
  1. 国际价值理论和物价工作的新内容

    International Value Theory and the New Content of Price Work

  2. 马克思的国际价值理论与西方国际贸易学说

    Marx s Theory of International Value and Western Doctrine of International Trade

  3. 马克思国际价值理论与当代国际价值的变化

    Marx ' Theory of International Value and the Changes of Contemporary International Value

  4. 马克思主义国际价值理论的构建

    Constructing of Marxist Theory of International Value

  5. 马克思国际价值理论:深化认识与实践应用

    A More Thorough Understanding of Marx 's Theory of International Value and Its Application in Practice

  6. 虽然马克思没有完整的国际价值理论,但是他已经提出了国际价值的思想。

    Marx didn 't build a comprehensive theoretical system of international value , but he had left us some important ideas .

  7. 研究马克思国际价值理论和新时期国际价值的变化,对我国发展对外贸易与国际经济关系具有重要意义。

    There is important significance in studying Marx ' theory of international value and its changes in the new period of time while developing China 's international trade and economic relations .

  8. 在经济全球化的今天,马克思主义国际价值理论对于深入认识国际经济现象具有重要的现实意义。

    In the era of economic globalization , it has with important significance for us to study Marxist theory of international value which helps us to understand the international economic phenomena deeply .

  9. 在这一章我们引入了国际价值链的理论,从我国外贸企业在国际价值链中的位置揭示了其经营困难的深层原因。

    In this chapter , we introduce the innovation theory that exposes the deep reason for the state-owned foreign trade enterprise 's management puzzledom from its position in the international value chain .

  10. 马克思主义的国际分工和国际价值理论是经济全球化的最主要理论基础。

    The theory of the international division of labor and the international value of Marxism is the dominant theoretical basis of the globalization of economy .

  11. 文中借鉴了国际流行风险价值管理理论,引入了当前国际先进的风险管理理念,并结合作者自身的工作经验和体会提出了如何在现有管理体制的基础上实现全面风险管理的措施和方法。

    This paper refers to popular theory of risk value management , introduces advanced international risk management concept , and combines author 's own working experience to bring forward measures of realizing overall risk management on the basis of current system .

  12. 在第三章中,笔者单独把国际价值规律从国际价值理论中拿出来,单列一章,以凸显其重要性。

    In the third chapter , the author of international law of value separate from the international value of theory out , a separate chapter , to highlight its importance .