
  1. 而3G技术趋势对国产手机企业而言既是机会也是挑战。

    Trends of 3G technology will become both opportunities as well as challenges for domestic mobile phone companies .

  2. 李小姐包里装着便宜的国产手机,耳上却戴着苹果的耳机,看起来就像用的是苹果iPhone手机。

    She uses Apple earphones for the cheap Chinese mobile phone in her pocket , so it looks as if she owns an iPhone .

  3. 国产手机;MTK平台;所见即所得模式;用户体验;UI设计原则;

    Domestic mobile phone ; Platform of MTK ; the mode of WYSIWYG ; User experience ; the principle of UI design ;

  4. iPhone5C在美国的零售价格将为549美元,比全系列中价格最高的5S便宜一些,但仍比许多中国国产手机贵。中国的国产手机已在中国、印度等国家占据更大的市场份额。

    The retail price of the iPhone 5C handset will be $ 549 in the US , cheaper than the top-of-the-range 5S but still more expensive than many of the Chinese rivals that have taken a larger portion of the market in countries such as China and India .

  5. 中关村打造国产手机产业链

    Zhongguancun Makes the Industry Chain of Home - made Mobile phones

  6. 国产手机能扛住洋军团吗?

    China-made mobile phones : how to compete against foreign brands ?

  7. 探索国产手机发展之路

    Route Through the Exploration of the Domestic Mobile Phone Product Development

  8. 国产手机企业的竞争优势及可持续发展对策

    Competitive advantage and sustainable development of China 's mobile phone enterprises

  9. 韩国人非常倾向于购买国产手机。

    South Koreans have a notable tendency to buy local devices .

  10. 渠道在国产手机成长中的作用

    Analysis of the Significance of Channel in the Domestic Mobile Phone 's Development

  11. 国产手机的发展问题与外形设计创新

    On the development and the exterior design innovation of mobile phones made in China

  12. 用户手册汉英翻译策略研究&国产手机英译用户手册误译个案分析

    Strategies of Translating User 's Guides from Chinese to English : A Case Study

  13. 国产手机的新希望

    GPS : The Hope of Domestic Mobile Phones

  14. 从幼稚走向成熟&市场营销专家剖析国产手机广告宣传策略

    Analysis of Advertisement of Homemade Mobile Phone

  15. 走过2004年后看我国的国产手机市场

    Domestic Handset Market in 2004

  16. 本文是基于大学生视角下对国产手机品牌价值的影响因素以及提升策略而进行的研究。

    The research focused on the factors and strategies of college students-based domestic mobile phone brand value .

  17. 基于目前及未来行业的发展趋势,对类似的国产手机品牌提供一些发展建议。

    To give some suggestions for other emulational mobile phone cooperation on the current and future developing trends .

  18. 2004年国产手机市场份额开始出现下滑,到目前的市场份额已退缩至30%左右。

    Of domestic mobile phone market share in 2004 began to decline to the current market share shrink to about 30 % .

  19. 国产手机大多数上,键盘设计不够人性化,偏硬且实际操作不顺手等!

    Most of China-made mobile phones , not enough human keyboard design , practical and Pianying not easy , and so on !

  20. 而在这一路走来的过程中,国产手机遇到了挫折,也看到了机遇。

    In walked this road in the process of the Chinese mobile phone encounter setbacks , they are also aware of the opportunities .

  21. 英特尔计划与展讯通信和锐迪科微电子合作,扩大内置于中国国产手机和平板电脑的英特尔产品的使用量。

    The US company plans to work with RDA and Spreadtrum to increase the use of its products inside made-in-China mobiles and tablets .

  22. 诺基亚?一定要好贵的,我老爸只答应给我买一个国产手机。

    Allan : A Nokia ? that must cost a leg , my dad only promise to buy me a domestic-made cell phone .

  23. 并对国产手机企业的发展提出了政策建议。

    The fifth chapter evaluates a domestic mobile phone customer satisfaction , and gives some policy suggestions for the development of domestic mobile phone enterprises .

  24. 国产手机在洋手机凌厉攻势下节节败退,从市场占有率超过半数跌到30%的谷底。

    Domestic mobile telephone is steadily losing ground under offensive of ocean cell phone , exceed the valley bottom falling half to 30 % from market share .

  25. 然而,好景不长,2004年以来,国产手机不仅市场份额受到严重侵蚀,利润也急剧下滑。

    However , the good time never lasts long , domestic mobile telephone not only market share was corroded , but also profit rapidly dropped ever since 2004 .

  26. 国产手机企业应提高技术研发能力、实施合作联盟战略、拓展国际市场、做好市场细分和差异化服务,才能实现可持续发展。

    China 's mobile phone enterprises should raise research and development ability , implement strategic alliance , develop international market , implement market segmentation and service and realize sustainable development .

  27. 据两份最新的市场报告显示,由于国产手机品牌加快了销售步伐,二季度苹果在中国市场的地位进一步下降。

    Apple Inc 's standing in the Chinese smartphone market declined in the second quarter as domestic brands picked up the pace in sales , two new market reports showed .

  28. 本研究在分析探讨影响国产手机品牌价值变化的相关因素基础上,目的是能在国产手机品牌价值的提升策略上提供可操作的策略和建议。

    On the basis of analyzing related factors of domestic mobile phone brand value , the research aim at supporting operational strategies and methods of promoting domestic mobile phone brand value .

  29. 国产手机在发展大潮中,只有通过不断的努力与研发,产品层次上取得突破,才能建立起真正具有自主知识产权的民族移动通信产业。

    So that the mobile phones which made in China is in the level of a breakthrough , the establishment of a truly independent intellectual property rights of national mobile communications industry .

  30. 再次,本文分析了国产手机的现状,并针对国产手机的品牌战略的不足提出了自己的见解和建议。

    In this paper , the third part analyze the status of domestic mobile phone brands , and put forward their own views and recommendations on the lack of their brand strategy .