
guó wáng
  • king;Rex
国王 [guó wáng]
  • [king] 一国之长。古代称诸侯封地为国,一国之长称王。自汉以后,则以国王为最高封爵。宋、元又作为封号,清则改称亲王。现代某些君主制国家元首的一种名称

国王[guó wáng]
  1. 王子不久就要被立为英国国王了。

    The prince was soon to be crowned King of England .

  2. 那是国王赐给他的头衔。

    It was a title bestowed upon him by the king .

  3. 剧中国王的形象是一个恶棍。

    The king is represented as a villain in the play .

  4. 贵族须宣誓效忠国王。

    Barons had to swear an oath of allegiance to the king .

  5. 她能一一说出所有的国王和王后的名字。

    She could recite a list of all the kings and queens .

  6. 她是国王詹姆斯二世的私生女。

    She was a natural daughter of King James II .

  7. 法国国王不对任何人效忠。

    The kings of France paid homage to no one .

  8. 权力被褫夺后,遭废黜的国王流亡国外。

    Shorn of his power , the deposed king went into exile .

  9. 他们被指控阴谋反对国王。

    They were accused of conspiring against the king .

  10. 响亮的喇叭声是国王驾到的信号。

    A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king .

  11. 国王于1330年10月14日至19日在诺丁汉召集协商会议。

    The King held a council at Nottingham from 14 to 19 October 1330 .

  12. 国家庆典总是以国王为中心。

    State occasions always centred around the king .

  13. 他们宣誓效忠国王。

    They swore their loyalty to the king .

  14. 国王对儿子们的纵容令商界恼火。

    The king 's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community

  15. 国王连续数月都在散布骇人听闻的谣言。

    The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months .

  16. 国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。

    The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks .

  17. 国王被诬陷施行妖术。

    The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts .

  18. 守护之神毗湿奴化身为下界的一位国王。

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king .

  19. 国王带了20名持枪的贴身侍卫。

    The King had brought his own bodyguard of twenty armed men .

  20. 特拉维夫的国王广场更名为伊扎克·拉宾广场。

    Tel Aviv 's Kings Square was renamed Yitzhak Rabin Square

  21. 国王现在处于政治上岌岌可危的境地。

    The King now stands on the brink of a political precipice .

  22. 他们请我父亲为他们向国王求情。

    They asked my father to intercede with the king on their behalf

  23. 1154年,亨利二世成为英格兰国王。

    In 1154 , Henry II became King of England .

  24. 我命中注定有一天要成为国王。

    It is my destiny one day to be king .

  25. 两天后,胡安·卡洛斯被加冕为国王。

    Two days later , Juan Carlos was crowned king .

  26. 国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。

    The King 's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion

  27. 国王可能会把他的某些公职交由儿子担任。

    The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son

  28. 为国王动手术的外科医生通报了其伤势的最新详情。

    The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries

  29. 国王陛下要在皇宫召见你。

    His Majesty requests your presence in the royal chambers

  30. 适应了爱德华国王学校的生活后,我就深深地爱上了这里。

    I enjoyed King Edward 's School enormously once I 'd settled in .