
guó tǐ
  • state system;form of the government;minister
国体 [guó tǐ]
  • (1) [minister]∶大臣辅佐国君,就像人体有股肱一样,故称大臣为国体

  • (2) [state system;form of the government]

  • (3) 国家的典章制度

  • (4) 国家的形式。大致可分为君主国与共和国。表明国家根本性质的国家体制,是由社会各阶级在国家中的地位来决定的

国体[guó tǐ]
  1. 社会主义国家的国体、政体、历时性都是对这一问题的具体展开。

    State system , government form , lasting in the socialist state are all the concrete expansion of this question .

  2. 废奴运动在许多方面严重的影响了美联邦的国体以及向西北的版图扩张。

    At the same time , the Abolition Movement affected state system of the U.S.A and its expansion to the northwest .

  3. 国体问题就是社会各阶级在国家中的地位问题。

    The state systems is determined by the status of various social classes within the state .

  4. 二十世纪初的2001年,我们国家才加入了关贸总协定WTO,我们国家才真正作为独立的国体进入世界市场。

    In the early twentieth century , in2001 , before our country joined the GATT WTO , our country really as an independent state system into the world market .

  5. 本文详细介绍一个模拟具有给定动能的离子在国体中传输及引起原子碰撞级联过程的MonteCarlo型程序,包括原理、物理模型、计算步骤、适用范围等。

    A Monte Carlo computer program TCIS simulating the transport of energetic ions and thus caused atomic collision cascade in solids is presented in detail , including principle , physical models , calculation procedure and applicability .

  6. 美国的国体为很多共和制国家提供了模式。

    The American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics .

  7. 我国体细胞克隆牛的研究进展

    The Study on Somatic Cell Cloned Cattle in China

  8. 倾斜国体潮振幅因子γ值动态变化的物理意义

    The physical implication on dynamic change of the γ values of earth tilt tide

  9. 第二次鸦片战争时期把持外交大权的满族权贵在外交上奉行既要维护国体,又要避免与西方国家作战的指导思想。

    The influential officials of Manchu controlled the diplomacy power during the second Opium War .

  10. 国家秩序是国体与政体的合一。

    The state order is the unity both of state 's form and government 's form .

  11. 应当将统一战线纳入国体范畴,从而明确其宪法地位。

    We should integrate the united front into the state system , and identify its constitution status .

  12. 随着国体的变更,学校教育政策被迫进行了政策终结。

    With the change of the state system , the school education policies were forced to be terminalised .

  13. 本文从国体、政体两方面对沙特阿拉伯政治制度进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the political system of Saudi Arabia from the perspectives of the state system and the government system .

  14. 我国体教结合系统工程的制约因素与对策研究

    Research on Restriction Factors and Countermeasures of System Project for " the Combination of Sports and Education " in Our Country

  15. 1798年的法国革命占领了瑞士并强迫它统一为一个国体并废除了各州。

    In1798 , the armies of the French Revolution conquered Switzerland and imposed a new unified constitution that abolished the cantons .

  16. 从安倍内阁的教育理念与国体思想来看,安倍构想的“美丽国家”具有复古的味道。

    The idea of education and state system shows that Abei s scheme has an air of returning to the ancients .

  17. 认为在理论上,“一国两制”是对马克思主义国家学说即国家本质、国家职能、国家主权、国体与政体的创造性发展。

    In theory , " one country , two systems " is the creative development to the national theory of Marxism .

  18. 客观上,现在中国还没有奠定成为地区大国的国体基础。

    Objectively speaking , now that China has not yet become a regional power to lay the basis of the state system .

  19. 日本右翼思潮源于近代天皇制观念的形成及由此派生的日本人的国体优越感。

    Japanese rightwing trends of thought originated from the formation of view of Mikado dominating everything and Japaneses nation superiority complex arising therefrom .

  20. 该理论与“天皇主权说”直接相对,引发了美浓部达吉与国体论者之间的争论。

    This theory is opposite to the " Mikado Sovereignty Thought ", it rose a debate between Minobe Tatsukichi and State system Thought .

  21. 民国时期国体与政体的非一致性及民国政府形式与内容的非统一性也是议会制度屡遭破坏的内在原因。

    That is to say , the form of the government and its regime were not unified , therefore it was often demolished .

  22. 在有关未来民族国家政体新中国的文学想象中,寄寓着近代知识分子振兴中华、改造国体的宏伟理想和迫切期望。

    In literature imagination related future nation-state regime " new China ", intellectual reposed grand ideal and urgent expectation of promoting China and transforming state system .

  23. 我国体教专业大学生专业承诺心理结构由三个维度构成:情感承诺、经济承诺、规范承诺。

    The psychological structure of PC among Chinese college students of PE consists of three dimensions : affective commitment , economic commitment , and normative commitment ;

  24. 保加利亚对外政策是政府的一项职能,应遵循宪法中有关国体的原则。

    Considered as a function of the public authorities , the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria complies with the constitutional principles of state structure .

  25. 国体,整体,组织体制国家、教会或组织的管理形式(五)改变组织形式。

    The form of government of a nation , a state , a church , or an organization . ( e ) change of organizational structure .

  26. 采用抽样调查法、比较研究法等方法对我国体科所科研人员队伍的数量状况、结构状况、课题研究状况进行了调查与分析。

    This paper studies the number , structure and researches of the science workers in the Chinese Research Institute of Physical Culture by adopting investigation and comparative study .

  27. 采用问卷调查法对我国体科所科研队伍的发展与教育发展的要求相协调的情况进行了调查与分析。

    Questionnaires were adopted to analyze the coordination of the development of science workers and the requirements of educational development in the Chinese research institutes of physical culture .

  28. 明确了国体、政体及阶级属性,规定了经济、政治的基本形态,并赋予了生产生活的基本权利。

    Defined the state system , political and class attributes , provides economic , political and some basic forms , then given the basic rights of production and life .

  29. 关于朝鲜半岛统一的步骤和方法,韩国学者赞成分阶段进行,并运用和平手段诱导朝鲜实行改革,最终按韩国国体实行统一。

    Some scholars from ROK advocate a staged and peaceful settlement of the issue by making DPRK adopt reforms and realize the Korean reunification under the ROK state system .

  30. 第一,国家权力在人民与国家机关之间的配置,这就是政治学、宪法学上常说的国体问题,也就是解决国家权力所有权的归属问题。

    Firstly , the allocation of state power between people and state organs is an issue of state system in politics and constitutional jurisprudence which establishes the ownership of proprietary .