
  • 网络State paradox;paradox of nations
  1. 因而,中国法治建设隐含着一个“国家悖论”,它的解决要求我们从国家之外来寻找方法。

    Therefore , it is implied that'awkwardness about country'is in the construction of the rule of law , which we must find ways out of country to solve it .

  2. 第一部分中,笔者点出中国法治建设中存在的国家悖论,引入国家与社会的关系的视角,并对基本概念做了一个厘定。

    In the first part , the writer points out the ' awkwardness about country ' , introduces the perspective of the relationship between country and society , and stipulates some fundamental concepts .

  3. 政府隐性保险政策与银行业风险承担行为&对国家信用悖论的理论解释

    Government Implicit Insurance Policy and the Risk-taking Behavior of Banking : Theoretic Explanation for the Paradox of National Credit

  4. 制度经济学派早就指出:国家是经济增长的关键,但同时,国家又是经济衰退的根源,这就是著名的国家悖论。

    " The state is the key to economic growth , but at the same time , the state is the root of economic recession ", this is the famous " state paradox " pointed out by Institutional economists .