
ɡuó nèi bǎo lǐ
  • domestic factoring
  1. 我国商业银行开展国内保理业务若干法律问题研究

    Legal Research on Domestic Factoring Service of Commercial Banks

  2. 近年来,国内保理在我国得到了快速发展,成为商业银行竞相发展的业务品种之一。

    In recent years , domestic factoring developed rapidly and has become one of the important business species that commercial bank is racing to promote .

  3. 本文分析了商业银行开展国内保理业务中可能出现的各种风险。

    In this article each possible risk in financing problems of the domestic commercial banks is analyzed .

  4. 商业银行发展国内保理业务法律问题探究&由爱立信倒戈引发的法律思考

    On Legal Problems of Commercial Banks Developing Domestic Factoring Business-legal Thought on " Counter Charges " of Ericsson

  5. 在文章的结尾,笔者对国内保理应收账款转让环节的法律风险提出了应对之策。

    At the end of the article , the author put forward some measures to deal with the risk of transferring domestic accounts receivable factoring .

  6. 在现阶段,可以尝试通过出口信用保险公司和信用担保机构同商业银行合作的模式,来共同开展针对中小企业的国际、国内保理业务。

    Currently , it is an applicable pattern for commercial banks to cooperate with export insurance companies and credit guarantee organizations in international and domestic factoring for SMEs .

  7. 从广州分公司的资金运作实践出发,简要介绍应付票据贴现、国内保理业务以及资金运作国际化的基本做法。

    In view of the practice of capital operation practice of Guangdong Branch , briefly introduced the basic methods of bills discounting , protective arrangement and international capital operation .

  8. 本文的重点阐述了在我国民商法理论以及《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定基础上,探讨了我国商业银行现行开展的国内保理业务的几个问题。

    This dissertation focuses on several key issues relating to domestic factoring on the basis of domestic the law of civil and business and " Contract Law of PRC " .

  9. 在第四章中对有关国内保理的应收帐款债权转让中的几个问题进行了分析,其中包括:应收帐款债权的可转让性、转让的有效性等。

    In the fourth chapter , this dissertation analyzes several issues relating to the transfer of account receivable in domestic factoring , including : the transferability of account receivable , the validity of the transfer .

  10. 第二章主要介绍我国各家商业银行所开展的国内保理业务的基本概念和实践中的分类,并且就各家商业银行所操作的国内保理的规程及要点作了简要的介绍和分析。

    The second chapter mainly involves the basic concept and classification of factoring within the culture of domestic banking practice as well as a brief introduction and analysis on the key points of various domestic commercial banks ' regulation and operating practice relating to factoring .

  11. 最后,作者以建行河北分行在开办国内保理业务过程中采取的防范保理风险的措施为例进行了分析论证,并选择了两个具体案例进行了详细解析。

    Following the writer explained the problem based on an example of the risk prevention practice in the factoring financing during the opening process of the domestic factoring in the China Construction bank of Hebei branch , and also chose two specific cases for the explanation .

  12. 在国际保理的业务推广方面,则应推进制定非金融保理公司的市场准入制度,打破国内目前国际保理业务由商业银行独揽的局面,逐步实现国际保理公司经营的独立化和专业化。

    Regarding the business promotion of the international factoring , non-banking financial corporation should be permitted to participate the factoring market to assure the independent operation and professionalization of factor step by step .