
  • 网络national benchmark;national standard
  1. 本文详细研究了基于NTN校准技术的脉冲波形参数国家基准的不确定度。

    Uncertainty of national standard parameter based on NTN technology is discussed detailedly in the dissertation .

  2. 激光在国家基准洛氏硬度机上的应用

    Application of Laser to the National Standard Rockwell Hardness Meter

  3. 研究建立300~67OK固体比热容国家基准&标准物质α-Al2O3的摩尔热容

    Establishment of Primary Heat Capacity Standard for the Range of 300 to 670 K & Molar Heat Capacity of α - Alumina

  4. 介绍了如何提高3H、14C样品的探测效率,进行了计量技术的研究。使用4πβ(LS)活度国家基准刻度3H、14C溶液的放射性活度。

    The paper introduces a practical method to improve the detection efficiency of 3H , 14C sample , used for metrology technique research , using 4 πβ( LS ) radioactivity of graduation solution of 3H , 14C of National Primary Standard .

  5. 该阈值被采用为国家基准。

    This threshold was adopted as a national benchmark .

  6. 第三、介绍了建立脉冲参数国家基准的数据处理算法。

    Thirdly , the data processing algorithms are researched .

  7. 粘度国家基准装置测量结果的不确定度

    Measurement uncertainty of national primary viscosity equipment

  8. 第二部分详细介绍了苏联在亳米波段的功率和噪声国家基准的建立。

    The second part describes the establishment of millimeter wave power and noise standards in USSR .

  9. 国家基准毛细管粘度计的动能改正和表面张力影响的研究

    Study on the Effects of Kinetic Energy Correction and Surface Tension on the National Standard Capillary Viscosimeter

  10. 比对结果表明:这些国家基准水三相点值在0.171mK范围内一致。

    The comparison results show that these national reference values of TPW are in good agreement within 0.171 ? mK.

  11. 利用超高压力国家基准对返压活塞式压力计校准的试验研究

    Experimentation and Research for Calibration of Reentry Pressure Dead Weight Piston Gauge by Ultra-high Pressure National ( measurement ) Standard

  12. 影响粘度国家基准装置测量不确定度的主要因素有温度、时间、表面张力、空气浮力以及动能修正等。

    The main factors affecting the measurement uncertainty of the national primary viscosity are temperature , time , surface tension , air buoyancy and dynamic energy .

  13. 本文介绍了我国微压、中压和高压方面国家基准的改进和我国动态压力校淮技术的进展情况。

    This paper will introduce the improvement of national primary standard for low pressure , middle pressure and high pressure , and the development of dynamic pressure calibration technology in China .

  14. 兰州观象台(兰州基准地震台)始建于1953年,50年来已发展成为具有测震、电磁、形变、地下流体、热红外遥感等综合性国家基准地震台。

    Lanzhou Earth Observatory was established in 1953 . In 50 years it have been developed to an integrated national-standard observatory with seismology , electromagnetics , deformation , hydrokinetics , and infrared remote sensing ways .

  15. 同时建立行业计量标准或社会公用计量标准,并制定相应的检定规程,实现测量参数量值向国家基准的溯源。

    At the same time , the metrology standers of the vacation or the metrology standers of public for society constitute the corresponding regulations of verification is established , achieving the tracing of measuring parameter to the social benchmarks .

  16. 贵州省兴仁是国家基准气候站,观测资料较长,对贵州西南片区有较好的代表性。

    The climate data of Xingren Meteorological Station , one of the norm meteorological station of China , in which accumulated a lot of climate data during a long period , are more typical of the weather evolution in southwest Guizhou Province .

  17. 本文概要介绍中国计量科学研究院于1986年建立的国家气压基准器的原理、结构和性能。它的测量范围为0~120kPa,测量的总不确定度(3δ)为2PPm。

    This paper briefly describes the principle , structure and performances of the national primary standard manometer built at the NIM in 1986 . It covers a pressure range of 0 to 120 kPa with the total uncertainty ( 3 σ) of 2 ppm .

  18. 国家扭矩基准系统的研究与制造

    Research and Manufacture of National Primary Standard Torque System

  19. 建立新的国家重力基准网;

    To establish a Chinese new 2000 gravity datum .

  20. 阐述了1985国家高程基准研究工作和成果。

    Research on the 1985 National Elevation Datum and the results obtained are highlighted .

  21. 1985国家高程基准的系统差

    Systematic Error of the 1985 National Height Datum

  22. 中国国家气压基准器

    The National Primary Standard Manometer Built in NIM

  23. 1985国家高程基准相对于大地水准面的垂直偏差

    The Origin Vertical Shift of National Height Datum 1985 with respect to the Geoidal Surface

  24. 回顾了我国大地测量在建立国家平面基准、国家高程基准、国家重力基准等方面的情况。

    The establishment of national horizontal , vertical and gravity datum in China is reviewed .

  25. 中国平均海面与国家高程基准之间的偏差

    Difference between mean sealevel and national geoid ( 1985 ) along the coast of China

  26. 国家大地基准的现代化

    The Modernization of National Geodetic Datum

  27. 1985国家高程基准与全球似大地水准面之间的系统差及其分布规律

    The Systematic Difference and Its Distribution between the 1985 National Height Datum and the Global Quasigeoid

  28. 国家测绘基准十二五重大项目的思考

    On the National Projects for Surveying and Mapping Datum in the Twelfth Five Year Plan of China

  29. 1985年国家高程基准

    National Height Datum 1985

  30. 发达国家的基准利率普遍维持在底部水平,这些国家的央行暗示称,利率在短期内不太可能上升。

    Base interest rates remain at floor levels throughout the developed world and central banks signal that they are unlikely to rise soon .