
  • 网络State immunity;sovereign immunity;State Immunity Act
  1. 接下来全文就将对国家豁免权进行分析,进而在法律实践中,尤其是国际民商事仲裁中国家豁免权应如何处理。

    Next the author will analyze the state immunity and figure out how to solve the disputes about state immunity in legal practice .

  2. 国家及其财产豁免权原则作为国家主权原则的延伸,赋予了国家在对外交往中的特殊法律地位。

    The immunity principle of the state and its property , as an extension of the state sovereignty , provides the state with special legal footing in international diplomacy .

  3. 被告于此件诉讼中,依法已经放弃国家赋予的主权豁免权。

    Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute .