
  • 【法】international conference
  1. 为期3天的艺术节在伯明翰的国际会议中心举办。

    Birmingham 's International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival

  2. 剧烈动荡的液化石油气市场&第十四届中国LPG国际会议综述

    LPG market turbulence & Summary of the 14th International Conference on LPG in China

  3. 2009年IEEE功率半导体器件及功率集成电路国际会议述评(上)

    Review of 2009 the 21 ~ ( st ) IEEE International Symposium of Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( 1 )

  4. 在伦敦,剑桥公爵(DukeofCambridge)、威尔士王子(PrinceofWales)和英国政府召开了一次国际会议,以应对野生动物贩运危机。

    In London , the Duke of Cambridge , the Prince of Wales and the UK government hosted an international conference to address the wildlife trafficking crisis .

  5. 我很高兴有机会出席中国NGO扶贫国际会议并对这么多中国和国际NGO的代表讲话。

    I appreciate the opportunity to speak to so many representatives of Chinese and international NGOs at this International Conference on NGO Poverty Reduction Policy .

  6. 9月22日~23日,由中国通信学会和IIR国际会议机构共同组织的第四届中国IMT&2000移动通信国际论坛在北京召开。

    During September 22 and 23 , the 4th annual 3G Mobile China International Summit co-organized by CIC and IIR was held in Beijing .

  7. 会议可能通过第四届东京非洲发展国际会议(TICADIV)《行动计划》(其中包括一个监控机制)来解决这些问题。

    Ticad-storyA TICAD IV Action Plan , including a monitoring mechanism , is expected to address these issues .

  8. 他撰写过关于UML、OCL和MDA的书籍,他在杂志上定期地发表文章,并且经常在国际会议上进行演讲。

    He has written books on UML , OCL , and MDA ; he publishes on a regular basis in journals , and is a frequent speaker at international conferences .

  9. 福建会堂国际会议厅采用了35m跨钢-混凝土组合楼盖的结构体系。

    The 35m span steel concrete composite slabs structural system is adopted in the international committee room of Fujian Assembly Hall .

  10. Maclurcan说,中国明显缺席了两个“关键的”国际会议。

    Maclurcan says China was notably absent from two " key " international meetings .

  11. 与美国前总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)的政策不同,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在布鲁塞尔举行的北约会议上表示,伊朗可能被邀请参加预计在本月晚些时候召开的国际会议。

    In a break with US policy under former President George W. Bush , Hillary Clinton , Secretary of state , told a NATO meeting in Brussels that Iran was likely to be invited to the conference , pencilled in for later this month .

  12. 讨论仿人机器人的仿人IEEE-RAS国际会议。

    Humanoids IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots .

  13. 国际会议同样是一个巨大的市场,根据国际会议协会(ICCA)统计,每年国际会议的产值约为2800亿美元。

    According to ICCA , the production value of International Meeting , another tremendous industry , is 2800 billion dollar per year .

  14. 2003上海语料库语言学国际会议的议题包括:(1)基于CLEC的中国英语学习者中介语分析;

    The 2003 International Conference on Corpus Linguistics at Shanghai covered six areas in corpus linguistics : ( 1 ) CLEC-based analysis of Chinese learner English as interlanguage ;

  15. 经过三年的蓬勃发展,IEEE亚太电力与能源工程国际会议(APPEEC)已成为享誉国内乃至全球电力与能源领域的知名会议。

    After three years of vigorous development , IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference ( APPEEC ) has become a nationally and globally well-known conference in power and energy area .

  16. 博尼诺是“拳中玫瑰”(rosanelpugno)的领导人之一,她最近在意大利组织了一个国际会议,讨论女性企业家面临的问题。

    Bonino , one of the leaders of Rosa nel pugno ( rose in the fist ) , the political party , recently organised an international conference in Italy to discuss issues facing women entrepreneurs .

  17. 同时,从国际会议文献中检索到4个相关摘要。

    Four relevant abstracts were retrieved from the international conference literature .

  18. 2009年8月5日肯尼亚内罗毕肯雅塔国际会议中心

    August 5 , 2009 Kenyatta International Conference Centre Nairobi , Kenya

  19. 会议将在国际会议中心召开。

    It is to be held in the national convention center .

  20. 非政府组织美洲土著人民事务国际会议

    International Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations on Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

  21. 南海枫丹白鹭酒店国际会议中心&建筑声学设计

    International Conference Center of Nanhai Fontainebleau Hotel : Architectural Acoustics Design

  22. 探测与和平利用外空问题国际会议

    International Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

  23. 英语是国际会议上的工作语言之一。

    English is one of the working languages at international conferences .

  24. 战争与和平心理压力和心理调整国际会议

    International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in War and Peace

  25. 农村老龄问题国际会议:全球性挑战

    International Conference on Rural Ageing : " A Global Challenge "

  26. 南部非洲安全、合作与发展国际会议

    International Conference on Security , Cooperation and Development in Southern Africa

  27. 记第二届环太平洋先进材料及工艺国际会议

    The second Pacific Rim International Conference on advanced materials and processing

  28. 圭亚那国际会议中心通风空调设计

    Ventilating and air conditioning design for Guyana International Conference Center

  29. 2004安全科学与技术国际会议综述

    Overview of 2004 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology

  30. 空间技术派生利益国际会议:挑战与机会

    International Conference on Spin-off Benefits of Space Technology : Challenges and Opportunities