
  1. 随着国民经济信息化的不断发展以及Internet的普及应用,中文信息处理成为一种热门的研究领域。

    With the continuous development of national information technology and the popularization of Internet , Chinese information processing becomes a hot research field .

  2. 国民经济信息化问题已摆在了一个重要的战略高度。

    The informationization of the national economy has its strategic importance .

  3. 推进吉林省国民经济信息化的建议与对策

    Suggestions and Countermeasures on Advancing National Economy Informationization of Jilin Province

  4. 加快海南电信事业发展促进海南国民经济信息化

    Accelerate Telecom Development and Promote National Econimic Informationization in Hainan

  5. 国民经济信息化及其阶段划分初探

    Preliminary Study of National Economy Informatization and the Division of Its Phases

  6. 加速国民经济信息化

    Develop information-based economy accelerate IT application in economy

  7. 与组织融为一体并相互作用的具有动态结构的开放信息系统是国民经济信息化的基础。

    A dynamic open information system associated with organization is the basis of national economic information processing .

  8. 文章在分析国民经济信息化内涵的基础上,探讨了国民经济信息化的层面与结构

    Based on analyzing the meaning of national economic information , The paper discusses its layer and structure

  9. 加速国民经济信息化加强国际文化交流。

    Develop information-based economy accelerate IT application in economy We will increase cultural exchanges with other countries .

  10. 随着国民经济信息化、信息社会化和社会信息化的发展,信息产业作为首要产业的知识经济迅速发展。

    With the development of information technology , knowledge economy that is based on information industry is developing rapidly .

  11. 文章指出,大力发展信息技术和信息产业,推动国民经济信息化,提高经济和社会的信息化水平,是实现我国集约型经济增长方式的关键。

    Then the author mentions that the informatization of national economy is the key for the intensive growth in China .

  12. 微电子产业无疑是信息产业的核心和基础,是推动国民经济信息化的重要保证。

    Microelectronic industry is the kernel and foundation of the information industry , it is the important assurance to improve national economy .

  13. 区域信息化作为我国国民经济信息化的重要组成部分,是国家信息化建设的重点内容。

    As an important composer of the national economy information , regional information forms the key content of the national information construction .

  14. 成都市移动通信行业的蓬勃发展为成都经济的发展创造了良好的通信环境,有力推动了成都国民经济信息化进程。

    The fasting development of ChengDu Mobile Communications Markets has created perfect environment for ChengDu economy and Pushed the information-process of ChengDu economy .

  15. “数字安徽”的核心和基础是安徽省地理空间信息基础设施建设,地理空间信息基础设施是国民经济信息化的重要组成部分。

    Geographic spatial information infrastructure of Anhui Province is the core of digital Anhui . Spatial information infrastructure is the important component of national economy informationization .

  16. 仲裁制度作为社会主义市场经济法律体系的重要组成部分,其信息化建设是国民经济信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    Arbitration is an important part of law system under the socialism market-oriented economy , and its development also constitutes an important sect of national economy information development .

  17. 随着国民经济信息化步伐的加快,空间信息的处理在人类社会经济发展和国防安全等众多领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of the national economy information technology , spatial information processing becomes more and more important in the human socio-economic development , national security , and many other fields .

  18. 企业信息化乃至国民经济信息化,势必导致现代经济运行方式的深刻变化,并对传统的经济管理理论提出严峻挑战。

    Enterprises informatization and even national economic informatization , inevitably lead to a deep change in pattern of modern economic operating and give a severe challenge to theories of traditional economic management .

  19. 目前,我国处于工业化中期阶段,国民经济信息化还刚刚起步。

    Nowadays compared with the developed countries , our country is still in the middle stage of the industrialization course and the informatization of the national economy just takes its beginning steps .

  20. 在经济发展全球化、信息化的趋势下,宁波必须把发展信息产业、建设信息港、推进国民经济信息化放在突出重要的地位。为此应进一步完善平台建设;

    In the tendency of globalization and information of economic development , Ningbo should put the IT development , information port construction and promoting national economy information at the most important place .

  21. 农业信息化是国民经济信息化的基础和重要组成部分,是统筹城乡和促进农业经济发展的重要手段,农业信息化建设始终是全国工作的重中之重。

    Agricultural informatization is the foundation and the important part of the national economy informationization , which is also the important means of making overall planning for urban-rural and promoting agricultural economy development .

  22. 信息资源的开发利用是国民经济信息化的核心。随着计算机、因特网的日益普及,信息资源的利用呈现国际化的趋势。

    The use and exploration of information resources is the core of national economy informatization , and is taking the trend of internationalization with the wide spread and rapid developing computer and Internet technologies .

  23. 近年来,随着信息技术的普及和发展,我国电子商务发展迅速,促进了国民经济信息化的发展。

    In the recent years , as the popularization and development of information technology , E-business has been going through a quick development and thus accelerated the growth of information system in domestic economy .

  24. 时至今日,实现国民经济信息化、发展信息产业已成为世界各国政府的共识。

    Even to this day , the governments all around the world have reached a consensus on the matter that it is most necessary to realize national economy informationization and to develop information industry .

  25. 另一方面,国民经济信息化建设步伐的加快促使各行各业在地理空间数据获取、存储、处理、分析、使用以及数据共享等方面的需求日益提高。

    On the other hand , the informationization of the national economy construction , to speed up the pace of professions in geographical spatial data acquisition , storage , processing , analysis , using and data sharing aspects of increasing demand .

  26. 本文在论述市场经济与信息化的关系和信息化对市场经济的倍增作用的基础上,提出了加速国民经济信息化的五项对策。

    On the basis of the the text talking about the relation between the market economy and information and information has much adding role on market economy , the text come up with five sections countermeasure on accelerating national economy information .

  27. 随着信息时代的到来,软件产业作为信息通信产业的核心和国民经济信息化的基础,已经成为国际竞争的焦点和各国竞相发展的战略性先导产业。

    With the advent of the information age , the software industry as the essential part of information and communication industry and the foundation of the national economy informationization has become the focus of international competition and the strategic leading industry of countries .

  28. 加快企业信息化建设步伐,是推动国民经济信息化的关键,也是实现信息化带动工业化的伟大战略、加快工业化进程、实现社会生产力跨越式发展的基础性工作。

    To accelerate the build speed of the enterprise informatization is not only the key to impel to build the national economy informatization but also the basic work to realize the strategy of informatization drive industrialization , speed up industrialization process and realize the overstepping development of society productivity .

  29. 国民经济动员信息化浅析

    Briefly on the national economy mobilization informationalization

  30. 审计机关的信息化建设,是随着国民经济管理信息化的发展而逐渐开展的。

    The informatization construction of auditing agencies is gradually carried out with the development of the informatization of national economy management .