
  1. 中期国债流动性好于长期国债;

    The medium - term bonds are more liquid than the long-term bonds .

  2. 本文指出,国债流动性建设是一个系统性建设的问题,首先要建立统一的国债托管清算系统,进而统一国债市场;

    In the paper , it is pointed out that the construction of treasury liquidity is a systematic problem .

  3. 国债流动性创新新视野:增强商业银行资产流动性管理

    A new vision on the innovation of the public debt 's mobility : strengthen commercial banks ' asset mobility management

  4. 采用分笔交易数据,用相对买卖价差分析我国债券市场流动性,可以得出如下结论:各期限国债流动性差异不大,短期和长期国债流动性相对较好;

    This paper , adopting the real-time trading data , analyzes the bond market liquidity in China by means of proportional bid-ask spread .

  5. 国债流动性在现代国债有效市场机制和效率管理中具有十分重要的地位,它对降低债务风险、提高国债管理效率和充分发挥国债二级市场的经济调控功能都具有重要意义。

    The liquidity of treasure bonds has the very important position in modern valid market mechanism of treasure bonds . It can lower debt risk and increase treasure bonds management efficiency and develop the functions of controlling the national economy of its secondary market .

  6. 后来,随着国债流动性的不断提高,国债成为商业银行调节资产结构,加强流动性管理以及中央银行通过公开市场业务调节货币流通的重要工具。

    With the increasing of the public debt 's mobility , the public debt has become a very important tool for commercial banks to adjust the asset structure , improve the mobility management and for the central bank to adjust the currency circulation through the open market operation .

  7. 国债市场流动性研究&一个比较分析框架

    The Study on the Liquidity of the Government Bond Market

  8. 央行参与下的国债市场流动性机制研究

    The Liquidity of Government Bonds on a Government Participated Market

  9. 我国国债市场流动性研究

    The Research of Government Bond Market Liquidity in China

  10. 第二部分考察国债市场流动性的度量方法与指标;

    Part two analysis measurements of market liquidity ;

  11. 中国国债市场流动性分析

    The Liquidity in China 's Government Bond Market

  12. 交易成本与国债市场流动性:基于上海债市的实证研究

    Transaction Cost and Debt Market Liquidity : An Empirical Study Based on Shanghai Bond Market

  13. 上交所国债市场流动性溢价研究&基于4因子仿射利率期限结构模型

    A Study on Liquidity Premium of Treasury Bonds in Shanghai Stock Exchange & Based on Four-factor Affine Model

  14. 但更有可能的是,美国国债市场流动性和价格透明度的重要性,远远超出了评级下调所意味的信用溢价的些许增长。

    More likely , the liquidity and price transparency of the Treasury market vastly outweighed the marginal increase in the credit premium the downgrade implied .

  15. 然后,借助一个动态规划模型找出了影响国债市场流动性的因素,即市场信息、交易场所、投资者专业化程度及交易品种。

    Then in virtue of the dynamic programming model , this thesis finds out factors influencing the liquidity of China 's GBM , such as market information , transaction system , institutional investors and bond variety and so on .

  16. 指出中国证券市场风险受政策因素的影响较大,股价波动呈现一定的不对称性。实证分析显示:相对于指令处理成本,降低市场的信息不对称性更有利于提高我国国债市场流动性。

    Furthermore , we point out that the risk in Chinese stock market is affected greatly by policy factors and the stock price presents certain asymmetry . To increase the liquidity , the most important thing is to decrease the informational asymmetry in the market .

  17. 美国国债市场的流动性优于欧元区债券市场。

    Liquidity in the US Treasury market is superior to eurozone bond markets .

  18. 试析我国国债流通市场流动性发展

    On Development of Governmental Bond Market 's Mobility

  19. 我国国债市场由于流动性水平较低,难以执行宏观金融调控功能。

    In China due to the low level of liquidity , government security can hardly exert the function of micro financial adjustment .

  20. 该机构还强调,美国国债市场的流动性和低交易成本,意味着它将在中国外汇储备管理中扮演关键角色。

    It also stressed that the US Treasury bond market would play a vital role in Chinese reserve management because of its liquidity and low transaction costs .

  21. 欧洲央行宣布愿意为国债市场提供流动性,可能导致各国政府减少在削减赤字和债务方面的努力。

    By announcing its readiness to provide liquidity in the government bond markets , the ECB creates the risk that governments may reduce their efforts at cutting deficits and debts .

  22. 第六,中国国债市场存在流动性溢价。

    In the Interbank Treasury Market , the influence of the issue amount of the Central Bank Paper is quite weak at the current stage . Sixthly , Liquidity Premiums exist in Chinese Treasury Market .

  23. 不管是国债市场的流动性补偿作用,还是企业债市场流动性的跨市场作用,均主要源于非预期流动性的影响,预期流动性的影响作用则相对微弱。

    Both the within-market effects of liquidity on the Treasury bond market and the cross-market effects of enterprise bond market liquidity on Treasury bond market returns , the effects of unexpected liquidity dominate that of expected liquidity .

  24. 答案是,在央行肯定会确保英国国债市场保持流动性以及浮动汇率制的情况下,低利率是一个私营部门拥有巨额盈余的经济体会出现的情况。

    The answer is that with a central bank sure to keep the gilts market liquid and a floating exchange rate , low interest rates are what one would expect in an economy with such huge private sector surpluses .

  25. 通过该流动性指标的数量分析得出结论:1、上海证券交易所国债现券交易流动性自1997年开始明显提高,但2003年流动性有所下降;回购交易流动性在2000年、2001年有显著降低。

    The market liquidity of the spot transactions in Shanghai exchange market has been improving since 1997 , but it has a small decline in 2003 . The market liquidity of the repurchase transactions has been improved in 2000 and 2001 .

  26. 正准备游说监管机构放松相关规则的银行家们警告,限制美国各银行以自有资金进行交易的新规定,将冲击欧元区国债市场的流动性和需求,而目前这两者都已供应不足。

    New curbs for US banks that restrict their ability to trade with their own capital will hit liquidity and demand for eurozone government bond markets at a time when both are in short supply , bankers have warned as they prepare to lobby regulators to water down the rules .

  27. 例如,一个由美国国债全球最具流动性的资产之一组成的投资组合,可以归类为交易工具,按公允价值报告,就像现在一样。

    For example , a portfolio of US Treasury bonds among the most liquid assets in the world can be classified as trading instruments and would be reported at fair value , just as they are now .

  28. 当时国债期货的发展提高了国债的流动性,活跃了整个金融市场,有力地推动了国债的发行。

    During that time , the creation of treasury future helped improve the liquidity of treasury , stimulated the financial market , promoted treasury issuance .

  29. 1992年12月,我国也开始了国债期货的交易,当时的国债期货发展明显提高了国债的流动性,活跃了金融市场。

    The development of Treasury futures can significantly improve the liquidity of treasury , active the financial markets .

  30. 他们表示,欧洲联合国债市场应当成为欧洲最重要的债券市场,具备像美国国债一样的流动性。

    They say the market for such bonds should become the most important in Europe , and as liquid as that for US Treasuries .