
  1. 并在此基础上,对新疆民族地区的沿边开放做了SWOT分析,应把握机遇,充分利用好自身的优势,积极应对挑战,不断改善自身的劣势,变劣势为优势。

    And on this basis , using SWOT analysis to study an open border region of Xinjiang ethnic , should seize the opportunity , make full use of its advantages , actively respond to challenges , continuously improve their own disadvantages and become inferior to their advantage .

  2. 试论西部民族地区的沿边开放

    On the Boundary Opening of the Nationality Areas in West China

  3. 26.扩大内陆沿边开放。

    26 . Inland and border areas will be further opened up .

  4. 加快提升沿边开放水平。

    We will speedily open up border areas wider .

  5. 内陆沿边开放城市满洲里市土地定级方法研究

    Study on the Method of Land Gradation of Manzhouli , an Interior Border Open City

  6. 东北地区沿边开放与口岸经济的发展

    Regional architecture opening to outsides along border of Northeast China and developing of border economy

  7. 最后,提出新疆沿边开放的发展前景和对策建议。

    Finally , Articles put forward to the development prospects and Countermeasures of Xinjiang border open .

  8. 提升沿边开放的研究&以广西为例

    On Upgrading the Opening to the Outside World along Chinese Border Area & Take Guangxi as an Example

  9. 提升中国西南沿边开放问题研究&云南河口研究报告

    A Study on the Problem of Promoting Along-border Opening of southwest in China & A Research Report of Hekou in Yunnan

  10. 而新疆民族地区实施沿边开放必须要走出一条具有新疆民族特色的沿边开放之路。

    The Xinjiang minority regions must be out of an open border with Xinjiang ethnic characteristics of the border and opening of the road .

  11. 世纪之交东北亚地缘政治经济格局的新变化与我国东北沿边开放的新形势中国经济发展的地缘战略与东亚经济一体化

    Impact of the Changing Situation of Geo-political and Geo-economic Structures of Northeast Asia & Development of the Out-oriented Economy of Border Areas in Northeast China

  12. 自我国实施沿边开放以来,中朝边境地区的经贸合作与交流得到了快速发展。

    Since China implemented opening along the border , the China-North Korea border areas of economic and trade cooperation and exchanges have been rapid development .

  13. 为在一个相对较高的层次上解决公平与效率的两全问题,应加大沿边开放力度,构建缘西边境国际经济合作带。

    For a proper balance here , China should issue further open-door policy for the western border and set up an international economic cooperation belt .

  14. 中国东北内蒙古沿边开放带可持续发展探讨&黑河市个案研究

    Study on the sustainable development strategy of the open zone along the frontier of Northeast China and Inner Mongolia ── the case study of HeiHe City

  15. 深化沿边开放是西部大开发的必然要求,这样国际经济合作就必然加强。

    The deepening of opening borders to the neighborhood is a requirement for the great development of western China , which will enhance the cooperation with international economy .

  16. 对外开放与沿边开放城市经济增长因素的实证检验&以东北地区为例

    Positive test on the opening-up and the other economic growing factors of opening cities along the border : taking four opening cities of Northeast China as an example

  17. 沿边开放是我国全方位对外开放格局的重要组成部分,它具有和沿海开放、内地开放不同的特点和内容。

    Border opening , which has different characteristics and content with coastal opening and inland opening , is an important component of the multidirectional opening pattern in our country .

  18. 我们将把深化沿海开放与扩大内陆和沿边开放结合起来,进一步优化区域开放格局。

    We will combine deepening openness in the coastal areas with greater openness in the hinterland and border areas in an effort to further improve China 's regional opening-up layout .

  19. 颁布实施沿边开放战略的有关法规,赋予新疆等西部地区扩大对外开放八条优惠政策;

    Relevant regulations on the strategy of opening up the border areas have been promulgated , providing eight preferential policies for enlarging the opening-up of the western areas , including Xinjiang .

  20. 为此,策略性调整势在必行,要完成从沿边开放城市到边境地区中心城市的转变,需要实现边境城市的规模扩张、功能发展和城市体系布局合理化。

    In order to change the cities from opening cities along land frontier to the key cities in the border area , we should enlarge their scale , develop their function and upgrade the city system .

  21. 第四章在东兴试验区沿边开放三个阶段的基础上,主要对沿边开放各阶段战略重点作出可行性分析和选择建议,提出了东兴试验区阶段性战略构想。

    The fourth chapter , based on our knowledge of the four stages , puts forward the strategic conception of Dongxing test area . Analysis and suggestions are made to test the feasibility of strategic focus of each stage .

  22. 以欠发达地区的沿边开放城市黑河市为例,论述了环保部门在城市建设中应发挥的作用,环境保护促进城市建设,城市建设与环境保护相协调的实践过程

    This article introduces Heihe city 's experience in city construction and environmental protection , and presents that the above two sectors can harmonize and promote each other . Discussion On the Regional Function Failure of Opening Cities along Land Frontier in China

  23. 改革开放30多年来,尤其是沿边开放政策实施以来,沿边地区经济实现了快速增长,但其经济发展水平依然远远落后于沿海地区,同时沿边地区内部经济增长差距也在不断扩大。

    Since the reform and opening up , especially the implementation of border and opening policy , the border area has realized fast economic growth . However its economic development level is still far behind coastal areas , internal economic growth gap in border area was growing .

  24. 黑河市在沿边开发开放中的城市建设与环保实践

    Heihe City 's Experience In City Construction And Environmental Protection

  25. 第二部分为广西东兴沿边开发开放状况的实证分析,通过设定的分析框架研究东兴沿边开发开放取得的成效及存在的问题。

    The second part is empirically anglicizing the openness and development in Guangxi border condition , through the analysis of the research framework set following development and open border the results achieved and the existing problems .

  26. 通过对有关理论的回顾和总结,对沿边开发开放效应进行理论分析,并在理论分析的基础上界定影响因素,在此基础上建立衡量沿边开发开放效应的综合评价体系。

    Through the theory of reviewing and summarizing , in theory and based on the analysis of the factors affecting the definition , and establish measure the development and opening of the comprehensive effect of border evaluation system .

  27. 第一部分为理论分析,从国家实施沿边开发开放的政策背景下,分析得出沿边开发开放效应的结论性内容,有针对性地设置全文分析框架。

    The first part is the theoretical analysis , that from the national policy of development and open of the border policy background , anglicizing development and open border conclusive effect content , specifically set full text analysis framework .

  28. 我国西部沿边地区经济开放评介

    Reviews on the economic opening of the borderland around china 's west

  29. 论中国沿边地区对外开放战略的几个问题

    Problems Concerning the Opening-up Strategy in China 's Frontier Areas

  30. 四是对沿边地区对外开放产生的效应进行了重新定义。

    Fourth , the effects of border areas have been open to re-defined .