
  • 网络state intellectual property office;sipo;INPI
  1. 同时,国家知识产权局还采取措施改进地方专利主管机关的执法工作。

    At the same time , SIPO had taken appropriate measures to improve the performance of local patent authorities in law enforcement .

  2. 专利工作站负责人应全面履行管理专利工作站的职责,积极配合和参与国家知识产权局有关专利工作站的活动。

    The persons in charge shall perform their duties as to the patent work station management , actively coordinate and participate in the activities related to the patent work stations held by the sipo .

  3. 请到国家知识产权局专利检索&专利名称就有图片OK了。

    Invited to the State Intellectual Property Office , patent search-patent Photo OK the name alone .

  4. 国家知识产权局(SIPO)负责专利的批准;

    The State Intellectual Property Office (" SIPO ") was responsible for patent approval ;

  5. 文章对中国国家知识产权局(SIPO)专利数据库中海洋能专利授权情况进行了分类统计。

    Wherefore , ocean energy conversion patents in State Intellectual Property Office of P.R. China ( SIPO ) are searched and sorted .

  6. 中国国家知识产权局官网显示,总部位于加利福尼亚州的苹果公司提交了两项申请,在中国为其双SIM卡技术申请专利,该技术能够让一部手机同时支持两个运营商。

    The California-headquartered firm filed two applications to patent its dual-SIM card technologies in China , which enable one phone to support two carriers at the same time , according to the official website of China 's State Intellectual Property Office .

  7. 对玻化微珠保温混凝土的试验研究在全国尚属首次,本文研究的玻化微珠保温混凝土已获得国家知识产权局发明专利授权(ZL200610012726.2)。

    ' Glazed hollow bead insulation concrete ' in this paper has been authorized to obtain the invention patent ( ZL200610012726.2 ) from State Intellectual Property Office .

  8. 国家知识产权局第80号公告及其相关专利问题探讨

    The Eightieth Announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office and Its Related Problems

  9. 甘绍宁是国家知识产权局副局长。

    Gan Shaoning is the deputy director of the State Intellectual Property Office .

  10. 本语言实验室红外线信号传输系统受中国国家知识产权局发明专利保护。

    The infrared signal transmission system in language labs is protected by China patent .

  11. 市政府与国家知识产权局建立了合作会商制度;

    The Municipal Government and State Intellectual Property Office established the cooperation and consultation system ;

  12. 新颖的设计立刻获得了国家知识产权局的高度认可,并颁发了多个自主知识产权证书。

    In no time , the National Bureau of Intellectual Property granted several patent certificates for this new design .

  13. 2005年,国家知识产权局启动了专利法及其实施细则的第三次修改。

    In 2005 , the State Intellectual Property Office launched the third revision of the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations .

  14. 实践中,国家知识产权局对美国花旗银行提出的两项有关商业方法的专利申请也以产品发明形式授予了专利。

    The SIPO has also awarded two patents about business methods to the CITI Bank in the form of product invention .

  15. 今年4月,美国专利商标局广州办事处和中国国家知识产权局在深圳联合开展了关于专利申请与执法的项目。

    And in April , PTO Guangzhou and the State Intellectual Property Office jointly organized a program on patent filing and enforcement in Shenzhen .

  16. 国家知识产权局发言人尹新天说,中国今年在打击盗版问题上将更加严格,尤其是对奥运有关的商品:

    Yin Xintian , spokesman for the State Intellectual Property Office , says authorities will be even stricter this year , especially with Olympic merchandise .

  17. 我国近几年来,央行、国家知识产权局等部门都通过不同的途径和措施来推动该业务的发展,也开展了相应的试点工作。

    In recent years , the central bank , the State Intellectual Property Office and other departments through various means and measures to promote the business development .

  18. 公司现有主要产品颈椎矫正器,是本公司医疗专家设计的经过国家知识产权局授予的专利产品。

    Major existing company products cervical vertebra corrective devices , the company is the design of medical experts after the State Intellectual Property Office granted the patent products .

  19. 然而,国家知识产权局副局长甘绍宁认为,我国的知识产权保护规则还有改进的空间,同时他指出我国知识产权保护规则研究开始的比较晚。

    However , Gan Shaoning with the State Intellectual Property Office admits that there is room for improvement , noting that China has a short history with IPR .

  20. 每年3月底前同时以正式纸件文本和电子文本形式将汇总的企业申报材料和推荐函报国家知识产权局。

    It shall deliver the collected application materials and letters of recommendation to the SIPO in both formal paper text and electronic text by the end of each march .

  21. 开办电子专利申请代理业务的专利代理机构,应当以该专利代理机构名义与国家知识产权局签订用户协议。

    A patent agency that opens agency business for electronic patent application shall sign the User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the name of the patent agency .

  22. 专利代办处发现非正常申请专利行为的,应当及时报告国家知识产权局。

    In the event that any irregular patent application activity is discovered by a local patent agency office , the matter should be promptly reported to the State Intellectual Property office .

  23. 国家知识产权局和世界知识产权组织在会上向全国15个金奖发明人颁发了金牌和证书。

    During the conference , 15 Golden Award were given to the inventors from all over the country by National Intellectual Property Rights Office and the World Intellectual Property Rights Organization .

  24. 我们的“0概念”住宅产品和生态住宅产品,在国家知识产权局主办的中国国际专利与名牌博览会上荣获“特别金奖”。

    Our product named " Zero Conceptin " houses and ecological houses won special gold award in China International Patent amp ; Brand Expo which was organized by State Intellectual Property Office of the P.

  25. 根据世界知识产权组织的数字,中国国家知识产权局2015年从国内外申请者受理了110.1864万件专利申请,占全球总量近40%,超过美国、日本和韩国三个国家的总和。

    According to Wipo figures , China 's patent office received 1101864 applications in 2015 from both domestic and foreign filers , accounting for almost 40 per cent of the global total and more than the next three countries - the US , Japan and Korea - combined .