
  • 网络Imperial Tobacco;Imperial Tobacco Group Plc;imperial tobacco company;Imperial Tobacco Group
  1. 随着消费性开支减缓的程度越来越大了,帝国烟草公司和加莱赫烟草公司都在以降价和便宜的品牌来追逐低端市场。

    As the slowdown in consumer spending deepens , Imperial Tobacco and Gallaher are chasing the low end of the market with price cuts and cheaper brands .

  2. 在大型的并购活动之后,如帝国烟草公司收购阿塔迪斯,以及日本烟草公司收购加莱赫,价格竞争的威胁也减轻了。

    The threat of price competition has also eased after large mergers such as Imperial Tobacco 's purchase of Altadis and Japan Tobacco 's acquisition of Gallaher .

  3. 这个品牌与英美烟草公司的波迈牌卷烟及帝国烟草公司的JPS牌卷烟进行竞争。

    It competes with British American Tobacco Plc 's Pall Mall brand , and Imperial Tobacco Group Plc 's JPS cigarettes .

  4. 在德国,帝国烟草公司的卷烟份额稳定为27.4%,而JPS的市场份额则继续增长到8.4%。

    In Germany , Imperial 's cigarette share was stable at27.4 percent , with JPS continuing to grow share to8.4 percent .

  5. 据吸烟与健康行动组织说,帝国烟草公司本身在过去曾经因与烟草走私有关联而遭到严厉批评。

    According to charity , Imperial itself has in the past been severely criticised for its links to tobacco smuggling .

  6. 这个商标最初由利是美公司在德国持有,但在2002年,当帝国烟草公司收购利是美公司的时候被帝国烟草公司收购过来。

    The trademark was originally held by Reemtsma in German but was acquired by Imperial back in2002 when it took over Reemtsma .

  7. 帝国烟草公司和KT&G公司之间的先进技术的交换,将给韩国带来更多名优卷烟。

    " The exchange of state-of-the-art technologies between Imperial Tobacco and KT & G will bring more premium cigarettes here ," he said .

  8. 那场价值500万美元的反对运动据称是由香烟经销店店店主集资的,但事实上部分资金还是来自英美烟草集团和帝国烟草公司。

    The $ 5 million campaign , purporting to come from small store owners , was also partly financed by British American and Imperial Tobacco .

  9. 帝国烟草公司销售与市场董事托尼·米尔斯说:“不吸烟的人不会因为看到了乳品店里的小型展示就突然决定购买卷烟。”

    Sales and Marketing Director Tony Mears said " Non-smokers don 't suddenly decide to buy cigarettes because they see a small display in a dairy . "

  10. 英美烟草公司(与三个联合原告一道)、帝国烟草公司和日本烟草国际公司各自对这个禁令提起了诉讼。

    British American Tobacco ( along with three co-plaintiffs ), the Imperial Tobacco Group and Japan Tobacco International are each mounting a legal challenge to the ban .

  11. 竞争上诉特别法庭请反垄断管理部门解释,它将如何继续应对帝国烟草公司、沃尔玛连锁店和其他10家制造商和零售商的罚款上诉案。

    The court had asked the regulator to explain how it will continue fighting appeals of fines against Imperial Tobacco , Wal-Mart Stores Inc.and10 other manufacturers and retailers .

  12. 这种欺骗行为也给帝国烟草公司造成了损害。帝国烟草公司是一家英国公司,在2008年收购西班牙和法国合资的企业阿塔迪斯公司的时候,它继承了在哈伯纳斯公司中的50%的股权。

    The fraud also hurt Imperial Tobacco , a British company which inherited a50 % stake in Habanos when it bought Altadis , a Franco-Spanish firm , in2008 .

  13. 帝国烟草公司一部分的自动售烟机供应商辛克莱·科利斯,获得了对最高法院拒绝司法审查禁令提起上诉的许可。

    Machine provider Sinclair Collis , part of Imperial Tobacco , has been granted leave to appeal the High Court 's decision to reject its judicial review of the ban .

  14. 1902年,美国烟草公司和英国帝国烟草公司联合投资组建了英美烟公司,同年进入中国,直到1952年撤出。

    In 1902 , American Tobacco Company and British Empire Tobacco Company set up British-American Tobacco Company with joint investment , entering China in the same year , and departed from China in 1952 .

  15. 澳大利亚税务署认为,如果英美烟草公司直接将这些品牌出售给帝国烟草公司的话,它应该缴纳1.18亿美元资本收入的税额。

    The Tax Office argued that if British American Tobacco had sold the brands directly to Imperial , it would have been liable for the tax on a capital gain of $ 118 million .

  16. 帝国烟草公司前任首席执行官加雷思•达维斯在公司任职长达14年。当艾莉森•库珀在得知自己是其接班人时并未因肩负重任而惶惶不可终日。

    Alison Cooper was not intimidated when presented with the daunting task of filling the shoes of Gareth Davis , Imperial Tobacco 's former chief executive , who had served in the role for14 years .

  17. 烟草在线据《电讯报》报道编译帝国烟草公司在报告年度利润与预期相符时说,导致今年西班牙出现损害收入的价格战的“完美风暴”不可能再次出现。

    Imperial Tobacco said it was unlikely to see a repeat of the " perfect storm " that led to revenue-damaging price wars in Spain this year , as it reported annual profits in line with expectations .

  18. 帝国烟草加拿大公司目前没有对此发表评论,但是发言人说该公司过去没有销毁任何原件资料。

    Imperial Tobacco was not immediately available for comment , but spokesmen have said in the past that no original documents were ever destroyed .

  19. “在帝国烟草加拿大公司,我们支持该法案背后的初衷,我们赞同青少年不应该获得任何类型的烟草产品,”克莱顿补充说。

    " At Imperial Tobacco Canada , we supported the initial intention behind this legislation and we agree that youth should not have access to tobacco products of any kind ," added Clayton .

  20. 支持那些帝国主义大烟草公司吗?

    And support the imperialist big business tobacco lobby ?

  21. 由于国际市场卷烟的消费量一直在下降,奥驰亚、英美、日烟、帝国等跨国烟草公司将注意力转向了巨大的中国市场。

    Since China became a full WTO member , some transnational tobacco giants , such as Philip Morris , British American Tobacco , Japan Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco , have shifted their attention onto markets in China in face of a shrinking international market .

  22. 这两家公司都是位于英国的帝国烟草集团的子公司。

    Both companies are subsidiaries of United Kingdom-based Imperial Tobacco Group .

  23. 在旧中国,存在着帝国主义在华烟草公司与华商烟草公司的不公平竞争,英美烟草公司与南洋兄弟烟草公司的竞争是典型个案。

    In old China , there existed unfair competition between tobacco companies set up by Western powers in China and Chinese tobacco companies , and the competition between western tobacco companies and Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co. Ltd was a typical case .