
  • 网络Balance of payments accounting;IMF;Balance of payments account;balance-of-payments accounts
  1. 商品的繁荣和油田的探明有助于巴西摆脱国际收支账户的窘境。

    The commodities boom and the oil findshave freed Brazil from its traditional balance-of-payments constraints .

  2. 要实现前者,必须向盈余和赤字国家施加压力,迫使它们平衡本国国际收支账户。

    The first was to be achieved by bringing pressure on both surplus and deficit countries to balance their international accounts .

  3. 而我国依赖本国廉价的劳动力以及国家政策的扶植,积极扩展本国的对外贸易,使得国际收支账户中经常账户一直处于顺差状态。

    China relying on cheap labor cost and government policy support actively expands foreign trade and keeps the current account always in surplus .

  4. 汇率的决定与外汇市场供求、经常账户平衡、央行货币政策、相关资产价格、经济基本面、国民收入及国际收支账户等有着直接的或间接的关系。

    Exchange rate is determined and affected by demand and supply in foreign exchange market , current account balance , monetary policy , prices of related assets , economic base , national income , and international balance of payment , etc.

  5. 中国国际收支经常账户的可持续性研究

    A Research on the Sustainability of China 's Current Account

  6. 20世纪90年代以来,中国国际收支经常账户有以下特征:经常账户持续顺差;

    In the 1990s , some characters of China 's current account structure of balance of payments are as follows : China 's current account surplus was kept .

  7. 从国际收支平衡资本账户的角度来看,美国是商业银行、人股本投资者和对冲基金的混合体。

    Looked at from a balance of payments capital account perspective , it is a cross between a commercial bank , a private equity investor and a hedge fund .

  8. 从宏观经济角度来看,巨额的外资流入会引起货币和信用的扩张,通货膨胀压力增加,实际汇率升值以及国际收支中经常账户的恶化;豪斯克-麦奇不对称效应与经常账户失衡的结构性成因

    The large amount capital inflow can cause the currency and the credit expansion , the inflation pressure , exchange rate appreciation as well as worsen the international payment balance account ; Asymmetry of Information , Adverse Selection and Economic Development

  9. 一国国际收支的两个账户又存在相互促进的格兰杰因果关系。

    The two accounts of balance of payment are Granger caution for each other .

  10. 我国国际收支中两大账户持续的顺差,使外汇储备的规模不断扩大。

    The favourable balance of two accounts in our international income and expenses makes the size of foreign exchange reserve ceaselessly increase .

  11. 接着采取定量和定性相结合的分析方法,利用有关数据和数学模型深入分析了国际资本流入和国际资本流出对我国国际收支各账户以及国际收支调整的影响。

    In order to study this issue , adopting the methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis , this thesis analyzes the influence on the accounts and adjustments of balance of payments caused by the international capital movement based on the related data and mathematic models .