
  1. 年初适当减少中央财政赤字和国债项目资金,同时增加中央基建投资。

    At the beginning of the year , we reduced the central government deficit and funding for bond-financed projects and increased spending on capital construction in the central budget .

  2. 要切实管好用好国债资金,确保国债项目工程质量和资金使用效益。

    We need to manage and use treasury bonds well and ensure the quality of the projects they finance and the efficient use of investment capital .

  3. 最后,是国债投资调控的主体的新设想及基本国债法的设计,而且将建立地方政府公债制度和加强国债投资项目及资金的监管作为相关制度予以探讨。

    Fourthly , new design for the controlling subject of investment and fundamental national debt law . Last , as a relevant system , the thesis attempts to set up public bonds of local government and strengthen the regulation over investment projects and capital .