
  • 网络state bureau of quality and technical supervision;CSBTS;CMA
  1. 国家质量技术监督局〔中国〕

    State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision [ China ]

  2. 国家质量技术监督局

    The State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

  3. 国家质量技术监督局发布了证券、证件用安全性防伪纸张技术标准

    National bureau released securities , certificates with security anti-counterfeiting paper technical standards .

  4. 本厂是国家质量技术监督局、石化总公司定点企业。

    This factory is the appointed enterprise of the State Quality Technical Supervising Bureau and Chinese Petrochemical General Company .

  5. 产品是否符合标准需由国家质量技术监督局确认和批准的检验机构进行抽样予以证明。

    Whether the products meet the standards required by the national quality and Technical Supervision Bureau confirmed and approved inspection agencies were sampled to prove .

  6. 根据国家质量技术监督局的计划安排,国家标准GB/T15224-1994《煤炭质量分级》需要修订。

    The Nation standard of coal quality classification [ GB / T15224-1994 ] should be revised according to the plan of the " Nation Quality Technology Supervisory Bureau " .

  7. 2000年,国家质量技术监督局计量司下达了大区级计量技术机构间标准铂电阻温度计的比对任务。

    In 2000 , the State Bureau of Technical Supervision of China assigned a mission to arrange a standard platinum resistance thermometer comparison among 7 main laboratories in the country .

  8. 2003年4月15日,国家质量技术监督局发布了汽车行驶记录仪国家标准,由此汽车行驶记录仪进入实用阶段,并且发展越来越快。

    The national standards on vehicle traveling data recorder , has been issued by National Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision in Apr.15th , 2003 . From then on , vehicle traveling data recorder gets into practical stage , with a quite fast development .

  9. 原产地域产品保护不是自然拥有的,需要向国家或省市区质量技术监督局申请,并履行一定的手续,审核批准后,才能生效。

    Local geographical indication can 't get the protection , unless applying for the bureau of quality and technical supervision attached to nation or province , and fulfilling certain procedures , and achieving authorization .