
  • 网络Internal and external cultivation;external and internal cultivation;whole care
  1. 气质是内外兼修的美丽。

    Temperament is the work internally and externally beautiful .

  2. 武术的内外兼修和它的中国传统哲学基础

    Philosophical Basis for the Integration of Internal and External Exercises in Chinese Wushu

  3. 酒店是一个窗口,必须内外兼修。

    A hotel is a window and must be paid attention to internally and externally .

  4. 中华武术“内外兼修”的文化内涵及价值取向

    The Cultural Connotation and Value Orientation of the Combination of the Inner and Outer Qualities of Chinese Wushu

  5. 通过内外兼修,小微企业融资难才能从根源上得到解决。

    Through internal and external efforts , financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises can be solved radically .

  6. 真正意义上的公共关系是一项系统工程,要求企业内外兼修。

    Public relations in the ultimate sense are a systematic project , demanding the coordinated internal and external efforts .

  7. 科学规划科技创新体系,内外兼修,增强健身器材企业持久创新能力。

    Scientifically planning scientific innovation system in the inside and outside , enhancing fitness equipment enterprise ' lasting innovation ability .

  8. 跆拳道运动具有独特的内外兼修特质,继承并发扬了重礼仪、讲道德的优秀传统。

    Taekwondo has the unique characteristics of the internally and externally , and carrying heavy etiquette , a moral tradition of excellence .

  9. 达到真正的内外兼修,共同进步,使私营企业能够真正既为自身发展,又能为我国经济社会又好又快发展、和谐社会建设做出自己的贡献。

    Therefore the private enterprise can develop itself and the economics society of our country , and make contributions with our harmony society .

  10. 设计师的目的旨在构建一个“内外兼修”的整体环境,房屋内外空间可相互更换,互为元素。

    Our intention was to create an " Inside is outside is inside " environment , where inside and outside spaces were interchangeable elements .

  11. 最后,探讨了儒家内外兼修的思想对当代德育实践的意义。

    Lastly , it probes into the significance of Confucian idea stressing on both internal and external values on the morality practice of nowadays .

  12. 它是以中国传统文化为理论基础,以内外兼修、术道并重为鲜明特点的一项运动。

    It is take China traditional culture as the rationale , within outside minores , the technique road to pay equal attention to for a bright characteristic movement .

  13. 从内外兼修的整体观论武术在全民健身中的作用

    Discuss on Effect of Wushu in Exercise of All the People of the Country from the Integrity Viewpoint of " Give Attention to Two or More Things " of Inside and Outside

  14. 内外兼修的整体观&论太极拳健身理论精神分析运动的百年流变:内部整合与外部整合

    The Integrity Viewpoint of " Give Attention to Two or More Things " of Inside and Outside & Research on Taijiquan Fitness Theory ; Psychoanalysis Movement : Internal Integration and External Integration

  15. “内外兼修”是这一整体性思维在武术实践中的反映,是全面实现武术技术、养生、修性等多方面功能的方法。

    Therefore the combination of the inner and outer qualities of Wushu has reflected such traditional view points in Wushu practice and provided ways for a complete realization of various aspects of Wushu .

  16. 最后提出了优化对策:旅游目的地应内外兼修,对内完善软硬件,提供女性个性化服务,对外加强女性安全营销,树立旅游目的地安全形象。

    Finally , the optimization approach is : tourist destination should improve the internal hardware and software to provide personalized services to women , strengthen marketing of female security , establish safe tourist destination image .

  17. 然而,中华武术是讲求内外兼修的,即形神兼备:既要追求形体规范,又要精神传意。

    Inside and outside the Chinese martial arts are emphasize unite , namely the relationship of form and spirit has both : Both investigates the physique standard , and asks the spirit to pass on Italy .

  18. 我们认为,要有效抑制我国注册会计师行业的不正当竞争行为,应内外兼修,并以外部环境的治理为重。

    We thought , if you want effectively suppress the unfair competition behavior in CPA profession of our country , you should consider inside and outside concurrently , and pay more attention to the governance of the external environment .

  19. 摘要:武术是以技击动作为本质特性,以套路和格斗为运动方式,注重内外兼修的的中国传统体育运动项目,作为中华民族所特有的传统体育运动和优秀的文化遗产。

    Wushu is a martial action as essential characteristics of routines and fighting for the sport the way , focus on internally and externally to the Chinese traditional sports items , unique as the Chinese nation traditional sports and excellent cultural heritage .

  20. 在这一过程中充分运用老子思想中顺应自然、贵和尚中、内外兼修、见素抱朴的精神核心,来解决人们面临的健康问题&亚健康状态。

    In the process of " Lao tze thought make full use of your monk , conform to the nature and body and breeding , see grain embrace the spirit of " piao core to promote people face health problems - sub-health state .

  21. 第三部分为设计研究,重点探讨了城市居住区健身娱乐空间环境的具体设计问题,试图提出满足人们活动需求和视觉享受的内外兼修的健身娱乐空间的设计方法。

    Part III is design research , which focuses on the design issues of urban residential fitness and entertainment space environment , attempting to put forward design methods of fitness and entertainment space , meeting the entertainment needs of dwellers and bringing visual enjoyment to them .

  22. 90年代以来中国文化批评的文化视觉是跨学科的开放性视觉,游弋于文本内外的内外兼修的视觉,具有实践性、政治性、批判性的参与性视觉。

    The cultural sense of vision of the criticism of Chinese culture in 1990s crosses the course with an opening sense of vision , swims both the inner and the outer of the text and is characterised with the fulfillment , political , criticism and participating vision .