
  • 网络seawater pressure;sea pressure;Ocean Pressure
  1. 基于海水压力的水下液压系统关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technology of Underwater Hydraulic System Utilizing Seawater Pressure

  2. 从水下液压系统的特点出发,论证了基于海水压力的水下液压系统的意义及可行性,在此基础上,提出了课题的研究内容及论文要进行的研究工作。

    Based on these , the significance and the feasibility of utilizing seawater pressure to power underwater hydraulic system are demonstrated and the research work has also been addressed .

  3. 通过节点力转换的方法,将船体外表面所受的海水压力转化到有限元节点上。

    The sea-pressuredistributing on ship hull is translated into forces acting on the finite element nodes .

  4. 测量海水压力的传感器

    A Sea-Water Pressure Sensor

  5. 载人潜水器每执行一次下潜任务,耐压球壳都要承受一次海水压力作用,随着使用次数的增加。

    For the manned submersible , the pressure hull will be subjected to a cyclic load for every diving task .

  6. 对水面舰船尾流气泡的半径随其所处深度变化的规律进行了理论分析,并比较了海水压力和气泡中气体扩散对气泡半径的影响幅度。

    The variation law of bubble radius in the wake of a surface ship with seawater depth was analyzed theoretically .

  7. 潜水员必须吸入压缩空气才不致受到周围海水压力的伤害。

    Divers must breathe compressed air to keep from being crushed by the weight , or pressure , of the surrounding water .

  8. 取得主要研究进展和成果如下:(1)首先,研究了低合金钢在不同海水压力下的腐蚀电化学行为及微观形貌。

    The main results and progresses of this work are outlined as following : ( 1 ) The corrosion electrochemical behaviors and morphology of low alloy steels under different pressure of seawater were investigated .

  9. 为了使水下液压系统适应不同深度下的作业要求,在系统中设置压力补偿器,使系统的回油压力与海水压力相等,并随海水深度变化自动调节,从根本上避免了海水压力的影响。

    To make it adapt to full ocean depth , a pressure compensator is adopted to balance the pressure inside and outside of the tank , which makes system pressure be established on seawater pressure .

  10. 本文介绍了海水压力传感器的原理、结构及高准确度、耐腐蚀等特性,可用于海水深度及舰艇位置测量、有广泛应用前景。

    The principle and construction of the sea-water pressure sensor and its properties such as high accuracy and corrosion-res istance are presented . The sensor can measure the depth of sea-water and ship position , and has wide application .

  11. 舷外海水动压力和货物压力非对称特性的讨论

    Discussion on the Asymmetric Behaviours of External Dynamic Sea Pressure and Internal Cargo Pressure

  12. 直控电反馈式微流量海水比例压力阀及其应用系统研究

    Research on a Direct Control Micro-flow Seawater Proportional Pressure Valve with Electrical Feedback and Utility System

  13. 由于液体压力和货物压力的单向性质,舷外海水动压力和货物舱内压力的变动是非对称的。

    Since the fluid pressure and cargo pressure can only apply towards a surface in the normal direction , variation of the external dynamic sea pressure and cargo pressure is asymmetric .

  14. 文中讨论了舷外海水动压力和舱内货物压力的非对称特性,在此基础上给出了舷外海水动压力范围和舱内货物压力的定义,指出了舷外海水动压力范围最大值出现的位置。

    The asymmetric behaviours of the external dynamic sea pressure and cargo pressure are discussed . On this basis , definitions of the external sea pressure range and cargo pressure are derived .

  15. 针对比例放大器对闭环电液比例变量泵的控制是利用相对工作压力信号(即不含海水环境压力产生的信号)的问题,利用电气补偿的控制方法,消除叠加的海水压力。

    Because closed loop electro hydraulic proportional variable pump used proportional amplifier to control hydraulic source , which adopts relative working pressure-signal , ( containing no signal from seawater pressure ), the electric controlled method is raised to eliminate seawater pressure .

  16. 研究了海水交变压力下有机涂层的劣化过程。结果表明,海水交变压力加速了有机涂层的失效,其主要原因是交变压力下水对涂层的渗透和逆渗透加速了涂层从基体金属上的剥离。

    The results showed that the deterioration process of organic coating has been accelerated under alternating pressure of seawater , and the reason is that the permeation and reversed-permeation of seawater into the coating accelerated the delamination of coating from the substrate metal .

  17. 用于测量海水温度和压力光纤传感器

    Optical Fiber Sensor for Measuring Temperature and Pressure of Sea Water

  18. 根据船体结构的温度分布,用有限元法计算了其温度应力,同时与货物压力、海水静动压力、总纵弯矩等载荷作用下的结构应力做了比较。

    The thermal stresses of the double hull structure are computed numerically by the finite element method based on the temperature distribution , and compared with the stresses caused by cargo pressures , static and dynamic sea pressure and hull girder vertical bending moment .

  19. 试验并计算PD-RPE在反渗透海水淡化中的压力回收比和能量回收效率,并分析影响能量回收效率的各种因素;

    The fluid pressure energy recovery experiments were done and the recovery efficiency was evaluated . At the same time the possible parameters which could effect recovery efficiency were experimental analyzed .

  20. 它是跟海水相通的,可以指出外面海水的压力,因此,我便知道我这船所在的深度。

    It 's placed in contact with the water , and it indicates the outside pressure on our hull , which in turn gives me the depth at which my submersible is sitting .

  21. 本文所研究的阀控余压能量回收装置采用正位移原理,利用高压盐水直接增压进料海水,采用两个水压缸(功交换器)交替工作来减小盐水和海水的流量/压力波动。

    The ERD designed in our research program is of the positive displacement principle , using the high pressure brine to pressurize the feed water directly . Two cylinders are used to recovery energy alternately to minish flow and pressure fluctuate of the brine and feed water .

  22. 海水声速是进行水下超声波测距与定位、探伤及海洋环境监测等测量过程中的重要参数之一,它随海水温度、压力及盐度等的差异而变化。

    The speed of sound in seawater is one of the important parameters during the measurement of the underwater ultrasonic ranging and positioning , testing and monitoring the marine environment and so on . The propagation speed with the water temperature , pressure and salinity varies .