
  • 网络International sports;Sport Intern;Fox Sports Int'l
  1. 他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。

    He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited .

  2. 自2004年起,我国将迎来F1、NBA、女足世界杯、亚运会、奥运会等重大国际体育赛事。

    Since 2004 , we make preparation and take part in F1 , NBA , Women Football World Cup , Asian Games , Olympic Games and so on . They are all the important international sports events .

  3. 在为2008年北京奥运会和残奥会设计礼服之后,北京服装学院此后承担了多个重大国际体育赛事的服装设计任务,为运动员打造了自信展现民族身份和形象的礼服。

    After designing uniforms for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Paralympics , the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology has since taken on the task of costume design for a number of major international sporting events , creating uniforms for athletes that confidently express the national identity and image of China .

  4. CAS国际体育仲裁机制的司法化趋势研究

    On the Trend of Judicialization in CAS International Arbitration Mechanism for Sports

  5. 从狭义上来说,CAS的仲裁实践就是国际体育仲裁的实践。

    In a narrow sense , CAS arbitration practice is the practice of arbitration for international sport disputes .

  6. 国际体育仲裁院(CAS)是国际体育界享有最高权威的终局性仲裁机构。

    Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) is an final arbitration institution with the highest authority in international area of sports .

  7. 现在,他说,我们绝对、绝对不会接受任何的和解,如果大会不采取行动,他承诺会将此案提交到国际体育仲裁法庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)寻求解决。

    Now , he said , we will never , never accept any compromise , promising to pursue the case at the Court of Arbitration for Sport if the congress did not act .

  8. 现在,他说,“我们绝对、绝对不会接受任何的和解,”如果大会不采取行动,他承诺会将此案提交到国际体育仲裁法庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)寻求解决。

    Now , he said , " we will never , never accept any compromise , " promising to pursue the case at the Court of Arbitration for Sport if the congress did not act .

  9. 昨日,全球体育纠纷的最终审裁机构——国际体育仲裁庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)驳回了针对上述禁赛令提起上诉的68名运动员以及俄罗斯奥委会的主张。

    Yesterday , the Court of Arbitration for Sport , the final judge in global sports disputes , dismissed the claims of 68 athletes and the Russian Olympic Committee , which had appealed the ban .

  10. 国际体育仲裁庭的这一裁决可能允许奥运会的管理机构——国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)禁止整个俄罗斯队参加巴西奥运。

    The decision could free the International Olympic Committee , which governs the games , to ban the entire Russian team from the games in Brazil .

  11. 本月早些时候,小贝曾向CNN国际体育频道的主播佩德罗平托透露,跟妻子及四个孩子的分别让他很难过。

    Speaking to CNN World Sport 's Pedro Pinto earlier this month , he revealed that it 's hard to be separated from his wife and four children .

  12. HOK体育+场所+活动&国际体育建筑设计公司

    HOK Sport + Venue + Event

  13. 世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)总干事戴维豪曼(DavidHowman)最近警告称,如今,国际体育界有相当一部分已被犯罪分子控制。

    David Howman , director-general of the World Anti-Doping Agency , warned recently that the underworld is now controlling a significant proportion of world sport .

  14. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(DmitryPeskov)昨日对记者表示,俄罗斯对国际体育仲裁庭的裁决表示遗憾。

    Dmitry Peskov , a Kremlin spokesman , told journalists yesterday that Russia regretted the court 's decision .

  15. 考虑到国际体育仲裁法庭(theCourtofArbitrationforSport)最近以服用违禁药物为由,决定取消2010年环法自行车赛冠军得主阿尔伯托•康塔多(AlbertoContador)的冠军称号,他也可以位列其中。

    And given the recent decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport to strip 2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of his title for alleged drug use , he could be included too .

  16. 随着国际体育仲裁院(CourtofArbitrationforSports,CAS)的成立,其体育仲裁的机制在体育纠纷的解决中发挥了越来越重要的作用,成为了主流的体育纠纷解决方法。

    With the establishment of the International Sports Arbitration Court ( Court of Arbitration for Sports , CAS ), the mechanism of Arbitration for Sport in the settlement of sports disputes plays an increasingly important role , and becomes the mainstream sports dispute resolution methods .

  17. 王平:假如我们在国外旅行,更容易在异国他哆找到ESPN,因为它在16个国际体育频道拥有全部或部分股份。

    Wang Ping : If we travel abroad , it would be easier to find ESPN in another country , because it owns whole or partial stock for16 inter-national sports channels .

  18. 零度可乐与《英雄联盟》携手,同时与Riot合作开始一个全新的系列业余比赛将会给玩家们带来一些特别的东西,并在国际体育界将电子竞技提升到全新高度。

    Pairing coke zero with League of legends and collaborating with riot on a new Amateur series will bring something special to the players and help elevate eSports to a new level in the world of international sports .

  19. 建立国际体育阵线,加大宣传普及力度;

    Set up international sports front , strengthen and propagate popularization ;

  20. 关于在体育院校开设国际体育舞蹈课的几点思考

    Initiation of International Sports Dances Into Physical Education Institutes ′ Class

  21. 国际体育电视转播产业发展的特点

    Study on the characters of TV relay industry in the world

  22. 你20岁的时候获得了多少国际体育奖项?

    How much international recognition in sports have you received by20 ?

  23. 国际体育仲裁中一事不再理原则的适用

    The Principle Against Double Jeopardy in the International Arbitration for Sports

  24. 在中小学推广国际体育舞蹈的可行性研究

    Feasibility of promoting international sports dance in elementary and middle schools

  25. 我国大城市选择承办国际体育大赛的策略思考

    On Strategies for China 's Metropolises to Host International Sports Tournaments

  26. 国际体育舞蹈与交谊舞的比较分析

    The Comparison and Analysis of International Physical Dancing and Social Dancing

  27. 大型国际体育运动会蕴藏的商机

    The commercial opportunity of containing in the large-scale International Sports Game

  28. 上海大型国际体育赛事媒介服务研究

    Research on Media Service to Large-Sized International Sports Competitions in Shanghai

  29. 论解决国际体育纠纷的法律机制的基本类型

    Discussion on Basic Types of Settlement System for World Sports Dispute

  30. 海南省国际体育村规划设计体会

    Planning and Design of International Sports Village in Hainan Province