
  • 网络carbon sequestration;Carbon fixation;fixed carbon
  1. 退耕还林地苦竹林乔木层年固碳量约为8.142t/(hm2.a)。

    Annual carbon fixation of tree story in P.amarus forest returned from farmland was 8.142 t / hm2 a year .

  2. 其目的为人工林生态系统固碳作用和碳汇功能的评价提供基础数据和科学依据。

    The results will provide basic data and scientific basis for plantation ecosystem carbon fixation function and carbon storage function assessment .

  3. 耐受极高浓度CO2藻类的研究及其在固碳领域的应用

    Progress of the Study on the High-CO_2-Tolerant Algae and its Application in Carbon Fixation Technology

  4. CO2质量浓度对沈阳市银杏生长及光合固碳能力的影响

    Effects of elevated CO_2 on growth and capacity of photosynthetic assimilation of carbon in Ginkgo biloba

  5. 除LN外,各群落植被均具有较高的固碳能力。

    All the community except LN had rather high ability of carbon storage .

  6. 带状绿地在遮荫、降温、增湿和调节CO2浓度方面也有一定的作用,其中灌木结构绿地遮荫效应最强,乔灌结构绿地在降温、增湿、释氧固碳方面表现最佳。

    Strip green lands also had certain effects on shading , lowering temperature , increasing humidity , and adjusting CO 2 concentration .

  7. 在各个失水水平下,高CO2浓度对光合固碳有促进作用,UVR对这种促进作用无显著影响。

    High CO2 concentration enhanced the photosynthetic carbon fixation , but such an enhancement was not significantly affected by solar UVR .

  8. 对南京地区的情景预测结果表明:大气CO2浓度升高促进稻麦作物的固碳能力;

    Model scenario prediction for Nanjing area suggests that the increase of atmospheric CO_2 concentration will enhance carbon fixation , while the increase of air temperature will reduce carbon fixation by rice and wheat crops .

  9. 江西兴国县农田土壤固碳潜力20a变化研究

    Change in Carbon Sequestration Potential of Cropland Soil for 20 Years in Xingguo County of Jiangxi , China

  10. 采用生态足迹成分法对湘潭市2003年能源的生态足迹进行了计算,并对湘潭市2003年CO2排放量及森林固碳减排效应进行了分析。

    The ecological footprint of energy was counted by ecological footprint composition method , and CO_2 discharge volume and effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of forest in Xiangtan city in 2003 were analyzed .

  11. 主要结果如下:太阳UVR辐射抑制细胞的光合固碳速率和光化学效率。

    The main results are as follows : Solar UVR inhibited the photosynthetic carbon fixation and photochemical efficiency of the cells .

  12. 但是一般微藻的最适CO2浓度为1-5%,当浓度大于5%时对微藻的生长产生抑制作用,而且微藻的固碳效率比较低。

    But generally the optium CO2 concentration of microalgae was 1-5 % . When the concentration of CO2 was greater than 5 % , the growth of algae would be inhibited , and the CO2 fixation rate was relatively low .

  13. 主要阐述了海洋碳循环生物地球化学过程研究的主要进展,包括海气界面CO2通量过程、溶解&颗粒碳的海洋转化过程、生物固碳与生物泵过程以及河口碳的生物地球化学过程。

    This paper reviewed the progress in biogeochemistry processes of marine carbon cycle which include process of CO 2 fluxes across air-sea interface , process of dissolved-particle carbon transforming , biochemistry process of carbon cycle in estuary and function of biological pump .

  14. 通过采用造林法评估长白山森林固定CO2的价值,探索了量化森林固碳价值的方法,为科学管理生物资源和今后中国碳税制度的制定提供了参考。

    We try to value the valuation of forestry fixation CO 2 in this paper , and it can be value by a quantification method . Our research can be for reference for scientific administer biological resources and our government will make the carbon tax law .

  15. 大兴安岭和长白山区域森林NBP较高,固碳能力强,小兴安岭次之。

    Forest in DaXing ' an Mountains and Changbai Mountain has higher NBP and carbon sequestration ability , followed by that in Xiaoxing ' an Mountain . 4 .

  16. 土壤有机碳储量与固碳速率:从1980年到2011年,平罗县农田土壤有机碳含量与有机碳密度(SOCD)均显著增加。

    Soil organic carbon storage and sequestration rate : From1980to2011 , soil organic carbon and organic carbon density in Pingluo ( SOCD ) were significantly increased .

  17. 结果如下所示:(1)在CO2浓度为15%时,KX-1藻和KX-2藻的固碳速率达到最大值,而随着CO2浓度的增大,两者的固碳速率逐渐降低。

    The results as follows : ( 1 ) When the CO2 concentration was up to 15 % , the growth rate and the CO2 fixation rate were maximal of KX-1 strain and KX-2 strain , but decreased as CO2 concentration increased .

  18. 草地采取围封措施后,随着围封时间的延长,植物的固碳潜力增加,其中地下根系生物量的固碳潜力最大(167.627gC/m2),凋落物固碳潜力最小(35.817gC/m2)。

    After the grassland was taken to enclosure measures , the carbon sequestration potential of plants increased with the increase of the enclosure years , and underground root biomass had the largest carbon sequestration potential ( 167.627gC / m2 ) while the litter showed the lowest one ( 35.817gC/m2 .

  19. 重庆市退耕还林工程林固碳潜力估算

    Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Stands Under GGP in Chongqing Municipality

  20. 固碳土壤学的核心科学问题与研究进展

    Core issues and research progresses of soil science of C sequestration

  21. 湿地生态系统固碳潜力研究进展

    Advance in the studies on carbon sequestration potential of wetland ecosystem

  22. 城市绿化植物的固碳释氧效应

    Effect of Carbon Fixation and Oxygen Release about Urban Greening Plants

  23. 兴安岭落叶松生长过程中的固碳模型研究

    Study on Carbon Fixation Model of Xing'anling Larch in Its Growth Process

  24. 湖北省恩施州化石能源消费与森林固碳效应分析

    Analysis on fossil energy consumption and forest carbon sequestration in Enshi Prefecture

  25. 5种常用灌木固碳释氧能力的比较研究

    Comparison of carbon fixation and oxygen release capabilities of five shrub species

  26. 森林固碳估算方法综述

    Summary of Estimation Methods of the Carbon Stored in Forests

  27. 影响农田土壤有机碳释放的因子及固碳措施

    Factors Influence Agricultural Soil Releases SOC and Measures Fix C

  28. 农业土壤固碳对缓解全球变暖的意义

    Importance of Agricultural Soil Sequestering Carbon to Offsetting Global Warming

  29. 不同农作物的固碳能力差异较大。

    The carbon fixed ability of difficult crops was different .

  30. G101北京段公路绿化的固碳释氧研究

    Study on greening release of oxygen and carbon sequestration along State Road 101