
  • 网络international usage;international commercial customs
  1. 然而,无论是学术界还是实务界对国际商事惯例的认识存在较大分歧。

    However , the understanding of international usages exists great divergence , no matter in academic circles or in practical circles .

  2. 国际商事惯例合意选择条款的思考&兼评我国《民法(草案)》有关条款

    Ponder the Clause of Parties ' Choice of International Usages & On Relevant Provisions of the Draft Civil Law of China

  3. 本文从国际商事惯例的含义入手,对国际商事惯例的基本理论问题以及国际商事惯例的适用问题进行了比较全面的分析和论述。

    This thesis studies from definition of international commercial usages , analyzed and explored the basic problem of theory of international commercial usages .

  4. 第五章针对我国关于国际商事惯例在我国适用的几个争论问题进行了分析研究,提出个人见解并对我国立法中的某些不足提出完善建议。

    Chapter 5 focused on some controversial problems of international commercial usages while they are applied in our country , and put forward proposals .

  5. 同时就国际商事惯例的适用依据、适用途径及功能、适用中与其他法律规范的关系、国际商事惯例适用的限制及其识别与证明等问题进行了比较全面详细的分析研究。

    At the same time , the thesis analyzed all-sidedly some problem of application of international commercial usages , such as basis , method and function , relationship with other rule of law , limitation to usages , qualification and evidence of international commercial usages .

  6. 由于我国有关法律的不完善及国际商事仲裁裁决惯例和各国法律的复杂性,在实践中,各地法院对法律的理解和适用有很多不一致的地方。

    All these provide our court with law and practice gist for supervising the international commercial arbitration awards .

  7. 国际民事商事公约与惯例

    International Civil and Commercial Convention and Practices

  8. 在不断发展的国际民商事法律关系中,国际商事惯例在国际商事活动中的作用日趋重要。

    International usages are more and more important in continuously international civil and commercial legal relationships .

  9. 目前,商人习惯法的渊源主要包括国际商事条约、一般法律原则、国际商事惯例和国际商事习惯、国际标准合同以及国际商事仲裁裁决等。

    Nowadays , it includes international commercial treaties , general principles of law . international commercial conventions , international standard contracts , international commercial arbitration and so on .