
ɡuó zhī ɡuī bǎo
  • national treasures
  1. 我们当地合作伙伴葡萄牙公司AFA的负责人鲁伊·福塔多(RuiFurtado)向我介绍了他们的国之瑰宝。

    Rui Furtado , the head of the Portuguese firm AFA , our local partners , introduced me to his country 's treasures .

  2. 武当金殿是中华民族的国之瑰宝。

    Wudang Golden Hall is the gem of Chinese nation .

  3. 京剧是具有2000年历史的“国之瑰宝”。

    Beijing Opera is a national treasure with a history of 200 years .

  4. 黄山,天之骄子,国之瑰宝,世界奇观,大自然绝唱。

    Huangshan , favored , a national treasure , the world 's wonders , nature never occur again .

  5. 明清建筑艺术国之瑰宝山东龙口丁氏故宅

    National Building Art Treasure of Ming and Qing Dynasties & Former Residence of Ding Family , Longkou City , Shandong Province

  6. 中药是国之瑰宝,是中华民族的宝贵历史遗产,由于其疗效独特,毒副作用小,广受人们欢迎。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is the precious historical heritage of China . It is widely welcomed for its unique efficacy and minor side effects .

  7. 国之瑰宝:大红袍享有“中国茶王”的美誉,经常都会被用作馈赠外国元首的礼品。

    A national treasure : Said to be the'king of all Chinese teas , 'da hung pao teas are often given as gifts to heads of state .

  8. 现在,我们在泛滥的西方奢侈品和琳琅满目的海外舶来品中慢慢寻觅&瓷侠、玉俊、竹君子,此间重器,非但为国之瑰宝,亦为当代中国工艺的扛鼎之人。

    Now we slowly search among inundant European luxuries and so many overseas exotics for china , jade and bamboo , which are not only gem of China but also backbone of modern Chinese art .

  9. 驰名商标是极为重要的知识产权,它是企业重要的无形资产,也是国之瑰宝,代表着高品质的商品质量和良好的商业信誉。

    Well-known trademark is one kind of important intellectual property ; it is an essential intangible property of the enterprises and precious wealth of the nation . It stands for the high quality of products and commercial credit .