
  • 网络Land development;territorial development
  1. 试析武汉地域国土开发的宏观区域环境

    A Preliminary Research of the Macro-Regional Enviroment of the Wuhan Territorial Development

  2. 大西北国土开发的若干战略问题

    Some strategic problems about territorial development in Northwest China

  3. 辽宁省国土开发与整治总体布局

    Total allocation of territorial exploitation and management in Liaoning province

  4. 内江市地貌与国土开发整治对策

    The geomorphology of Neijiang City and the territory developing and harnessing strategy

  5. 论公路建设与国土开发的关系

    A Discussion the Relationship between Highway Construction and Land Utilization

  6. 国外国土开发整治与规划的经验及启示

    The Experiences of Foreign Territorial Planning and Its Inspiration

  7. 正确处理国土开发整治与防灾减灾的关系

    On territory development and improvement and disaster control

  8. 国土开发整治与黄河流域规划

    Development and Management of the National Land and Planning of the Yellow River Basin

  9. 河西地区的地理基础与国土开发整治

    Key to the Territory Management of Hexi Area

  10. 论战后日本的国土开发政策与城市化

    The Analysis of the Policy of the Territorial Development and Urbanization in Postwar Japan

  11. 低收入人口与国土开发

    Correlations Between Low Income Population and Development

  12. 试论国土开发整治系统的内涵、特性及逻辑联系

    The Connotation , Characteristics and Logical Relations of Land - Developing and Land - Transforming System

  13. 沿黄河地带&我国国土开发布局轴线

    The belt area along the Yellow river ── an important axis of territory development of China

  14. 国土开发规划与调控

    Planning and regulating for territorial development

  15. 法国的国土开发与整治

    Territorial Development and Management in France

  16. 关于国土开发整治系统的理论研究

    Research on territorial economic system

  17. 濑户内海开发史对辽宁沿海国土开发的启示

    Enlightenment from Development History of Seto Inland Sea in Japan on Coastal Land Development in Liaoning Province

  18. 从自贡盐卤开采论工程地质在国土开发整治中的作用

    Role of engineering geology in land exploitation and rectification & exemplified by the brine mining in zigong , Sichuan

  19. 本文对中国海岸带特征及其在国土开发中所占的重要地位;

    This paper gives a brief account of characteristic features of coastal zone in China and its important position in the national territorial development ;

  20. 指标体系中,第一层次的指标包括交通、产业、城镇化、旅游和国土开发五个方面的内容。

    The first hierarchy indexes of the index system consist of five parts , including traffic , industry , urbanization , tourism and territorial development .

  21. 因此,寻找一个较为适合的评价方法,对新疆优势矿产资源进行评价,为编制国土开发、整治、规划、制订国民经济发展计划和长远规划以及确定资源产业政策提供参考依据是本文研究的目的。

    Therefore , the investigative purpose of this text is to looking for a suitable evaluation method , evaluating the superiority mineral resources of Xinjiang .

  22. 对国土开发和地质灾害勘查评价、减灾防灾工作等具有一定意义。

    It is in a way significant to the utilization of land , and especially to the investigation , evaluation , reduction and prevention of the hazards .

  23. 本文结合法国朗格多克-鲁西荣大区实例,对法国的国土开发整治与管理工作进行了综述,并指出了该国国土开发整治管理工作中的几点特色。

    Taking the Languedoc-Roussillon Region as an example , this paper summarizes the territorial development and management in France and introduces some characteristics of territorial management in that country .

  24. 目前,这些洪水风险图已经在洪水保险、洪泛区管理、国土开发、公众应急避险等方面发挥了巨大的经济和社会效益。

    Currently , flood hazard maps generate great economic and social benefits in terms of flood insurance , flood plain area management , national land development and public emergency escape .

  25. 北方地区矿泉的开发总体上要早于南方地区,区域矿泉开发之先后也反映了区域国土开发之先后。

    The northern mineral springs were on the whole exploited earlier than the southern ones , while the order of the exploitation of regional mineral springs also reflected the order of regional land exploitation .

  26. 为实施国家区域发展战略,实现城乡统筹和区域协调,促进国土开发新格局的形成,对调整区域土地利用提出了更高要求。

    For the implementation of national regional development strategy , achievement of regional coordination , promotion the development of new land pattern , the adjustment of regional land use has been put forward higher requirements .

  27. 本文用系统论观点分析论述了国土开发整治系统这个由国土自然系统和开发整治系统组成的有机集合体的内涵;

    This paper systematically analyses and discusses the connotation of land - developing and land - transforming system , which is an organic entirety composed of natural land sys-tem and land - developing and land - transforming system .

  28. 综合开发利用海涂资源,是我国国土开发与整治的一项重要内容,也是加快沿海地区经济发展的一个战略大计。

    To exploit and utilize the seabeach resources comprehensively is one of the important ton-tents in the territorial exploitation and management of China and a strategically major point in speeding the development of the economy of coastal areas .

  29. 对重要地质灾害隐患点的监测和防治提出了建议。5、为工作区制定减灾防灾、国土开发与整治、经济建设和社会发展规划及地质灾害监督管理提供了依据。

    Point to important geological disaster monitoring and prevention recommendations . 5 Providing Basis of Disaster prevention , land development and regulation , economic and social development planning and supervision and management of geological disasters in study area .

  30. 本文在分析我国当前国土开发中急需解决的主要问题的基础上,明确加强国土规划和调控的主要任务。

    The paper describes the current key issues that need to be solved urgently at first , and then points out , it is necessary to strengthen territorial development planning and regulating . The main tasks in the field are identified .