
  • 网络welfare right
  1. 与公民的其他权利相比,社会福利权属于一种新型权利。

    Compared with the other citizen 's rights , welfare right is the new right .

  2. 在公民的权利体系中,社会福利权是其中一个重要组成部分,是一项最基本的权利。

    Welfare right is the important part of the citizen 's right system , and it is the basis rights .

  3. 论农民工子女受教育福利权的政府保障

    Governmental Protection of Migrant Children 's Rights in Education and Welfare

  4. 本文回顾了美国福利权发展的历史,对围绕美国福利权性质所展开的若干学理问题进行了梳理。

    This article gives a brief review on the development of welfare right in US .

  5. 50年前这股压力则是转向了社会保障福利权。

    50 years ago the pressure was for the right to social security and welfare .

  6. 除了这些高尚方面外,民生、人的生存权和福利权也是中国权利观的重要而又实在的内容。

    These " noble " things , livelihood , human survival and welfare are important and real rights in China .

  7. 福利权的性质决定了政府应当主动、积极地履行自己的责任,保障福利权的实现。

    The nature of the welfare right requires that the government should actively bear his responsibility to guarantee the realization of welfare right .

  8. 宣言中的“个人的利益和福利的优先权应该高于科学或者社会的单独利益”也获得了这些团体的欢迎。

    So too has the statement that " the interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society " .

  9. 因此,如何归纳总结出这些影响因素并从中挑选出较好的政策工具,对于一国在服务业开放进程中增加福利及掌握主动权至关重要。

    So it is important to conclude these factors and pick up an appropriate tool when opening up its service sector for a country .

  10. 尽管大部分的社会公益团体关心的是消费者和环保事物,还有其他一些工作在诸如国防开支,福利改革,公民权这些不同领域。

    Although most of these citizen advocacy groups are concerned with consumer and environmental affairs , others work in such diverse areas as defense spending , welfare reform , and civil liberties .

  11. 法院的判决为美国同性夫妻有权享有异性夫妻的所有福利,包括有权拥有州外结婚证。

    The court ruled that same-sex American couples are entitled to all of the same benefits as heterosexual married couples , including the right to have their out-of-state marriage licenses recognized as legal .

  12. 另外,虽然从技术上讲,欧盟对福利几乎没有管辖权,但是其作用却越来越大,而且欧洲法院通过对单一市场、歧视和就业事务的裁决,正在施加越来越大和意想不到的影响。

    In addition , while the European Union technically has few competences in welfare , its role is growing and the European Court of justice is having an increasing and unexpected impact via its rulings on single-market , discrimination and employment issues .