
  • 网络Nic;National Intelligence Council;US National Intelligence Council
  1. 表达这一悲观情绪的不是别人,正是布伦特•斯考克罗夫特(GeneralBrentScowcroft)将军,他回到以他的名字命名的这所学院,在美国国家情报委员会会议上致开幕词。

    This gloomy mood was captured by the opening address to the NIC 's conference , given by none other than General Brent Scowcroft himself , returning to the institute named after him .

  2. 读了美国国家情报委员会的报告,你就能理解其中的原因。

    Reading the NIC report one can understand why .

  3. 美国国家情报委员会(usnationalintelligencecouncil)与欧盟安全问题研究所(euiss)联手实施的一个项目发现,蒙混过关是一个更有可能出现的结果。

    A project under way by the US National Intelligence Council and the EU Institute for Security Studies sees muddling through as a more likely scenario .

  4. 因此,这位当选总统应如何对待美国国家情报委员会(USNationalIntelligenceCouncil)最聪明的头脑放在他案头的厚厚卷宗呢?

    So what should the president-elect make of the hefty tome that has landed on his desk courtesy of the cleverest minds at the US National Intelligence Council ?

  5. 美国国家情报委员会(NIC)多年来一直深谙此道。

    The US National Intelligence Council has done this well for many years .

  6. 每次总统大选结束后,位于华盛顿特区的美国国家情报委员会(TheNationalIntelligenceCouncil,NIC)都会发布一份关于安全风险的报告,为美国情报界提供长期战略分析。

    After each Presidential election , The National Intelligence Council ( NIC ) , the Washington , D.C. , agency that provides long-term strategic analysis to America 's intelligence community , releases a report on security risks .

  7. 美国国家情报委员会的报告令人警醒,因为它来自美国安全部门的核心。

    The NIC report has made people sit up because it comes from the heart of the US security establishment .

  8. 美国国家情报委员会补充称,从这点来看,谈论国际秩序可能有些用词不当。

    In this respect , the NIC adds , speaking of the the international order may become something of a misnomer .

  9. 而这份由美国国家情报委员会发布的报告显示,从全球层面来说,中国不会取代美国。

    However the report by the U.S National Intelligence Council notes China may not replace the US on a global level .

  10. 未来几十年仍将是这样。就像美国国家情报委员会总结的那样,糟糕的结果并非不可避免。

    The same will be true of the coming decades . Bad outcomes , as the NIC concludes , are not inevitable .

  11. 沃尔福斯教授辩称,美国国家情报委员会的报告反映了“一种情绪的变化,而非根本层面的实力评估的变化”。

    Professor Wohlforth argues that the NIC report reflects " a mood change , not a change in the underlying assessment of power " .

  12. 为美国政府提供长期咨询的美国国家情报委员会(usnationalintelligencecouncil),也在最新一期有关2025年全球治理前景的报告中论述了这一主题。

    The National Intelligence Council , which provides long-range advice for the US administration , also picks up the theme in a new report on prospects for global governance in 2025 .

  13. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)去年当选美国总统时,在为他准备的首批文件中,有一份是美国国家情报委员会(nationalintelligencecouncil)起草的,冷静而富有远见。

    When Barack Obama won the US presidential election last year , one of the first papers prepared for him was a sober and prescient document drafted by the National Intelligence Council in Washington .