
  • 网络neto;Netto
  1. 四个月后,鞋内垫有令他们自己觉得舒服的鞋内托的士兵中的受伤率远低于只穿着标准鞋的士兵。

    After four months , the soldiers wearing the shoes fitted with inserts that felt comfortable to them had a much lower incidence of injury than those wearing standard shoes .

  2. 巴西律师阿尔贝托•默里•内托以前曾在巴西奥委会工作,他表示,巴西的体育文化是以足球为主导的,很多人没有看过别的体育比赛,所以掌握其他比赛的观赛规则还需要学习。

    Alberto Murray Neto , a Brazilian lawyer who has served in the past on the Brazilian Olympic Committee , says that as Brazilian soccer dominated the sporting culture here , mastering the codes of other sports will be a learning process for many people who have never seen them played .