
  1. 福建省泉州沿海大通道秀白段的软土地基处理采用了水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(简称CFG桩)技术,取得了良好的工程效果。

    Taking one section of Quanzhou highway as the case , it introduces the application of cement flyash gravel pile ( CFG ) technology to the soft ground construction .

  2. 沿海大通道建成对上海市经济发展的影响

    The Impact of the Grand Coast Freeway on Shanghai 's Economic Development

  3. 构筑西南至华南东南沿海便捷通道

    Construct the Convenient Corridor from Southwest to South China and Southeast Coastal Area

  4. 烟大铁路轮渡项目是我国沿海铁路通道的重要组成部分。

    The electric propulsion for train ferry is the first of its kind in china .

  5. 全国高速公路主干线同三线沿海大通道(黑龙江同山市至海南三亚市)贯穿温州全境。

    A national trunk line of expressway , a coastal thoroughfare from Tongshan City in Heilongjiang Province to Sanya City in Hainan Province , runs through the entire region of Wenzhou .

  6. 东部沿海铁路通道是我国铁路路网规划八纵八横的重要一纵,受自然条件影响大,工程环境恶劣,致使桥梁建设技术复杂难度大。

    East coastal railway is one of the important " vertical " line of the proposed " eight vertical eight horizontal " railway net of China . It is significantly influenced by natural conditions and bad engineering environment , bringing more difficulties for bridge building .

  7. 沿海地区地下通道墙体防水与堵漏施工技术

    Construction Technology of Waterproof and Plugging of Underground Tunnel Wall in Coastal Area

  8. 单戗堤立堵截流水力分析及施工技术探讨沿海地区地下通道墙体防水与堵漏施工技术

    Hydraulic Analysis and Construction Technology of the End-dump Closure for a single Embankment Construction Technology of Waterproof and Plugging of Underground Tunnel Wall in Coastal Area

  9. 浅谈立井井筒基岩段断层带堵水注浆技术沿海地区地下通道墙体防水与堵漏施工技术

    The Grouting Technology for Water Plugging in Bedrock Faultage of the Vertical Shaft Construction Technology of Waterproof and Plugging of Underground Tunnel Wall in Coastal Area