
  • 网络National treatment;national treatment principle;principle of national treatment
  1. 关于WTO国民待遇原则与进一步完善我国外资法的探讨

    WTO National Treatment Principle and on China 's Foreign Investment Laws

  2. WTO体制下的国民待遇原则研究

    Research on the Principle of National Treatment under the WTO System

  3. 论WTO之国民待遇原则在我国的实践

    On The Application Of WTO 's Citizen Treatment Principle To Ch

  4. WTO跨境交付的国民待遇原则与国际教育合作

    Analysis of WTO National Treatment Principle of Cross-border Supply in Educational Services

  5. 贯彻WTO国民待遇原则完善我国外资立法

    WTO 's Principle of National Treatment and China 's Legislation for Foreign Capital

  6. WTO国民待遇原则的发展预测

    The Prediction on WTO National Treatment Development

  7. 该章第一节首先回顾了WTO对国民待遇原则适用的限制规定的概况。

    The first section looks back upon the limitations imposed upon National Treatment by WTO rules .

  8. 中国影响汽车零部件措施案与WTO国民待遇原则

    The Case of China-measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts and the Principle of National Treatment Under WTO

  9. 我国现行的外商直接投资市场准入制度与WTO有关多边国际投资协议的规定存在不少差距,尤其表现在国民待遇原则、取消数量限制原则和透明度原则这三个方面。

    But there are still some conflicts between the Chinese market access of FDI law and WTO rules .

  10. 该章第一节首先讨论了国民待遇原则在WTO中的内容,说明了其含义以及在WTO诸协议中的规定。

    The first section of this chapter discusses the contents of National Treatment in WTO and its meaning inside .

  11. 因此本文认为,改革WTO国民待遇原则,不仅需要进一步加强市场竞争性分析,同时也应该引入政策考量,在尊重WTO成员方管理自治的基础上推进贸易自由化。

    In order to reform the principle of national treatment , we need further strengthen analysis of market competitiveness .

  12. WTO反补贴规则与国民待遇原则的适用关系

    The Applications of WTO Regulation on Anti-subsidy and the Principle on the Treatment of the People of a Nation

  13. 结合有关条约看TRIPS中的国民待遇原则

    Understand the Principle of National Treatment in TRIPS According with Related Treaties

  14. 国民待遇原则是TRIPS的几个基本原则之一。

    The principle of National Treatment is one of general principles of TRIPS .

  15. WTO是全球性经贸组织,WTO基本原则之一是非歧视原则(国民待遇原则),中国加入WTO以后应与WTO基本原则精神协调一致。

    WTO is a global economic trade organization , one of whose basical principles is non-discrimination , i. e. , national treatment .

  16. WTO《服务贸易总协定》所确立的关于服务贸易的特定的国民待遇原则也适用于这种教育服务。

    The national treatment principle established for specific educational service sectors in GATS is also applicable to this kind of educational service .

  17. 接着,该章总结了国民待遇原则在WTO中的特点和作用,说明了其具有多边化、普遍化、实质性的特点。

    Then , the chapter continues with a discussion of National Treatment within WTO , talking about its multilateral and generalized and substantial sides .

  18. 特别是随着中国加入WTO后,它更妨碍我国入世所作出的承诺的履行,也直接与国民待遇原则发生冲突。

    It obstructs the fulfillments of China 's commitments made at the entrance of WTO . Besides , it is directly conflicting with country treatment principles .

  19. 我国加入WTO面临的主要问题已由如何吸引外资转变为如何与外资企业竞争。为加强国企的实力,应对现行税制加以改革:实行国民待遇原则,公平内外资企业税负;

    The main problem China being faced with while entering WTO has changed from how to attract foreign investment to how to compete with foreign companies .

  20. 并且,随着WTO多边体制下《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》、《服务贸易总协定》等一系列多边协议的达成,国民待遇原则已经从货物贸易渗透到国际投资法制中。

    After Trade-Related Investment Measures and General Agreement on Trade in Services has been reached , national treatment has infiltrate into the legal system of international investment .

  21. 另一方面,针对WTO法制的要求明确国民待遇原则,扩大市场准入,加强投资保护;

    On the other hand , determine the National Treatment Principle , enlarge market admittance , reinforce investment protection to meet the requirement of WTO legal system ;

  22. 国民待遇原则作为非歧视原则在WTO体制中的重要体现,具有显而易见的地位和重要性。

    As an important expression of Non-discrimination principle in the system of WTO , Principle of national treatment is of great importance and its position is obviously .

  23. 这些要求集中表现为WTO协议所规定的国民待遇原则、透明度原则、法律统一实施原则、行政公平原则以及对行政行为的监督审查原则等方面。

    Such requirements are spelled out through a series of principles including national treatment , transparency , uniform law enforcement , fair administration , and review of administrative actions .

  24. 国民待遇原则是世界贸易非歧视性原则的基石,内容贯穿了WTO的整个法律体系,是WTO的核心内容之一。

    The principle of national treatment is the footstone of the non-discrimination principle in world trade , which run through the whole law system and is the key word of WTO .

  25. 在市场经济和WTO条件下,维护农民的合法权益和普及国民待遇原则,是实现中国农业现代化和农业可持续发展的关键。

    Under the market economy and WTO circumstances , securing farmers ' lawful rights and interest and popularizing national treatment principle , is the key to accomplish agricultural modernization and sustainable development .

  26. WTO国民待遇原则要求一成员在对待其他成员的产品、服务或服务提供者、知识产权所有者或持有者的待遇不低于本国同类产品、服务或服务提供者、知识产权所有者或持有者的待遇。

    WTO national treatment principle requires WTO member treat the others ' products , service or service supplier and the owner or holder of intelligent property the same as it 's own .

  27. 综观WTO协定中的有关条款,尽管其在许多方面对国民待遇原则有了重大发展,但各领域的发展很不平衡。

    The studying of the related items of WTO reveals that it has made great advances in many aspects of national treatment principle , however , the development of each field is imbalanced .

  28. 因此可以说,WTO国民待遇原则是以规范政府税收和管理的公权力为核心,以保障市场上的平等竞争机会为目标。

    Therefore , Analysised characteristics and conditions of national treatment , the principle of national treatment bound the public power of government tax revenue and management , take the equal competitive opportunity as goal .

  29. 国民待遇原则作为WTO体制的支柱之一,强调内外国主体法律地位的平等,昭示着经济自由主义的理念。

    As one of the pillars of WTO system , the principle of national treatment emphasizes the equality of legal status of both foreign and domestic subjects , which declares publicly the spirit of economic liberalism .

  30. 我国加入WTO后,根据市场准入原则和国民待遇原则,将会有更多的跨国公司进入我国开办外商投资企业。

    After China 's Accession to the WTO , based on the Principles of Market Entering and National Treatment , there will be more and more Multinational Companies coming into China to operate foreign enterprises and making money .