和电导率的变化以及相应的微观组织变化特点。

    The mechanical properties , electrical conductivity and microstructures of 7055 aluminum alloy in various cold rolling reductions and tempers were investigated on the basis of tensile test , optical microscopy , X-ray diffraction and TEM .

  27. 固溶处理对Al-Zn-In阳极元素分布和电化学性能的影响

    Influence of heat treatment on elements distribution and electrochemical properties of Al-Zn-In anode

  28. 试验结果表明,该钢经1050℃保温2h固溶处理后,可得到单相的奥氏体组织,具有良好的抗点蚀性能。

    The experimental results show that a singlephase austenitic structure and a excellent pitting corrosion resistance are obtained after solution heat treatment at 1050 ℃ for 2h .

  29. Fe-Mn-C系合金1000℃固溶处理组织图的研究

    Structural zoning diagram of solid solution Fe-Mn-C alloy at 1000 ℃

  30. 尤其值得注意的是纯时效硬化与T6强化相比,不经固溶处理就可达到提高平台应力及单位体积能量吸收量的目的,是一种值得推广的泡沫铝合金强化处理方法。

    It is worthy of noting that age-hardened treatment can also improve the compressive strength of aluminum foams without solution treatment .