
  1. 建立东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易地区条约;

    Treaty for the establishment of the preferential trade area for Eastern and southern African states ;

  2. 在分析西北地区现今利用外商直接投资现状的基础上,指出西北地区所具有的三大优势:劳动力成本低、国家优惠的投资政策、丰富的自然资源。

    On the basis of analyze the present situation of using the direct foreign-investment in the northwest region .

  3. 福建省居于海峡西岸经济区的主体地位,享受着一系列国家优惠政策和特殊待遇。

    Fujian province located in the West-Straits Economic Area , shared a serious of policies of special privilege .

  4. 享受境内关外特殊的国家优惠政策,可以为企业提供更为方便快捷的海关通关模式和政府部门的全面服务。

    Under the special national preferential policy , they can provide much more convenient and rapid custom pass model and full services .

  5. 经济适用住房:是指经各级人民政府批准立项建设、享受国家优惠政策、向城镇中低收入家庭出售的住房。

    Economic housing is policy commodity housing with welfare that the government provides preferential policies for and limits construction standard and sales price .

  6. 结论西部城市应从发挥资源优势、利用国家优惠政策、利用成本优势和加强基础设施建设四方面来吸引外资。

    Conclusion : Cities in the western regions should attract foreign investment from resource superiority , favorable policy , cost declining and enhancing basic infrastructure construction .

  7. 另外,随着中国社会主义市场经济体制的逐渐完善以及中国人世更加融入世界经济体系,必须正确处理好国家优惠政策与市场经济规则的关系;

    In addition , with china 's entry into WTO and the consummation of socialist market economy system , we must deal with the relations between the government privilege policy and the rules of market economy correctly .

  8. 中国社科院旅游研究中心主任宋瑞称,全球经济的整体势头、旅游基础设施的改善、旅游营销、许多国家优惠的签证政策都将促进全球旅游经济的发展。

    The overall momentum of global economy , improvement of tourism infrastructure , tourism marketing and favorable visa policies of many countries will accelerate global tourism economy , said Song Rui , head of the Tourism Research Center under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  9. 结合天一实业作为校办企业享受国家优惠税收政策的实际情况,提出了对经理层实施模拟股权计划、年薪制及经营管理目标考核的激励机制。

    According to the fact that as a college-attached enterprise , TianYi enjoys the national special revenue from tax policy , the paper also states the motivation mechanism that puts forward to imitating ownership of a share right , the yearly salary system assessing management target .

  10. 尤其是在WTO背景下,我国的涉农企业要取得长足的发展和进步,通过国家税收优惠法律体系加大对涉农企业的支持和投入力度在当前是极其必要的。

    Especially under WTO background , the agriculture-related enterprise of our country should obtain considerable development and progress , it is extremely essential at present to strengthen the support and input power to the agriculture-related enterprise through the legal system of national tax allowance .

  11. 国家采取优惠政策发展残疾人教育。

    The state has a preferential policy in developing education for the disabled .

  12. 国家制定优惠政策,对节能示范工程和节能推广项目给予支持。

    The State formulates preferential policies in support of projects for demonstration and dissemination of energy conservation .

  13. 第十七条国家制定优惠政策,支持煤炭工业发展,促进煤矿建设。

    Article 17 The State shall formulate preferential policies to support the development of the coal industry and promote the construction of coal mines .

  14. 当前我国的农产品加工企业仍迫切需要国家通过优惠政策等手段加以扶持。

    Agricultural products processing enterprises in our country is still an urgent need from government to adopt preferential policies and other means for support .

  15. 缔约任何一方为便利其边境贸易而给予或可能给予毗邻国家的优惠和利益;

    Preferences and advantages which either of the Contracting Parties has granted or may grant neighboring countries in order to facilitate their frontier trade ;

  16. 过去水电项目向国家申请优惠政策时,强调水电机组(调峰)容量效益在电网中未得到体现、增值税赋相对过大等。

    Main reasons applying for favorable policy of hydropower objects are that their capacity benefits are ignored in network and their increment tax is higher in past .

  17. 随着经济全球化的快速发展以及一些东道主国家相关优惠政策的吸引,跨国投资已经成为企业的常态。

    With the rapid development of economic globalization , as well as some related preferential policies of the host country , multinational investment has become normal at present .

  18. 此法给予玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多和秘鲁等安地斯地区的国家贸易优惠待遇,藉以交换它们加强缉毒努力。

    This act offers favored state status to the Andes States as Bolivia , Columbia , Ecuador and Peru , to exchange their efforts in enhancing fighting drug trafficking .

  19. 行业环境中,国家出口优惠政策的减少,竞争各方的影响,电子商务的发展都对钻头出口企业构成现实压力。

    On the Industry circumstance , the reduce of export benefit policies , the influence of each competitive side , the development of e-business , all become the real press to drill bits export enterprises .

  20. 第二,为促进企业年金发展,国家税收优惠政策必须明朗,并实施到位,同时要做到有利有节以防止国家税收的过度流失。

    Second , to promote its development the preferential tax policy should be made clear and definite , and should be carried out , and should be rational to prevent the tax income from being washed away .

  21. 通过扩大减免范围和幅度的一系列税收减免措施,英国财政部创建出了“工业化国家最优惠资本利得税之一”的税收体制。

    In a series of concessions that expanded the scope and generosity of the relief , the Treasury created a system that was " one of the most favourable capital gains tax regimes in the industrialised world " .

  22. 风险投资在高新技术产业发展过程中发挥着重要作用,但风险投资又是一个脆弱的高风险行业,需要国家税收优惠政策的大力支持。

    The risk investment plays an important role in the development of the high-tech industry , and the risk investment , which is a brittle business with higher risk , needs the strong support of the taxation preferential policies of the state .

  23. 第五十八条国家采取优惠措施,鼓励和扶持学校在不影响正常教育教学的前提下开展勤工俭学和社会服务,兴办校办产业。

    Article 58 The State adopts preferential measures to encourage and help schools to launch work-study programs , to provide services for the community and to set up schools factories , on condition that this shall not affect the normal education and teaching .

  24. 技术经济分析表明,由于大量利用工业废渣,除原料成本降低外,还可享受国家税收优惠政策,因而也可取得显著的经济效益。

    Technical and economic analysis show that , due to the large number of of industrial waste residue is utilized , it not only can reduce the raw material cost , but also can enjoy preferential tax policies of country , thus , it can achieve remarkable economic benefits .

  25. 对于IDA这个世界上最贫困国家的最大优惠金融援助渠道来说,这一数字标志着一个新的历史纪录。

    The figures mark an historic high for IDA , which is the largest single source of concessional financial assistance for the world 's poorest countries .

  26. 加拿大给予加勒比和英联邦国家的特别优惠安排;

    Canadian special preference arrangement for the Caribbean and Commonwealth countries ;

  27. 这些国家相互给予优惠国地位。

    The countries have given each other favoured nation status .

  28. 发达国家科技税收优惠政策的启示

    The Enlightenment of Developed Countries ' Science and Technology Preferential Tax Policies for Us

  29. 国际开发协会成立于1960年,它向低收入的欠发达国家,以优惠的利率提供贷款。

    The IDa was established in 1960 to make loans to low-income LDCs at a concessionary interest rate .

  30. 除此之外,国家要制定优惠政策满足奶牛业发展的饲料需求。

    In addition , the country must formulate the preferential policy to satisfy the feed demand of dairy industry development .