
nèi xiàn diàn huà
  • house phone
  1. 无论你在哪,拿起内线电话

    Wherever you are , pick up a house phone .

  2. 直线和内线电话的问候标准。

    Standards greeting for direct line and internal line .

  3. 内线电话不收费用。

    There is no charge for house calls .

  4. 这是内线电话。

    This is for house calls only .

  5. 这里有内线电话吗?

    Is there a housephone near here ?

  6. 不可以,是内线电话,你得先拨0。

    No , it 's an interphone system . You 'll have to dial 0 first .

  7. 所有的内线电话均免费。

    All house calls are free .