
  • 网络state-controlled enterprises;and state-holding companies
  1. 该部分内容主要包括代理关系的理论概述、代理成本的理论概述和国有控股企业内部经营者代理成本的理论概述。

    The part includes the theory of agency relationship , the overview of the theory of agency costs and the overview of the theory of internal operators ' agency costs of Chinese state-controlled enterprises .

  2. 对国有控股企业应进一步强化经济责任审计。

    Further strengthen audit of economic responsibility to the state-controlled enterprises .

  3. 股市规模相对于GDP一般较小,上市的国有控股企业总是将社会和政治考量置于外部股东利益之上。

    The equity market is generally relatively small relative to GDP , while listed state-controlled companies will always place social and political considerations above the interests of external shareholders .

  4. 论创建学习型的国有控股企业

    On Setting Up State Share Controlling Enterprises of Study Type

  5. 他曾发表法学论文多篇,是多家大型国有控股企业的常年法律顾问。

    He is the perennial counselor-at-law of quite a few major state-owned enterprises .

  6. 董事会会议效率方面民营企业要好于国有控股企业。

    The Board Meeting is more efficient than that is in State-Owned Enterprises ;

  7. 在这个过程中,发挥国有控股企业工会组织的推动作用显得尤为重要。

    It is more important to give play to trade union in state-holding enterprise .

  8. 国有控股企业审计研究

    The Audit Research of State Holding Enterprises

  9. 民营控股企业比国有控股企业的融资效率要高。

    The financing efficiency of the private holding companies is higher than the state-controlled companies .

  10. 此外,居中的股权结构既不能抑制非国有控股企业过度投资,又不能促进企业有效投资。

    In addition , centered ownership structure neither constrains overinvestment nor promotes the effective investment in non-state-holding enterprises .

  11. 另外,国有控股企业与非国有控股企业在财务工具选择方面表现出几乎完全不同的特点。

    In addition , the state-controlled enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises in the selection of financial instruments showed almost completely different characteristics .

  12. 主要包括全社会、集体、个体、私营、联营、非国有控股企业。

    It includes the enterprises that are held by society , collectivity , individual , private sectors , pool and non-state-owned power .

  13. 中海油是国有控股企业,但将卡尔加里作为北美枢纽,将使它在这部分业务上获得一些独立。

    CNOOC is state-controlled , but making Calgary its North American hub would give some independence to that part of the business .

  14. 相对于民营控股企业,国有控股企业表现出了更为明显且持续的正面效应,这种迹象在企业作为并购方时尤为突出。

    State-holding companies achieve more significant and sustaining positive performances , and this phenomenon is more obvious when the company is a raider .

  15. 浅谈改革和加强国有控股企业的工会工作

    A Brief Talk on Strengthening and Reforming the Trade Union Work in the Industrial Enterprises with a Controlling Share Hold by the State

  16. 总的来看,在中央控股企业和地方政府控股企业里都不明显,非国有控股企业里是显著的。

    Generally speaking , the effect of check balance is unobvious in central state-controlled and local state-controlled company and obvious in non-state-controlled company .

  17. 本文主要介绍了人力资源规划、员工招聘与配置理论对企业管理的重要作用和影响以及在一个国有控股企业改革中的管理实施。

    This paper gives an introduction to the important roles and influences on enterprise management by planning , advertising and allocation of human resource .

  18. 但是,除了一般性的学习,国有控股企业的学习还具有特殊性:一要学习马克思主义理论;

    But , aprt from the normal study , state share controlling enterprises have their particular aspects of study : first , study Marxist theory ;

  19. 在中国普遍开展的创建学习型企业的活动中,国有控股企业必须卓有成效地起到表率作用。

    In the course of setting up enterprises of study type all over China , state share controlling enterprises are to set an effective example .

  20. 其次通过均值分析,对两种不同控股类型企业进行比较,研究发现国有控股企业与非国有控股企业在很多方面存在差异,少部分方面没有差异。

    The research found the state-owned holding enterprises and non state-owned holding enterprises differ in many respects , there was no difference in a few aspects .

  21. 大型国有控股企业在序列的一端,政府认为这样的行业是“战略性的”,比如银行业、通讯业或者运输业。

    At one end of the spectrum are the giant state-controlled enterprises in industries which the government considers " strategic ", such as banking , telecoms or transport .

  22. 从国有控股企业内部经营者代理成本的现状我们也可以看到,国有控股企业内部经营者代理成本相对较高,已经成为影响国有控股企业发展的重大问题。

    In reality , we can see that the high internal operators ' agency cost of Chinese state-controlled enterprises has become major issues affecting the development of state-controlled enterprise .

  23. 近年来,外国投资者正稳步介入韩国商业领域,这曾经是当地家族财团及国有控股企业的禁脔。

    In recent years , South Korea has seen a steady flow of foreign investors into a business sector that was once the preserve of family-run chaebols and state-controlled companies .

  24. 研究表明在非国有控股企业中,公司绩效与机构投资者持股比例,持股家数成显著正相关关系。

    The result show that the performance 、 shareholding ratio of the institutional investors and the number of shareholding have a significant positive correlation separately in the non-state-owned holding enterprises .

  25. 而对于两职状态,国有控股企业偏向两职分离有效,而民营控股企业偏向两职合一有效。

    As to the Leadership Structure , Two-Post Arrangement is more efficient in State-Owned Enterprises , but the Arrangement of Two Posts into One is more efficient in Privately-Operated Enterprises .

  26. A集团公司为大型的国有控股企业,主要从事桥梁承包、设计、建造业务,并在桥梁建设方面一直处于国内领先水平。

    A group is a large state-owned holding enterprises , mainly engaged in bridge design , construction contracting , business , and in the bridge building has been the leading domestic level .

  27. 其中国有及国有控股企业增长8.6%,集体企业增长7.7%,三资企业增长14.4%。

    Of which , the growth of state-owned and state holding enterprises was 8.6 % , that of collective enterprises was 7.7 % , that of the joint ventures was 14.4 % .

  28. 希望可以藉此来丰富国有控股企业思想政治工作的理论体系,并通过理论来指导实践。

    Hopefully , this paper can enrich the theoretical system of the ideological and political work of the state controlling enterprise , and make people can use the theory to guide the practice .

  29. 在当前的债务期限结构状态下,国有控股企业倾向于通过缩短债务期限结构促进企业投资,而非国有控股企业则主要通过降低杠杆促进企业投资。

    In the current state of the debt maturity structure of state-owned holding companies tend to promote business investment by reducing the debt maturity structure , rather than state-controlled enterprises are mainly to promote business investment by reducing leverage .

  30. 一方面通过建立数学模型的方法对政府干预与我国国有控股企业过度投资的行为进行了深层次刻画,另一方面则通过对大量的数据进行分析,以检验规范研究中分析结论的真伪。

    A mathematic model based on government intervention and the state-owned enterprise of our country over investment behavior theoretical characterization was performed , on the other hand , the analysis of large amounts of data , in order to test the authenticity of normative analysis conclusion .