
fú tè qì chē gōng sī
  • Ford Motor Company
福特汽车公司[fú tè qì chē gōng sī]
  1. 2010年被中国投资者从福特汽车公司(FordMotorCompany)手中买下的沃尔沃称,今年将向美国交付1500到2000辆汽车,接下来几年里会根据需求增加数量。

    Volvo , which a Chinese investor bought from the Ford Motor Company in 2010 , said it would ship 1,500 to 2,000 cars to the United States this year , with increases in subsequent years based on demand .

  2. Edsel担任福特汽车公司总裁直到1943年去世。

    Edsel was president of Ford Motor Company until he died in nineteen forty-three .

  3. 福特汽车公司为老年人设计的一款汽车于上周亮相,这进一步体现了老年消费者的购买力。

    There was further evidence of grey consumer power last week , when Ford revealed a car designed with elderly people in mind .

  4. 他终于当上了福特汽车公司的总裁。

    He attained the position of President of Ford Motors .

  5. 福特汽车公司的代销商都是独立的联营商。

    Ford dealerships operated as independent franchises .

  6. 福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)与通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)一直是竞争对手,现在,福特正在将竞争升级。

    Ford Motor Co. is escalating its long-standing rivalry with general motors .

  7. 福特汽车公司去年任命菲尔兹(MarkFields)担任公司的首席营运长,这使他有可能成为穆拉利的接班人。

    Last year , the company named Mark Fields as chief operating officer , making him the likely successor .

  8. 非常凑巧,福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)在那里也有一个工作岗位在招人。

    It so happened that Ford Motor Co. F + 2.04 % had an open job there .

  9. 福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)打算向快速增长但竞争日益激烈的中国市场引入旗下高端品牌。

    Ford Motor Co. is setting its sights on the fast-growing but increasingly crowded Chinese market for high-end cars .

  10. 在美国,福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)首开先河,在2011款Explorer汽车上安装了气囊安全带。

    In the U.S. , Ford Motor Co. was the first to offer this bag-in-belt technology on 2011 Explorers .

  11. 果然,随后不久传来了消息,福特汽车公司(Ford)的交通连接面包车(TransitConnectvan)也已获准在同一时间用作出租车。

    Then came news that Ford 's Transit Connect van has been certified for taxi use in the meantime .

  12. 福特汽车公司(Ford)于1962年首次在其雷鸟(Thunderbird)车型上装配了这一车顶。

    Ford tried it for the first time with the1962 Thunderbird .

  13. 就在不久前,福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)管理层的变更就像是南美香蕉共和国的死刑执行现场。

    In the not-so-distant past , management transitions at Ford Motor Co. were much like the firing squad at a South American Banana Republic .

  14. 在自1956年起一直是上市公司的福特汽车公司,该公司创始人的后代一直通过手中有超级表决权的B类股票有效地控制着这家公司,他们因手中的这类股票而享有40%的公司普通股表决权。

    At Ford , which has been a publicly-listed company since 1956 , descendants of the founder maintain effective control through Class B supervoting stock that gives them 40 % of the common stock vote .

  15. 由于销售严重下滑,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCorp。)、福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo。)和克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerLLC)一直在寻求获得340亿美元的政府贷款以渡过当前的经济衰退期。

    With sales slumping badly , General Motors Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , and Chrysler LLC had been seeking $ 34 billion in government loans to weather the recession .

  16. 底特律——去年4月,福特汽车公司(FordMotor)高调宣布,将重新推出林肯大陆(LincolnContinental)豪华轿车,瞄准不断扩张的中国市场。

    DETROIT - Last April , Ford Motor announced with fanfare that it would reintroduce its storied Lincoln Continental luxury sedan , with an eye on sales in the expanding Chinese market .

  17. Edsel是以福特汽车公司创始亨利福特的独子EdselFord的名字来命名的。

    The Edsel was named for Edsel Ford , the only child of company founder Henry Ford .

  18. 通用汽车、福特汽车公司(Ford)、戴姆勒汽车公司(Daimler)及其他众多汽车厂商一直在致力于研发一种更耐用、更经济的小型燃料电池。

    GM , Ford ( f ) , Daimler and most other carmakers have been working to develop a small , durable and affordable fuel cell .

  19. 围绕福特汽车公司(Ford)和丰田汽车公司(Toyota)建立合资企业的舆论造势让我想起了一句老话:大公司的新闻总是宣布的那天听起来最美妙。

    The buildup surrounding the new joint venture between Ford and Toyota reminded me of an old adage : big corporate events always sound best on the day they are announced .

  20. 福特汽车公司追赶ISO14000热潮

    Ford Catches ISO 14000 Fever

  21. 在50年代出现了Thunderbird并偶然的成为福特汽车公司的一部分。

    In the50 's came the Thunderbird and the chance to own a part of Ford Motor Company .

  22. 最近,福特汽车公司(Ford)发布了一个让人惊讶的公告:它要在自己高科技含量极高的控制系统MyFordTouch上加装收音机旋钮。

    Recently , Ford ( F , Fortune 500 ) made a surprising announcement : it is adding radio knobs to its hi-tech component control system myford touch .

  23. 据数位知情人士透露,在从福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)手里收购瑞典汽车厂商沃尔沃(Volvo)的竞购者中,中国汽车生产商吉利控股集团脱颍而出,领先其他竞购者。

    China 's Geely Leads Volvo Bidding Chinese automaker Geely Holding Group Co. has emerged as the leading contender to acquire Swedish automaker Volvo from Ford Motor Co. , said several people familiar with the matter .

  24. 据路透社报道,福特汽车公司首席汽车集团(PAG)周一表示,将行使其权利,从德国宝马公司购买罗孚品牌。

    Ford Motor Co will exercise its right to buy the Rover brand name from German premium carmaker BMW , a spokesman for Ford 's Premier Automotive Group ( PAG ) said on Monday .

  25. 福特汽车公司计划今年晚些时候在印度钦奈的一家工厂生产翼博(EcoSport)紧凑型跨界车。

    Ford plans to export its ecosport small crossover from a plant in Chennai later this year .

  26. 福特汽车公司销售部准备提供500辆小汽车和卡车。

    Ford Motor Company Commercial is supplying 500 cars and trucks .

  27. 这些董事们是福特汽车公司声名显赫的保护人。

    These guys were the illustrious guardians of the Ford Motor Company .

  28. 1913年,福特汽车公司引入第一条流水装配线。

    Ford Motor Company introduces the first moving assembly line .

  29. 1997年福特汽车公司赢利创历史新高

    1997 & A Top Year of Profit-making of Ford

  30. 福特汽车公司是世界上第二大汽车制造商。

    Ford Motor Company is the second largest vehicle manufacturer in the world .