
  • 【法】interest on national debt
  1. 另外,国债利息不需缴纳政府和地方所得税。

    In addition , interest on Treasury issues isn 't subject to state and local income taxes .

  2. 国债利息收入;

    The interest incomes from treasury bonds ;

  3. 越来越多的纳税人的钱将用于偿还国债利息。

    More of our tax dollars will go toward paying off the interest on our loans .

  4. 奥巴马还断然拒绝了一些共和党人的建议,即美国可优先支付国债利息。

    Mr Obama also flatly rejected suggestions by some Republicans that the US could simply pay interest on its debt .

  5. 如果发生技术性违约,那国债利息、应计利息与本金的支付将遵循何种规则?

    What rules will apply for paying interest , accrued interest and principal on Treasury bonds , if a technical default occurs ?

  6. 在支付国债利息和政府浪费后,基于你劳动所收缴的税款,没有一分钱被政府花在了你所期望的公共服务上。

    After interest payments and government waste , not one penny collected from the tax on your labor pays for the services you expect from the government .

  7. 收益率曲线表示在某一瞬间,市场对不同期限国债的利息率的期望。

    The graphic representation of the various interest rates at the various tenors of a particular government bond market gives a snapshot of interest rate expectations over time .

  8. 一方面需要支付发行巨额国债的利息,另一方面又有大量国库闲置资金得不到有效利用。

    On one hand need to pay huge national debt issuance of interest , on the other hand , has a large treasury idle fund are not effectively use .

  9. 购买国债都有利息的,你可以算。

    Treasury bonds pay a dividend , you can count on .

  10. 希腊国债支付的利息相对于基准德国债券利息的溢价达到逾4个百分点,创下希腊加入欧元区以来的最高水平。

    The interest rate premium Athens pays over benchmark German bonds rose to more than 4 percentage points , its highest level since Greece joined the eurozone .

  11. 幸好,向美国国债持有人支付利息的是另一套支付系统,所以从理论上讲政府可以把这笔付款安排在其他所有要支付的款项之前。

    Luckily , interest payments made to those holding treasury bonds are on a separate payment system , so in theory the government could prioritize those payments over all others .

  12. 那么,该基金因出售期权获得1100万美元的总收入,再加上1.1亿美元国债4%的利息,实现了15.4%的可观回报率。

    The fund then grosses $ 11m on the sale of the options , plus 4 per cent interest on the $ 110m in Treasury bills , for a handsome 15.4 per cent return .

  13. 不过,为了吸引投资者,希腊被迫为10年期国债支付的利息,也是自2001年该国加入欧元区以来最高的之一。

    However , the interest rate the country has been forced to pay to attract investors is one of the highest Greece has had to pay for a 10-year bond since it joined the euro in 2001 .

  14. 大量资金沉淀在国库,导致财政资金利用效率低下:一方面财政部门要为发行的国债支付高额利息费用,另一方面财政闲置资金得不到有效利用,而只能赚取活期存款利息。

    Too much money depositing in treasury leads to inefficient use of funds . On one side , fiscal departments have to pay high interest for government debts . On the other side , financial idle funds are not used effectively .

  15. 在外管局的资产负债表上,资产方是巨额以外币计价的证券,主要是美国国债,其利息比负债方的国内票据和债券高出约3个百分点。

    On the asset side of its portfolio , safe has a huge amount of foreign currency-denominated securities , mainly US Treasuries , which make around 3 percentage points more interest than the domestic bills and bonds on the liability side .

  16. 美联储内部做出的这项估算,是基于以下两者的差值:贷款安排的费用和利息,以及美联储若把资金投资于3月期美国国债所获得的利息。

    The internal estimate is based on the difference between the fees and interest on the lending facilities and the interest the Fed would have earned had it invested the funds in three-month Treasury bills .

  17. 存入银行和按照国家规定购买国债的失业保险基金,分别按照城乡居民同期存款利率和国债利息计息。

    Unemployment insurance funds deposited into banks and used to buy national debts according to state provisions are accounted interests respectively according to the deposit rates of resident deposits during the same period and interests of national debt .