
ɡuó yǒu tiě lù
  • State-owned railway;national/state railroad
  1. 当然,也有像印度国有铁路公司(IndianRailways)运营的那种速度较慢的列车,该公司是世界上最庞大的商业公司,雇员多达140万人。

    Then , of course , there are the rather slower trains operated by the state-owned Indian Railways , the world 's largest commercial employer , with 1.4 million staff .

  2. 德国国有铁路运营商德国联邦铁路(DeutscheBahn)昨日在最后时刻获得法庭颁令,阻止火车司机举行全国性罢工。一场可能使德国铁路系统陷入瘫痪的罢工威胁因此而减弱。

    The threat of a crippling rail strike in Germany receded yesterday after Deutsche Bahn ( DB ), the state-owned operator , secured a last-minute court order preventing nationwide stoppages .

  3. 东海旅客铁道(又称JR东海)运营着已有46年历史的东京至西部城市大阪的新干线高速铁路。该公司正与中国国有铁路公司竞争海外业务。

    Central Japan Railway , or JR Central , operates the 46-year-old Shinkansen high-speed link between Tokyo and the western city of Osaka , and is competing with China 's state railways for overseas business .

  4. 德国交通部长沃尔夫冈蒂芬泽(wolfgangtiefensee)昨日表示,德国将在德国联邦铁路(deutschebahn)于明年实现部分私有化后,对投资这条国有铁路的私人股本公司和其它大型投资者的影响力加以限制。

    Germany is set to impose restrictions on the influence of private equity companies and other large investors in the Deutsche Bahn following the partial privatisation next year of the state-owned railway , the transport minister said yesterday .

  5. 国有铁路参与城市轨道交通的研究

    Research on National Railway Participating in Urban Rail Transit

  6. 国有铁路建筑业工资总额变动分析

    Analysis of the gross payroll variation of state - owned railway building trade

  7. 国有铁路施工企业构建和谐企业初探

    Exploration of building harmonious enterprises by state-owned enterprises

  8. 国有铁路施工企业建立现代企业制度亟待解决的问题

    Problems to be Tackled With Urgently In Establishing Modern Enterprise System for the State-owned Railway Construction Enterprise

  9. 利用国有铁路发展城市轨道交通的管理模式初探

    Management Mode of Utilizing the State-run Railway to Develop Urban Rail Transportation Is Visited for the First Time

  10. 国有铁路运输业突破收支两条线管理体制的研究

    Breaking through the Dual-Way Management Mechanism of Income Expenses-Key Point of Market Reform for State-Owned Railway Transport Industry

  11. 不用怀疑德国国有铁路是欧洲铁路革命的先锋力量。

    There is no doubt that Germany 's state-owned railway is at the forefront of Europe 's rail revolution .

  12. 英国铁路一度很有成功的希望,但却以失败告终。这家英国国有铁路运营商在上世纪90年代被分拆和私有化。

    Hopeful but , in the end , a failure . The state-owned railway operator was broken up and privatised in the 1990s .

  13. 去年底,中国曾撮合两大国有铁路企业合并,以阻止它们在国际招标活动中彼此削弱。

    China engineered a merger in its two state-owned rail companies late last year to prevent them from undercutting each other in international tenders .

  14. 结合我国国有铁路的特点,就国有铁路与城市轨道交通系统之间的接驳方式进行了论述,提出了交通衔接的一些原则和方法。

    This paper analyses the characters of national railway with a discuss on the method of joint operation of urban mass transit and national railway .

  15. 随着铁路跨越式的大发展,国有铁路运输企业在税收管理与核算方面产生了诸多需要研究的新课题。

    With the rapid development of railway system , state-owned railway transport enterprises come across many new topics on the aspects of tax management and accounting .

  16. 而对于大型煤炭企业来讲,进行大规模生产必需依靠铁路运输,国有铁路的发展不能紧密跟随我国煤炭基地西移的步伐,势必会对企业发展造成瓶颈。

    For large-scale coal enterprises , mass production must rely on railway to transport ; however , the state-owned railway can not meet the demand in coal transportation .

  17. 对国有铁路建筑业工资总额变动的原因进行了客观和理性的分析;对今后加强工资的科学管理提出自己的见解。

    After performing an objective and rational analysis of the reasons for the gross payroll variation of the state - owned railway building trade , the author expresses his personal views on strengthening of the scientific management of wages .

  18. 中国一家国有铁路建设公司将为意大利最有名的足球俱乐部之一建设一座新的体育场。这得益于一位以撮合中西体育产业交易而闻名的人士的参与。

    China 's state-backed railway builder will be constructing a new stadium for one of Italy 's most storied soccer clubs , thanks to the involvement of a figure known for broking sports deals between China and the West .

  19. 针对这一问题,本文对某国有铁路企业&LY厂的人才流失案例进行了详细研究,期望提出的对策能给具有相似背景的国有铁路企业提供一些有益的参考。

    Aiming at this problem , the case of brain drain of a railroad enterprise - LY factory is detailedly investigated in the paper , and the proposed countermeasures are expected to provide some helpful elicitation for these enterprises that take on similar background .

  20. 利用国有铁路开行城市轨道交通,对解决日益严重的城市交通问题,合理引导城市发展方向,以及为国铁创造多种运营模式,提供新的利润增长点等,都具有积极的意义。

    The participation of national railway in urban rail transit has active significance for solving the daily serious urban traffic problems , leading properly the urban developing direction , and providing new benefit increasing point for multi - operation - mode of national railway .

  21. 铁路法院的法官往往是退休的列车长,没有接受过法律培训。基层铁路官员和国有铁路公司的低层主管会对法院的判决横加干预。铁路公检法人员实际上受雇于这些国有铁路公司。

    Judges in these courts are often retired train conductors with no legal training and decisions are subject to rampant interference from low-level railway officials and minor executives of the state - owned railway companies that in effect employ the judges , police and prosecutors .

  22. 其次在大量阅读国内外相关文献的基础上,结合成灌铁路的特点,系统地分析了该线运输组织模式、动车组的运用,并研究了市域铁路与国有铁路的关系。

    Secondly , according to the characteristics of the railway , paper analyzed the transport organizations of the line model , the use of Systematically after reading the large number of litera multiple unit ture . And to study the relationship between the suburban railway and state-owned railway .

  23. 在列车上、铁道及火车站附近发生,或涉及铁路工厂、铁路学校或国有铁路各部门其它财产的案件或纠纷,多数可由铁路警察调查、由铁路法院审理。

    Most crimes or disputes that occur on a train or in the vicinity of train tracks or stations or involve railway factories , schools or property belonging to the various organs of the state-owned railways can be investigated by railway police and heard in a railway court .

  24. 正太铁路是中国第一条国有窄轨铁路。

    Content : The shijiazhuang-taiyuan line is the first state-owned narrow-gauge railway in China .

  25. 国有印度铁路构成了一个巨大的网络,连接这个幅员辽阔国家的每个角落。

    The state-owned Indian railways form an immense network connecting every corner of the vast country .

  26. 只是政府投资和开支这第四个缸有强大的动力,动力来自今年春季国有银行对国家铁路系统、地方政府,以国有企业的加倍贷款。

    But the fourth , government investment and spending , is running strong , propelled by redoubled lending this spring by the state-controlled banking system to the national railroad system , local governments and state-owned enterprises .

  27. 20世纪70年代末,西方国家掀起国有企业私有化浪潮,国有铁路公司作为国有企业的一个重要组成部分,西方各国也先后对其进行了改革。

    In the late 1970s , the western countries started the tidal wave of the state-owned enterprises privatization , as an important component of the state-owned enterprises , the state-owned railway companies were reformed by the western countries .