
  • 网络Internal Alchemy
  1. 它是传统武术与导引术、内丹术等养生方法的融合之作,具有很高的养生价值。

    It can be called masterpiece with the fusion of traditional martial arts , guidance and internal alchemy , of great regimen value .

  2. 其次,论述了内丹术对中医药学所产生的影响,先介绍了内丹术的含义及其在魏晋南北朝隋唐时期的发展情况,然后论述了内丹术对中医药的影响。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the internal alchemy of the influence of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ), first introduced the meaning and internal Dan jin and southern and northern dynasties in the sui and tang dynasties , and then discusses the development situation of internal alchemy of TCM .

  3. 道教内丹术的现代生命价值

    Modern Vital Value of Internal Dan of Taoism

  4. 内丹术促进了中医命门学说的建立,内丹术对中医经络学说的形成和发展也起到了重要的作用。

    Internal alchemy theory of TCM mingmen promotes the establishment of TCM , internal alchemy meridian of the formation and development also played an important role .

  5. 全真道推源于老子,其直接渊源是唐末五代兴起的内丹术。

    The entire real road pushes stems from the father , its direct origin is the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality technique which the Tang end Five Dynasties emerge .

  6. 另一方面,它又为唐宋之际钟吕内丹术的产生与发展在理论上和实践上进行了充分的准备。

    On the other hand , it made sufficient preparation in both theory and practice to the born and growth of Inner alchemy of Zhong-lu school in Tang and Song Dynasty .

  7. 厚(见进一步就厚,她的故事里),寻求永久的青年,得到了内丹术不朽的从西王母谁住在昆仑山。

    Houyi ( see further on the story Houyi She Ri ), seeking perpetual youth , obtained the elixir of immortality from Queen Mother of the West who lived in the Kunlun Mountains .

  8. 后者通过意守入静调节呼吸,以达到“静神减息”,诱发循经感传,即一般所称的内丹术。

    Latter is passed meaning defend breath , in order to achieve " static god is decreased breath ", cause abide classics feeling to pass , what weigh commonly namely inside red art .

  9. 直到今天,对谭峭《化书》的研究者不乏其人,到目前为止,出现不少可喜成果:主要集中在哲学、社会政治、科学、美学、内丹术等方面。

    Even today , on Tan Qiao " the book on the changes " there is no lack of researchers , so far , there have been many encouraging results : mainly in philosophy , politics , science , aesthetics , elixir and so on .