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  • 网络push in;Interpolating;interpolate;interpolation
  1. 由于再生核核函数兼具多项式核函数和高斯核函数的优点,所以它不仅具有良好的全局性质,而且还具有很强的内推能力。

    The kernel functions with the advantages of both polynomial kernel and Gauss kernel , not only have a good global property , but also have a strong ability to interpolate .

  2. 提出了一种基于混合核函数的模糊C均值算法,构造了一种外推与内推能力都很强的混合核函数,并将混合核函数应用于模糊C均值算法中。

    A new fuzzy c-means algorithm based on hybrid kernel function is proposed . We construct a hybrid kernel function with strong capabilities of extrapolation and interpolation , and it used in the FCM algorithm .

  3. 普适性破坏与大N内推

    Universality violation and large N interpolations

  4. 另外也测试了BP神经网络的演绎能力,表明训练优化好的BP神经网络具有较好的内推、外插能力。

    Third , this paper also test the deductive ability of the BP neural network , it indicates that the trained and optimized BP neural network has a good deductive ability .

  5. 在系列一的基础上,我们突破以往受体的局限,首次采用萘酰亚胺四、五位迫位胺做一氧化氮受体,利用分子内推拉电子体系的变化即ICT机理来检测一氧化氮。

    At the base of past work , we adopted peri-amine as receptor . They taked advantage of ICT mechanism to detect nitric oxide .

  6. 通过两种网络的分析与预测性能比较,建议优先采用RBF网络进行内推预测,对于外推预测则只能采用BP网络。

    After comparing the properties of the analysis and the forecast of the two kinds of networks , it is suggested that the RBF network is preferentially selected for inside forecast , and the BP network is only used for outside forecast .

  7. C组(内侧不稳组)8例病人(14膝),内推髌骨时其内移增加,同时诱发疼痛和恐惧,FAIRBANK征阴性,外推髌骨不会增加其外侧移动;

    Group C : eight patients ( 14 knees ) with medial instability , with increased medial excursion of the patella and induced pain and fear while being pushed medially , but none demonstrated increased lateral patellar excursion while pushed laterally , FAIRBANK sign being negative ;

  8. 根据经典成核理论,在400K到600K温度范围内推得的临界核大小约为6.5~20.7对K~+Br~-离子对。

    Sizes of critical nuclei inferred from classical nucleation theory are of 6.5-20.7 K ~ + Br ~ - ionic pairs in the temperature range of 400-600K .

  9. 警察确定内推对象。

    The policemen determine other suspects / objects to be pushed out .

  10. 用增压器向气缸内推送额外的空气

    A supercharger rams additional air into the cylinders .

  11. 同时,要充分发挥外源性增收机制的牵引和拉伸作用,通过内推外拉,共同构建农民增收的长效机制。

    At the same time outer mechanism of increasing revenue should also play its own part .

  12. 血栓抽吸联合冠脉内推注替罗非班治疗急性心肌梗死临床疗效观察

    Effect of thrombus aspiration combined with Tirofiban in primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction

  13. 其次,对于俄罗斯和其他天然气大国来说,短期内推高天然气价格没有什么意义。

    Second , it does not make sense for Russia and other gas powers to push prices too high in the short term .

  14. 人们发现,类推学习有可能成为知识内推和外推的重要技术。

    It is found that the methods of learning by analogy ( LA ) may become an important technology for the inter-and extrapolation of knowledge .

  15. 上周,更多的分析师认为谷歌股价将会上涨至1000美元,他们认为其他一些因素可能会在未来几年内推高谷歌股价。

    This week , more analysts have joined the Google $ 1,000 club , citing other factors that could propel the stock higher in the coming year .

  16. 区内推覆构造是早白垩世晚期形成的大型南强北弱的对冲式推覆构造。

    The nappe structures in the region is once formed in Later Cretaceous and belongs to the large scale ramp structure which is stronger in south and weaker in the north .

  17. 经验证,该模型具有较高的预测精度,但是该模型的内推预报的拟合效果,相对于建立的基于主成分分析的多元回归模型的内推预报拟合效果较低。

    The results show that the model has higher prediction accuracy , but whose inside fitting forecast result are lower than the multiple regression model established based on principal component analysis .

  18. 这些政策似乎不是为了在短期内推高指数,而是旨在通过改善公司治理与市场效率,为当前境况不佳的股市奠定长远的发展基础。

    Rather than targeting a short-term boost for the index , these policies appear aimed at laying foundations for the long-term development of the ailing market by improving corporate governance and market efficiency .

  19. 期观察重点在那些通过各种广告宣传渠道(而非同行业熟人内推2)得知会所招聘信息,并期望应聘会所服务生而并未有身体服务意愿的女孩们。

    The observation in the later stage is focused on women who obtain clubs ' recruitment information through various advertisements ( acquaintances in the same industry will recommend employees ) and expect to be employed as waitresses without the will to provide sexual service .

  20. 实验结果表明:采用单神经元自适应PID控制的电动油门系统能够适应油门手柄在较大范围内的推拉运动,而且控制具有较强的鲁棒性,控制品质优于常规PID控制。

    The experiments show that the dynamoelectric accelerograph control system with the single neuron adaptive PID control can acclimatize itself to the great movement of accelerograph knob , the single neuron adaptive controller has good robustness and is better than the routine PID controller in con - trolling capability .

  21. 铝合金小弯曲半径管内压推弯成形过程的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the internal pressure bending process of small bend radius aluminum alloy tubular parts

  22. 首先,在容错控制范围内,推导出系统实际运行中执行器失效所满足的条件;

    First of all , the satisfied conditions that actuators failed in actual operation were deduced within the permission of fault-tolerant control .

  23. 而在过去24小时内的推特上,这位流行天后还对她的批评者们进行大肆攻击。

    And on Twitter in the last 24 hours , the pop diva has launched a full out of assault against her critics .

  24. 因此,当再次传出有关收购交易的猜测时,这家互联网公司的股价在两天内被推高10%也就不足为奇了。

    So it is little surprise that a new bout of deal speculation has pushed shares in the online company up by a tenth in two days .

  25. 但他表示,通胀风险“最近有所加剧”,石油及其他大宗商品价格持续上涨,在短期内将推高整体通胀。

    But he said the inflation risk had " intensified lately " with continued increases in oil and other commodity prices that would push overall inflation higher in the short term .

  26. 此外,如同中国大举购买美国债券短期内帮助推低了美国利率一样,黑石这步妙棋可能也会有问题。

    Also , like China 's heavy purchases of US Treasury bonds that have helped to keep down interest rates in the short-term , Blackstone 's coup could have a sting in the tail .

  27. 它们是华力西&印支期板内逆冲推覆构造所形成的断裂变质岩。

    They are fault metamorphic rocks formed in thrusting nappe structure inside continental plate during Variscan-Indonian Stage .

  28. 社交媒体取代了她的广告代理,这条信息在不到半天的时间内就被推了十二万次。

    Social media took over the role of advertising executive on her behalf and within 12 hours the news had been tweeted 1.2 million times .

  29. 方法:植入永久起搏器的患者20例,术后3个月内先后静脉推注普罗帕酮和胺碘酮,其中13例预先置入临时起搏电极。

    Methods : Propafenone and amiodarone were given intravenously to 20 patients with permanent pacemaker 3 months postoperatively in which 13 patients were with temporary pacing system .

  30. 北部古生代褶皱带演化,早期表现出一个向北俯冲的大洋盆地的闭合,随后蛇绿岩向南仰冲和华力西期的陆内逆冲推覆作用;

    The evolution of the former is marked by the closure of a northward subducting oceanic basin in the early stage , followed by southward obduction of ophiolites and intracontinental thrusting during the Varisecan ;